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Little Enzian

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Posts posted by Little Enzian

  1. Hmm, I'm an iPad developer, and can tell you all that porting SL to the new iPad is remarkably easy, simple in fact. Might be a tiny bit more difficult, and would certainly run slower, on 1 and 2 models, but I sure can't stand the false impressions running around in here.

    Think of an iPad 1 or two as being the best desktop machine of 2003 or 4. The new iPad is more like the best desktop machine of 2007 or 8. Dual core CPU's at over a gigahertz, with four cores of graphics engine that frankly, would render SL superbly. 

    For those of you that obviously haven't handled one, and don't know, the current iPad blisters the pants off gaming consoles like the PS3, and will stand up and hoof it with the best of laptops...

    If SL doesn't want to die a horrible death, the iPad's the only I can think of, available to save it. With tower, desktop, and even laptop sales having ALREADY fallen through the floor, SL is facing diminishing returns from a solely desktop oriented app.

    Whatever you folks do from here on out, DON'T even suggest that the iPad couldn't handle the job, try realizing that SL's a typical corp these days, and wants to milk what it's got, rather than invest in a new code base. If you ANY doubts at all about this, try taking a hike over to unity3d.com and looking at what can be done without even custom optimizations. Try looking at the specs for the new iPad (how many of you, are looking at 3 megapixel screens, even on your "Powerful desktops"?) and the engines that drive them, to compare against your desktops of even two years ago. SL ran just fine on desktops then, and will run beautifully on iPads, if and when, SL gets off it's fat bottom and does something about it.

    There's an installed base of over 350 million iOS devices that SL could be running on. The fact that they haven't ported this already, is a very good indicator that they've ossified to the point of incapability, not any indicator of difficulty with the port.


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