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Sasha Primdashian

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Posts posted by Sasha Primdashian

  1. 18 minutes ago, NiranV Dean said:

    If you don't use shadows you are throwing away most of what makes Black Dragon good for photography (graphics wise), if you now turn off SSAO as well then there's no reason anymore to use BD at all.

    I guess because, I had been in Gor a long time-fighting in battles and the shadows were one thing we turned off to help performance but now that I have great internet and a great gaming PC I suppose that I could Use shadows again, I will Give Black Dragon and try, thank you very much for your Input! 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    no thanks, for the part that "we" people can't handle that freedom and the most vulgair and freaky stuff will get used, so only yes when there's a very serious moderation and approval system for it
    yes please for more and better new names
    no for numbers and emoticons
    no for symbols
    no for fancy fonts

    [ a post like this is better in the GD section of the forums, Answers isn't for discussions]

    They can set it where you cannot do that.  There is always a way to stop certain things. And I put it here as a discussion to hear how others feel about it. does it bother you ?

    • Like 4
  3. I have a very good video card. just looking for suggestions on good settings. I do not use fog or shadow, I even do not use the trees that are generated in-game ie non-mesh or Sculpted, I use Firestorm, Is there a suggestion also to find a viewer where we can take awesome photos, I do not feel that the filters on Firestorm are awesome enough. Any suggestion is welcomed!

  4. I Was just told Microsoft has bought out LL.. and soon not able to log on only by xbox and ps3..

    That we would not be able to log on anymore.. that we would have to install and download like WoW and other games, i do hope this is not true considering alot of us has payed thousands of dollars into avi's over the years.. I know i have played since 2006 so please.. this can not be true can it?

  5. All I need to say is that.. no matter where we go in sl or sl Gor that there are others out there that always, will ruin it for others i like the idea of being able to prove that something has happend because we all know there are the apparent SUPER bows that always have to win no matter what and when you try and prove that they did something they should not of done then they rage and throw a hissy fit because it dont go the way they wanted it too. But i think its a great idea.. nothing better then putting someone in there place then again its a damned shame to have to even have to have something to prove if someone did anything because people dont know how to act like adults and follow rules HAHA.. what is worse are the people that are rp mods and sim owners that get pissy when noone follows there rules then turn round and break other sim rules nothing worse then a god modder.and people that make rules and break there own rules to benifit them selfs we all can name a few people . with that said I think its a good idea to be able to prove your innocence and also point out when someone is not following the rules..

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