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Cookie Bertone

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Posts posted by Cookie Bertone

  1. I want to display the height of the sun so I can get a light to switch on and off automatically.  I can get the light to work fine and it switches on when it gets dark but I want it to tell me what the sun height is each time the timer expires and for some probably silly reason it tells me there is a type mismatch.

    I have defined:

    vector sun_position;
    float sun_height;

    I then get the height by doing this:

    sun_position = llGetSunDirection();
    sun_height = sun_position.z;

    And then I try to get it to tell me the height:

    llOwnerSay("Sun height is: "+sun_height);

    Sorry for asking what I consider to be a noob question but I have spent a long time not using LSL and the answer to this question has escaped me.

  2. Hello.  When you select update on the radio it queries the server with the radio model and version number.  The server checks the details it received against what is listed as the current version in the server notecard.  If the version in the server notecard is newer than the radio that sent the query then it sends the radio owner the latest version of the radio stored in it the server contents.

    I had a version in alpha that just updated the script in the radio but I never seemed to get the time to finish it.

    • Like 1
  3. Some time ago (2007) I developed a radio script for Second Life that I sold in my own store.  When I closed the store in 2010 (since reopened) I decided to give away the script for reuse by any resident and it was posted in the old forums.  To make it easier to find I am now posting it again here, although slightly updated to fix an glitch caused by recent (June 2017) changes to the llHTTPRequest command.

    I don't ask for any L$ in return but if you use it, and especially sell it, please credit me.  Thanks.

    Below is the radio script, a copy of the notecard, a copy of the server script and a copy of the server notecard.


    // Bertone Audio Parcel Music Player by Cookie Bertone
    // last modified 22 July 2017
    // previous minor revision 28 february 2016
    // previous major revision 17 May 2010
    // if instructions are renamed make change in this script also!!
    string version = "165A"; // Version number of this item
    string gName = "channels"; // name of the notecard that holds the channel list
    integer gLine = 0; // current line number, set to 0 so it starts at the beginning
    key gQueryID; // id used to identify dataserver queries
    list GenreElementList = [];
    integer populating_list = TRUE;
    string nPlaying = "Unknown";
    integer FloatText = TRUE;
    integer ShowURL = FALSE;
    // start 150 extras
    list trackpulllist = [];
    float gap = 5.0;
    float counter = 0.0;
    string nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
    string TrackElementHold = "";
    integer nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
    // end 150 extras
    // start 160 extras
    key gkOwner;
    key serverID = "d48e17c5-e8f6-1588-b57f-9d28423de917@lsl.secondlife.com";
    integer InstalledTextures = 0;
    // end 160 extras
    key menuitem; // id used to get menu selection
    list MainMenu = ["tuner", "options", "off"];
    list OptionsMenu = ["instructions", "texton", "textoff", "show url", "playing", "list", "reset", "update", "main menu"];
    string tuner_dialog = "\nBAS Parcel Music Player\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n\nMake a selection or press 'ignore' to close this dialog box.";
    string chatline = "------------------------------------------------------";
    list first_menu;
    list second_menu;
    list third_menu;
    list fourth_menu;
    list fifth_menu;
    list sixth_menu;
    list seventh_menu;
    list eigth_menu;
    list ninth_menu;
    string lastpage = "Page 9";
        // when device is first rezzed it will reset the script
        on_rez(integer start_param)
            llSay(0, "Player installed. Setting defaults.");
            llSay(0, "Defaults set.");
        // when script is started or restarted it will display some details about the device,
        // tell it to read the data file, start the listen and set the text on the device
            llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
            llSay(978, "reset");
            llSay(0, "\n\n" +chatline+ "\nBAS PMP (Parcel Music Player) " +version+ "\nScript written by Cookie Bertone\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n" +chatline+ "\n\nLoading channels.\nPlease wait for 'Ready'.\n\n");
            gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request first line
            llListen(87, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for request on channel 87
            llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version, <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            llSetTimerEvent(gap); // Activate the timer listener every X seconds
        // when the device is touched it will display the main menu
        touch_start(integer touchNumber)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            integer index = llListFindList(GenreElementList, [message]);
            if (index != -1)
                llSay(0, "Found "+message+" in channel list. Setting channel.");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, index);
            else if (message=="list")
                llSay(0, "Listing possible genres:");
                integer x;
                integer length=llGetListLength(GenreElementList);
                for (x=0; x<length; x++)
            else if (message=="playing")
                llSay(0, "Now playing: "+nPlaying);
            else if (message=="texton")
                FloatText = TRUE;
                nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
                llSetText("Now playing: "+nPlaying+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="textoff")
                FloatText = FALSE;
                nPlayingSHOW = FALSE;
                llSetText(" ", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="show url")
                ShowURL = TRUE;
            else if (message=="XXpictureXX")
                integer InstalledTextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
                if (InstalledTextures == 1)
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0);
                    llSay (0,"Texture found: " +TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures > 1)
                    float RandTexture = llFrand(InstalledTextures);
                    integer TextureChoice = (integer)RandTexture;
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, TextureChoice);
                    llSay (0,"Choosing a random texture: "+TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures < 1)
                    llSay(0,"There are no textures installed.");
            else if (message=="instructions")
                llGiveInventory(id, "radio instructions (16)");
            else if (message=="reset")
                llSay(0, "Resetting.");
            else if (message=="options")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, OptionsMenu, 87);
            else if (message=="update")
                llOwnerSay("Contacting update server.");
                llEmail(serverID,"Update Request",llGetObjectName() + ":" + version + "|" + (string)llGetOwner());
            else if (message=="off")
                llSay(0, "System Off");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "red");
                //next two lines new for v1.5, these reset variables to stop it displaying track names when switched off
                nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
                TrackElementHold = "";
                if (FloatText = TRUE)
                    llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version+ " OFF", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="tuner")
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 80)
                    llSay(0, "Only the first 80 channels will be displayed in the menu.");
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 12)
                    // remember that a list starts at 0, not 1
                    // all the menus except the first one are set here so the following if statements can change them if necessary
                    second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 3"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                    third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 4"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                    fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 5"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                    fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 6"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                    sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 7"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                    seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 8"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                    eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 9"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                    ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                    // this bit sets which page will be the last so no empty menus are displayed
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 81)
                        ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                        lastpage = "Page 9";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 72)
                        eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                        lastpage = "Page 8";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 63)
                        seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                        lastpage = "Page 7";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 54)
                        sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                        lastpage = "Page 6";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 45)
                        fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                        lastpage = "Page 5";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 36)
                        fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                        lastpage = "Page 4";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 27)
                        third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                        lastpage = "Page 3";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 18)
                        second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                        lastpage = "Page 2";
                    // the first menu is set here 'after' the last page has been defined (above) then the first dialog is displayed
                    first_menu = [lastpage, "main menu", "Page 2"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 0, 8);
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
                    // if there are less than 12 items in the menu it displays this dialog that doesn't need the page buttons
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, GenreElementList, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 1")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 2")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, second_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 3")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, third_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 4")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fourth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 5")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fifth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 6")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, sixth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 7")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, seventh_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 8")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, eigth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 9")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, ninth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="main menu")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
                llSay(0, "Sorry. I couldn't find a station or command with the ID: "+message);
    // timer section is new for version 1.5
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],"");
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n",[],"");
            if (nPlayingURL != "NOT_SET")
            llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html", [HTTP_USER_AGENT, "BAS_"+version+" (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");
    // http_response section is new for version 1.5    
        http_response(key trackid, integer status, list metadata, string trackbody)
            list TrackPullList = llParseString2List(trackbody,[","],[]); // takes the http result and turns it into a list
            string TrackElement = llList2String(TrackPullList,6); // takes the sixth item out of the http result list
            TrackElement = llDeleteSubString(TrackElement, -14, -1); // strips off the html junk text at the end
            if (nPlayingSHOW == TRUE)
                if (TrackElementHold != TrackElement)
                    llSay(0, "Now playing: " + TrackElement + "."); // displays the result 
                    TrackElementHold = TrackElement;
        dataserver(key query_id, string data)
            if (populating_list == TRUE) // first pass through is to build up a list of Genre Names
                if (data != EOF)
                    list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]);
                    string GenreElement = llList2String(StationList,2);
                    GenreElementList = GenreElementList + [llList2String(StationList,2)];
                    ++gLine; // increase line count by 1
                    gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request next line
                    populating_list = FALSE;
                    llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                    llSay(0, "\n\nReady.\nTouch player to begin...\n\n");
                list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // converts the line taken into a list
                string URLElement = llList2String(StationList,0); // grab the URL
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "blue");
                string StationElement = llList2String(StationList,1);
                if (ShowURL == TRUE)
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+". ("+URLElement+"\n)");
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+".\n");
                if (FloatText == TRUE)
                    //llSay(0,"DIAGNOSTIC: FloatText is true");
                    llSetText("Now playing: "+StationElement+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
                nPlaying = StationElement; // this holds the station name for use in other sections
                nPlayingURL = URLElement; // this holds the station URL for use in other sections


    I have left a load of channels here for reference.  They can be replaced with any compatible stream.

    http://ice1.somafm.com/groovesalad-128-mp3,Groove Salad ~ Soma FM,Groove Salad, ~ A nicely chilled plate of ambient downtempo beats and grooves
    http://ice1.somafm.com/dronezone-128-mp3,Drone Zone ~ Soma FM,Drone Zone, ~ Served best chilled and safe with most medications. Atmospheric textures with minimal beats
    http://ice1.somafm.com/indiepop-128-mp3,Indie Pop Rocks ~ Soma FM,Indie Pop, ~ New and classic favorite indie pop tracks
    http://ice1.somafm.com/lush-128-mp3,Lush ~ Soma FM,Lush, ~ Sensuous and mellow vocals with an electronic influence
    http://ice1.somafm.com/secretagent-128-mp3,Secret Agent ~ Soma FM,Secret Agent, ~ The soundtrack for your stylish mysterious dangerous life. For Spies and PIs too!
    http://ice1.somafm.com/spacestation-128-mp3,Space Station Soma ~ Soma FM,Space Station Soma, ~ Tune in turn on space out. Spaced-out ambient and mid-tempo electronica
    http://ice1.somafm.com/u80s-128-mp3,Underground 80s ~ Soma FM,Underground 80s, ~ Early 80s UK Synthpop and a bit of New Wave
    http://ice1.somafm.com/deepspaceone-128-mp3,Deep Spare One ~ Soma FM,Deep Space One, ~ Deep ambient electronic experimental and space music. For inner and outer space exploration
    http://ice1.somafm.com/beatblender-128-mp3,Beat Blender ~ Soma FM,Beat Blender, ~ A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chill
    http://ice1.somafm.com/suburbsofgoa-128-mp3,Suburbs of Goa ~ Soma FM,Suburbs of Goa, ~ Desi-influenced Asian world beats and beyond
    http://ice1.somafm.com/bootliquor-128-mp3,Boot Liquor ~ Soma FM,Boot Liquor, ~ Americana Roots music for Cowhands Cowpokes and Cowtippers
    http://ice1.somafm.com/sonicuniverse-128-mp3,Sonic Universe ~ Soma FM,Sonic Universe, ~ Transcending the world of jazz with eclectic avant-garde takes on traditionhttp://ice1.somafm.com/poptron-128-mp3,PopTron ~ Soma FM,PopTron, ~ Electropop and indie dance rock with sparkle and pop
    http://ice1.somafm.com/folkfwd-128-mp3,Folk Forward ~ Soma FM,Folk Forward, ~ Indie Folk, Alt-folk and the occasional folk classics
    http://ice1.somafm.com/defcon-128-mp3,DEF CON Radio ~ Soma FM,DEF CON Radio, ~ Music for Hacking. The DEF CON Year-Round Channel
    http://ice1.somafm.com/seventies-128-mp3,Left Coast 70s ~ Soma FM,Left Coaast 70s, ~ Mellow album rock from the Seventies. Yacht friendly
    http://ice1.somafm.com/bagel-128-mp3,BAGeL Radio ~ Soma FM,BAGeL Radio, ~ What alternative rock radio should sound like
    http://ice1.somafm.com/thetrip-128-mp3,The Trip ~ Soma FM,The Trip, ~ Progressive house / trance. Tip top tunes
    http://ice1.somafm.com/fluid-128-mp3,Fluid ~ Soma FM,Fluid, ~ Drown in the electronic sound of instrumental hiphop future soul and liquid trap
    http://ice1.somafm.com/thistle-128-mp3,Thistle Radio ~ Soma FM,Thistle Radio, ~ Exploring music from Celtic roots and branches
    http://ice1.somafm.com/illstreet-128-mp3,Illinois Street Lounge ~ Soma FM,Illinois Street Lounge, ~ Classic bachelor pad playful exotica and vintage music of tomorrow
    http://ice1.somafm.com/7soul-128-mp3,Seven Inch Soul ~ Soma FM,Seven Inch Soul, ~ Vintage soul tracks from the original 45 RPM vinyl
    http://ice1.somafm.com/cliqhop-128-mp3,cliqhop idm ~ Soma FM,cliqhop idm, ~ Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Music
    http://ice1.somafm.com/digitalis-128-mp3,Digitalis ~ Soma FM,Digitalis, Digitally affected analog rock to calm the agitated heart
    http://ice1.somafm.com/missioncontrol-128-mp3,Mission Control ~ Soma FM,Mission Control, ~ Celebrating NASA and Space Explorers everywhere
    http://ice1.somafm.com/dubstep-128-mp3,Dub Step Beyond ~ Soma FM,Dub Step Beyond, ~ Dubstep Dub and Deep Bass. May damage speakers at high volume
    http://ice1.somafm.com/doomed-128-mp3,Doomed ~ Soma FM,Doomed, ~ Dark industrial/ambient music for tortured souls
    http://ice1.somafm.com/brfm-128-mp3,Black Rock FM ~ Soma FM,Black Rock FM, ~ From the Playa to the world, back for the 2015 Burning Man festival
    http://ice1.somafm.com/covers-128-mp3,Covers ~ Soma FM,Covers, ~ Just covers. Songs you know by artists you don't. We've got you covered
    http://ice1.somafm.com/sf1033-128-mp3,SF 10-33 ~ Soma FM,SF 10-33, ~ Ambient music mixed with the sounds of San Francisco public safety radio traffic
    http://ice1.somafm.com/earwaves-128-mp3,Earwaves ~ Soma FM,Earwaves, ~ Spanning the history of electronic and experimental music from the early pioneers to the latest innovators
    http://ice1.somafm.com/metal-128-mp3,Metal Detector ~ Soma FM,Metal Detector, ~ From black to doom / prog to sludge / thrash to post / stoner to crossover / punk to industrial


    Note, this is maybe only 10% my own work and is based on another script for which I have long since lost the details where I got it from.  If you find the original author please let me know so I can credit them.

    // CTD Updater Script
    // Server UUID:debccf52-3ec9-0428-4f4f-dcc533199b30
    // NOTE: This is an area to keep the UUID in the notes for reference.
    key serverID;
    string cardName = "Updates"; // Name of the Notecard with all of the Item:Version info
    string company = "Bertone Audio"; // Name of the company
    key lineTotalID;
    key locateID;
    integer lineCurrent = 0; // Line Offset
    integer lineTotal; // Line Offset
    string noteLine;
    string noteFront;
    string noteBack;
    string item;
    string version;
    key user;
    float watchdog = 10.0;
    integer InUse = FALSE;
    lineTotalID = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
    email(string time, string address, string subject, string body, integer remaining)
    llWhisper(0,"Received Request...");
    if (InUse == FALSE)
    InUse = TRUE;
    llSetText("In Use...",<1,1,1>,1.0);
    string message = llDeleteSubString(body, 0, llSubStringIndex(body, "\n\n") + 1);
    integer itemMark = llSubStringIndex(message,":");
    integer verMark = llSubStringIndex(message,"|");
    item = llGetSubString(message,0,(itemMark - 1));
    version = llGetSubString(message,(itemMark + 1),(verMark - 1));
    user = (key)llGetSubString(message,(verMark + 1), -1);
    llWhisper(0,"Item: " + item);
    llWhisper(0,"Version: " + version);
    llWhisper(0,"User: " + llKey2Name(user));
    lineCurrent = 0;
    locateID = llGetNotecardLine(cardName,0);
    dataserver(key queryID, string data)
    if (queryID == lineTotalID)
    lineTotal = (integer)data;
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Found " + (string)lineTotal + " items on update server.");
    if (locateID == queryID)
    if (data != EOF)
    noteLine = data;
    integer marker = llSubStringIndex(noteLine,":");
    if (marker != -1)
    lineCurrent += 1;
    noteFront = llGetSubString(noteLine,0,( marker - 1 ));
    noteBack = llGetSubString(noteLine,( marker + 1 ), -1);
    if (marker == -1)
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Error with Update Server Inventory line: " + (string)lineCurrent);
    if (noteFront != item)
    locateID = llGetNotecardLine(cardName,lineCurrent);
    if (noteFront == item)
    if ((float)noteBack > (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"Sending you the updated version of: " + item);
    if ((float)noteBack < (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"There was an error with the update of your " + item + ", please contact " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()));
    if ((float)noteBack == (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"Your " + item + " by " + company + " is up to date.");
    InUse = FALSE;
    if (data == EOF)
    InUse = FALSE;
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Update Server Hit EOF on Update List");


    Bertone Audio - Classic Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Hidden Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Tube Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Pyramid Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Cube Radio:165A




    Since first discovering Second Life in October 2005 I loved the endless possibilities it offered and in July 2007 I opened Bertone Audio where I sold my very own scripted radio.

    My store quickly became the #1 place to go in Second Life for audio and video streaming devices.  I won't lie, I made an absolute fortune, not only paying all my SL's fees but I was also making regular USD cash withdrawals !!

    However, in the summer of 2010 Linden Labs changed the search rules and my sales dropped to a small fraction of what they had been so it was no longer economically viable to stay open.  In October that year my store closed its doors for what I thought would be the last time.

    But how things change.  Thanks to a huge reduction in SL's fees and land costs I can now not only reopen my store but I have decided that I will make my radio available to everybody for absolutely nothing !!!  So here it is, my new store in Bilogorac.  Please take a radio, give it a try and if you like it please let me know.


    This is the instruction guide for all Bertone Audio radios.  Please note that it has not been updated since October 2010 and so some references to external sites and products may be out of date.


    Landmark for my original store. (July 2007 - October 2010)

    Radio version at time of writing was 1.62.

    **** CONTENTS ****

    1. Overview
    2. Instructions
    3. Playing your own MP3's in Second Life

    IMPORTANT: All visitors are advised to take one of the FREE basic radios for parcel compatibility testing before purchasing a full system.

    **** OVERVIEW ****

    I hope the Bertone Audio radio is exactly what you are looking for in a parcel music player.

    All of the Bertone Audio radios contain a script, customisable channel list and a set of instructions just like these.  The radios use a touch to activate menu or simple chat based commands and can be operated by the owner from within the same parcel.  The speakers and stands are for aesthetic purposes only and serve no function other than to look good.

    The channel list will be checked every few weeks for changes and is available free of charge by either selecting the 'update' option in the player menu or from the information post in the store.  Why not join the Bertone Audio - Update Group and get instant notification of any updates?  It's free to join.

    To purchase an item simply touch the item or the black/green L$ cube above it.

    Thank you for visiting.


    * For use on group owned land the receiver must be deeded to the group and group members must have the group tag activated.  For use in apartments or on shared group land the officers must deem the user qualified to change the url on behalf of the group.

    * Should you already own a device that uses the same channel please let me know and I'll sort out another that uses a different channel to avoid conflicts.

    **** INSTRUCTIONS ****

    The following will attempt to describe installation, use and modification of a Bertone Audio radio.  If you have any problems with a system that you have purchased please PM me, Cookie Bertone, and I will attempt to help you overcome the problem.

    VERY IMPORTANT: If you are installing the system on group or rented land please ensure you have read and understood the notes below regarding this.

    The system consists of (a) the receiver (b) speakers and (c) stand/s.  The speakers and stands are simple basic prims and have no purpose except to look good.  The receiver contains the working parts of the system which are the script and the station notecard as well as a copy of these instructions and a location for the store.  The script sets the streaming audio URL for the parcel the receiver is on and it cannot be viewed, modified or copied.  The station notecard contains the station list and can be freely modified. 

    Place the receiver in the land parcel that you want to use it with.

    In most circumstances the receiver must be owned by the owner of the parcel.  For use on group owned land the receiver must be deeded to the group and group members must have the group tag activated to be able to use it.  For use in apartments or on shared group land the officers must deem the user qualified to change the url on behalf of the group.

    If the receiver is deeded to a group the channels notecard cannot be edited until ownership is returned to an individual.  That individual can then edit the notecard before returning ownership to its previous settings.

    To select a channel:
    Touch the player to activate the menu, select 'tuner' and then select the station you would like to listen to.  To display more stations select one of the 'page' buttons (not available in free or basic player).

    You can also control the player using chat commands.

    In general chat enter /97 followed by a space and the button name of the station you want to listen to.  Eg: The button name for DI.fm's Lounge channel is di_lounge and for Sky FM's Best of the 80's channel it is sky_80s . To select either of those channels you would enter the following in chat: /97 di_lounge or /97 sky_80s .  To view a list of all channels enter /97 list .

    From version 1.2.3 you can also display the current station in floating text above the receiver.  To display the floating text enter /97 texton.  To hide the floating text enter /97 textoff.

    To view & modify available channels:
    With the 'full' version of the player the station notecard can be modified by the user without restrictions. To see the notecard right-click on the receiver and select 'Open' from the pie menu.  This will open the 'Object Contents' window.  You can now see the contents of the receiver which are the script, the channels notecard, the instructions notecard and a location.

    If you double left-click on the channels notecard it will open in a new window.  You can now see all the channels that the receiver can use.  Each line of the channels notecard refers to one station.  Each line consists of three parts seperated by commas.  First is the stream URL, second is the description and third is the button name.

    To add a new channel simply create a new line, enter the stream address, a description you understand and a button name, each seperated by commas.  You need to watch out for spaces on either side of the commas and to not use a button name that has already been used.  The button name is limited to twelve charachters.

    To delete a channel just delete the line and to change a button name just overtype it.

    Once finished save the notecard and then close the channels and Object Contents windows.  You then need to reset the script by selecting the device (right-click on it to open the pie menu) and then go to the 'Tools' menu (at the top of the Second Life window between 'World' and 'Help') and selecting 'Reset Scripts in Selection' for it to update.

    * where applicable

    If you ruin your notecard don't panic, new notecards are available from the dispenser in store.


    • Like 1
  4. Some time ago (2007) I developed a radio script for Second Life that I sold in my own store.  When I closed the store in 2010 (since reopened) I decided to give away the script for reuse by any resident and it was posted in the old forums.  To make it easier to find I am now posting it again here, although slightly updated to fix an glitch caused by recent (June 2017) changes to the llHTTPRequest command.

    I don't ask for any L$ in return but if you use it, and especially sell it, please credit me.  Thanks.

    Below is the radio script, a copy of the notecard, a copy of the server script and a copy of the server notecard.


    // Bertone Audio Parcel Music Player by Cookie Bertone
    // last modified 22 July 2017
    // previous minor revision 28 february 2016
    // previous major revision 17 May 2010
    // if instructions are renamed make change in this script also!!
    string version = "165A"; // Version number of this item
    string gName = "channels"; // name of the notecard that holds the channel list
    integer gLine = 0; // current line number, set to 0 so it starts at the beginning
    key gQueryID; // id used to identify dataserver queries
    list GenreElementList = [];
    integer populating_list = TRUE;
    string nPlaying = "Unknown";
    integer FloatText = TRUE;
    integer ShowURL = FALSE;
    // start 150 extras
    list trackpulllist = [];
    float gap = 5.0;
    float counter = 0.0;
    string nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
    string TrackElementHold = "";
    integer nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
    // end 150 extras
    // start 160 extras
    key gkOwner;
    key serverID = "d48e17c5-e8f6-1588-b57f-9d28423de917@lsl.secondlife.com";
    integer InstalledTextures = 0;
    // end 160 extras
    key menuitem; // id used to get menu selection
    list MainMenu = ["tuner", "options", "off"];
    list OptionsMenu = ["instructions", "texton", "textoff", "show url", "playing", "list", "reset", "update", "main menu"];
    string tuner_dialog = "\nBAS Parcel Music Player\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n\nMake a selection or press 'ignore' to close this dialog box.";
    string chatline = "------------------------------------------------------";
    list first_menu;
    list second_menu;
    list third_menu;
    list fourth_menu;
    list fifth_menu;
    list sixth_menu;
    list seventh_menu;
    list eigth_menu;
    list ninth_menu;
    string lastpage = "Page 9";
        // when device is first rezzed it will reset the script
        on_rez(integer start_param)
            llSay(0, "Player installed. Setting defaults.");
            llSay(0, "Defaults set.");
        // when script is started or restarted it will display some details about the device,
        // tell it to read the data file, start the listen and set the text on the device
            llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
            llSay(978, "reset");
            llSay(0, "\n\n" +chatline+ "\nBAS PMP (Parcel Music Player) " +version+ "\nScript written by Cookie Bertone\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n" +chatline+ "\n\nLoading channels.\nPlease wait for 'Ready'.\n\n");
            gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request first line
            llListen(87, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for request on channel 87
            llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version, <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            llSetTimerEvent(gap); // Activate the timer listener every X seconds
        // when the device is touched it will display the main menu
        touch_start(integer touchNumber)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            integer index = llListFindList(GenreElementList, [message]);
            if (index != -1)
                llSay(0, "Found "+message+" in channel list. Setting channel.");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, index);
            else if (message=="list")
                llSay(0, "Listing possible genres:");
                integer x;
                integer length=llGetListLength(GenreElementList);
                for (x=0; x<length; x++)
            else if (message=="playing")
                llSay(0, "Now playing: "+nPlaying);
            else if (message=="texton")
                FloatText = TRUE;
                nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
                llSetText("Now playing: "+nPlaying+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="textoff")
                FloatText = FALSE;
                nPlayingSHOW = FALSE;
                llSetText(" ", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="show url")
                ShowURL = TRUE;
            else if (message=="XXpictureXX")
                integer InstalledTextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
                if (InstalledTextures == 1)
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0);
                    llSay (0,"Texture found: " +TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures > 1)
                    float RandTexture = llFrand(InstalledTextures);
                    integer TextureChoice = (integer)RandTexture;
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, TextureChoice);
                    llSay (0,"Choosing a random texture: "+TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures < 1)
                    llSay(0,"There are no textures installed.");
            else if (message=="instructions")
                llGiveInventory(id, "radio instructions (16)");
            else if (message=="reset")
                llSay(0, "Resetting.");
            else if (message=="options")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, OptionsMenu, 87);
            else if (message=="update")
                llOwnerSay("Contacting update server.");
                llEmail(serverID,"Update Request",llGetObjectName() + ":" + version + "|" + (string)llGetOwner());
            else if (message=="off")
                llSay(0, "System Off");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "red");
                //next two lines new for v1.5, these reset variables to stop it displaying track names when switched off
                nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
                TrackElementHold = "";
                if (FloatText = TRUE)
                    llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version+ " OFF", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="tuner")
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 80)
                    llSay(0, "Only the first 80 channels will be displayed in the menu.");
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 12)
                    // remember that a list starts at 0, not 1
                    // all the menus except the first one are set here so the following if statements can change them if necessary
                    second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 3"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                    third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 4"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                    fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 5"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                    fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 6"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                    sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 7"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                    seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 8"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                    eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 9"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                    ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                    // this bit sets which page will be the last so no empty menus are displayed
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 81)
                        ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                        lastpage = "Page 9";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 72)
                        eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                        lastpage = "Page 8";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 63)
                        seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                        lastpage = "Page 7";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 54)
                        sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                        lastpage = "Page 6";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 45)
                        fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                        lastpage = "Page 5";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 36)
                        fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                        lastpage = "Page 4";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 27)
                        third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                        lastpage = "Page 3";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 18)
                        second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                        lastpage = "Page 2";
                    // the first menu is set here 'after' the last page has been defined (above) then the first dialog is displayed
                    first_menu = [lastpage, "main menu", "Page 2"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 0, 8);
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
                    // if there are less than 12 items in the menu it displays this dialog that doesn't need the page buttons
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, GenreElementList, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 1")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 2")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, second_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 3")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, third_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 4")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fourth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 5")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fifth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 6")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, sixth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 7")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, seventh_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 8")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, eigth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 9")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, ninth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="main menu")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
                llSay(0, "Sorry. I couldn't find a station or command with the ID: "+message);
    // timer section is new for version 1.5
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],"");
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n",[],"");
            if (nPlayingURL != "NOT_SET")
            llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html", [HTTP_USER_AGENT, "BAS_"+version+" (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");
    // http_response section is new for version 1.5    
        http_response(key trackid, integer status, list metadata, string trackbody)
            list TrackPullList = llParseString2List(trackbody,[","],[]); // takes the http result and turns it into a list
            string TrackElement = llList2String(TrackPullList,6); // takes the sixth item out of the http result list
            TrackElement = llDeleteSubString(TrackElement, -14, -1); // strips off the html junk text at the end
            if (nPlayingSHOW == TRUE)
                if (TrackElementHold != TrackElement)
                    llSay(0, "Now playing: " + TrackElement + "."); // displays the result 
                    TrackElementHold = TrackElement;
        dataserver(key query_id, string data)
            if (populating_list == TRUE) // first pass through is to build up a list of Genre Names
                if (data != EOF)
                    list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]);
                    string GenreElement = llList2String(StationList,2);
                    GenreElementList = GenreElementList + [llList2String(StationList,2)];
                    ++gLine; // increase line count by 1
                    gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request next line
                    populating_list = FALSE;
                    llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                    llSay(0, "\n\nReady.\nTouch player to begin...\n\n");
                list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // converts the line taken into a list
                string URLElement = llList2String(StationList,0); // grab the URL
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "blue");
                string StationElement = llList2String(StationList,1);
                if (ShowURL == TRUE)
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+". ("+URLElement+"\n)");
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+".\n");
                if (FloatText == TRUE)
                    //llSay(0,"DIAGNOSTIC: FloatText is true");
                    llSetText("Now playing: "+StationElement+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
                nPlaying = StationElement; // this holds the station name for use in other sections
                nPlayingURL = URLElement; // this holds the station URL for use in other sections


    I have left a load of channels here for reference.  They can be replaced with any compatible stream.

    http://ice1.somafm.com/groovesalad-128-mp3,Groove Salad ~ Soma FM,Groove Salad, ~ A nicely chilled plate of ambient downtempo beats and grooves
    http://ice1.somafm.com/dronezone-128-mp3,Drone Zone ~ Soma FM,Drone Zone, ~ Served best chilled and safe with most medications. Atmospheric textures with minimal beats
    http://ice1.somafm.com/indiepop-128-mp3,Indie Pop Rocks ~ Soma FM,Indie Pop, ~ New and classic favorite indie pop tracks
    http://ice1.somafm.com/lush-128-mp3,Lush ~ Soma FM,Lush, ~ Sensuous and mellow vocals with an electronic influence
    http://ice1.somafm.com/secretagent-128-mp3,Secret Agent ~ Soma FM,Secret Agent, ~ The soundtrack for your stylish mysterious dangerous life. For Spies and PIs too!
    http://ice1.somafm.com/spacestation-128-mp3,Space Station Soma ~ Soma FM,Space Station Soma, ~ Tune in turn on space out. Spaced-out ambient and mid-tempo electronica
    http://ice1.somafm.com/u80s-128-mp3,Underground 80s ~ Soma FM,Underground 80s, ~ Early 80s UK Synthpop and a bit of New Wave
    http://ice1.somafm.com/deepspaceone-128-mp3,Deep Spare One ~ Soma FM,Deep Space One, ~ Deep ambient electronic experimental and space music. For inner and outer space exploration
    http://ice1.somafm.com/beatblender-128-mp3,Beat Blender ~ Soma FM,Beat Blender, ~ A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chill
    http://ice1.somafm.com/suburbsofgoa-128-mp3,Suburbs of Goa ~ Soma FM,Suburbs of Goa, ~ Desi-influenced Asian world beats and beyond
    http://ice1.somafm.com/bootliquor-128-mp3,Boot Liquor ~ Soma FM,Boot Liquor, ~ Americana Roots music for Cowhands Cowpokes and Cowtippers
    http://ice1.somafm.com/sonicuniverse-128-mp3,Sonic Universe ~ Soma FM,Sonic Universe, ~ Transcending the world of jazz with eclectic avant-garde takes on traditionhttp://ice1.somafm.com/poptron-128-mp3,PopTron ~ Soma FM,PopTron, ~ Electropop and indie dance rock with sparkle and pop
    http://ice1.somafm.com/folkfwd-128-mp3,Folk Forward ~ Soma FM,Folk Forward, ~ Indie Folk, Alt-folk and the occasional folk classics
    http://ice1.somafm.com/defcon-128-mp3,DEF CON Radio ~ Soma FM,DEF CON Radio, ~ Music for Hacking. The DEF CON Year-Round Channel
    http://ice1.somafm.com/seventies-128-mp3,Left Coast 70s ~ Soma FM,Left Coaast 70s, ~ Mellow album rock from the Seventies. Yacht friendly
    http://ice1.somafm.com/bagel-128-mp3,BAGeL Radio ~ Soma FM,BAGeL Radio, ~ What alternative rock radio should sound like
    http://ice1.somafm.com/thetrip-128-mp3,The Trip ~ Soma FM,The Trip, ~ Progressive house / trance. Tip top tunes
    http://ice1.somafm.com/fluid-128-mp3,Fluid ~ Soma FM,Fluid, ~ Drown in the electronic sound of instrumental hiphop future soul and liquid trap
    http://ice1.somafm.com/thistle-128-mp3,Thistle Radio ~ Soma FM,Thistle Radio, ~ Exploring music from Celtic roots and branches
    http://ice1.somafm.com/illstreet-128-mp3,Illinois Street Lounge ~ Soma FM,Illinois Street Lounge, ~ Classic bachelor pad playful exotica and vintage music of tomorrow
    http://ice1.somafm.com/7soul-128-mp3,Seven Inch Soul ~ Soma FM,Seven Inch Soul, ~ Vintage soul tracks from the original 45 RPM vinyl
    http://ice1.somafm.com/cliqhop-128-mp3,cliqhop idm ~ Soma FM,cliqhop idm, ~ Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Music
    http://ice1.somafm.com/digitalis-128-mp3,Digitalis ~ Soma FM,Digitalis, Digitally affected analog rock to calm the agitated heart
    http://ice1.somafm.com/missioncontrol-128-mp3,Mission Control ~ Soma FM,Mission Control, ~ Celebrating NASA and Space Explorers everywhere
    http://ice1.somafm.com/dubstep-128-mp3,Dub Step Beyond ~ Soma FM,Dub Step Beyond, ~ Dubstep Dub and Deep Bass. May damage speakers at high volume
    http://ice1.somafm.com/doomed-128-mp3,Doomed ~ Soma FM,Doomed, ~ Dark industrial/ambient music for tortured souls
    http://ice1.somafm.com/brfm-128-mp3,Black Rock FM ~ Soma FM,Black Rock FM, ~ From the Playa to the world, back for the 2015 Burning Man festival
    http://ice1.somafm.com/covers-128-mp3,Covers ~ Soma FM,Covers, ~ Just covers. Songs you know by artists you don't. We've got you covered
    http://ice1.somafm.com/sf1033-128-mp3,SF 10-33 ~ Soma FM,SF 10-33, ~ Ambient music mixed with the sounds of San Francisco public safety radio traffic
    http://ice1.somafm.com/earwaves-128-mp3,Earwaves ~ Soma FM,Earwaves, ~ Spanning the history of electronic and experimental music from the early pioneers to the latest innovators
    http://ice1.somafm.com/metal-128-mp3,Metal Detector ~ Soma FM,Metal Detector, ~ From black to doom / prog to sludge / thrash to post / stoner to crossover / punk to industrial


    Note, this is maybe only 10% my own work and is based on another script for which I have long since lost the details where I got it from.  If you find the original author please let me know so I can credit them.

    // CTD Updater Script
    // Server UUID:debccf52-3ec9-0428-4f4f-dcc533199b30
    // NOTE: This is an area to keep the UUID in the notes for reference.
    key serverID;
    string cardName = "Updates"; // Name of the Notecard with all of the Item:Version info
    string company = "Bertone Audio"; // Name of the company
    key lineTotalID;
    key locateID;
    integer lineCurrent = 0; // Line Offset
    integer lineTotal; // Line Offset
    string noteLine;
    string noteFront;
    string noteBack;
    string item;
    string version;
    key user;
    float watchdog = 10.0;
    integer InUse = FALSE;
    lineTotalID = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
    email(string time, string address, string subject, string body, integer remaining)
    llWhisper(0,"Received Request...");
    if (InUse == FALSE)
    InUse = TRUE;
    llSetText("In Use...",<1,1,1>,1.0);
    string message = llDeleteSubString(body, 0, llSubStringIndex(body, "\n\n") + 1);
    integer itemMark = llSubStringIndex(message,":");
    integer verMark = llSubStringIndex(message,"|");
    item = llGetSubString(message,0,(itemMark - 1));
    version = llGetSubString(message,(itemMark + 1),(verMark - 1));
    user = (key)llGetSubString(message,(verMark + 1), -1);
    llWhisper(0,"Item: " + item);
    llWhisper(0,"Version: " + version);
    llWhisper(0,"User: " + llKey2Name(user));
    lineCurrent = 0;
    locateID = llGetNotecardLine(cardName,0);
    dataserver(key queryID, string data)
    if (queryID == lineTotalID)
    lineTotal = (integer)data;
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Found " + (string)lineTotal + " items on update server.");
    if (locateID == queryID)
    if (data != EOF)
    noteLine = data;
    integer marker = llSubStringIndex(noteLine,":");
    if (marker != -1)
    lineCurrent += 1;
    noteFront = llGetSubString(noteLine,0,( marker - 1 ));
    noteBack = llGetSubString(noteLine,( marker + 1 ), -1);
    if (marker == -1)
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Error with Update Server Inventory line: " + (string)lineCurrent);
    if (noteFront != item)
    locateID = llGetNotecardLine(cardName,lineCurrent);
    if (noteFront == item)
    if ((float)noteBack > (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"Sending you the updated version of: " + item);
    if ((float)noteBack < (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"There was an error with the update of your " + item + ", please contact " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()));
    if ((float)noteBack == (float)version)
    llInstantMessage(user,"Your " + item + " by " + company + " is up to date.");
    InUse = FALSE;
    if (data == EOF)
    InUse = FALSE;
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Update Server Hit EOF on Update List");


    Bertone Audio - Classic Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Hidden Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Tube Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Pyramid Radio:165A
    Bertone Audio - Cube Radio:165A




    Since first discovering Second Life in October 2005 I loved the endless possibilities it offered and in July 2007 I opened Bertone Audio where I sold my very own scripted radio.

    My store quickly became the #1 place to go in Second Life for audio and video streaming devices.  I won't lie, I made an absolute fortune, not only paying all my SL's fees but I was also making regular USD cash withdrawals !!

    However, in the summer of 2010 Linden Labs changed the search rules and my sales dropped to a small fraction of what they had been so it was no longer economically viable to stay open.  In October that year my store closed its doors for what I thought would be the last time.

    But how things change.  Thanks to a huge reduction in SL's fees and land costs I can now not only reopen my store but I have decided that I will make my radio available to everybody for absolutely nothing !!!  So here it is, my new store in Bilogorac.  Please take a radio, give it a try and if you like it please let me know.


    This is the instruction guide for all Bertone Audio radios.  Please note that it has not been updated since October 2010 and so some references to external sites and products may be out of date.


    Landmark for my original store. (July 2007 - October 2010)

    Radio version at time of writing was 1.62.

    **** CONTENTS ****

    1. Overview
    2. Instructions
    3. Playing your own MP3's in Second Life

    IMPORTANT: All visitors are advised to take one of the FREE basic radios for parcel compatibility testing before purchasing a full system.

    **** OVERVIEW ****

    I hope the Bertone Audio radio is exactly what you are looking for in a parcel music player.

    All of the Bertone Audio radios contain a script, customisable channel list and a set of instructions just like these.  The radios use a touch to activate menu or simple chat based commands and can be operated by the owner from within the same parcel.  The speakers and stands are for aesthetic purposes only and serve no function other than to look good.

    The channel list will be checked every few weeks for changes and is available free of charge by either selecting the 'update' option in the player menu or from the information post in the store.  Why not join the Bertone Audio - Update Group and get instant notification of any updates?  It's free to join.

    To purchase an item simply touch the item or the black/green L$ cube above it.

    Thank you for visiting.


    * For use on group owned land the receiver must be deeded to the group and group members must have the group tag activated.  For use in apartments or on shared group land the officers must deem the user qualified to change the url on behalf of the group.

    * Should you already own a device that uses the same channel please let me know and I'll sort out another that uses a different channel to avoid conflicts.

    **** INSTRUCTIONS ****

    The following will attempt to describe installation, use and modification of a Bertone Audio radio.  If you have any problems with a system that you have purchased please PM me, Cookie Bertone, and I will attempt to help you overcome the problem.

    VERY IMPORTANT: If you are installing the system on group or rented land please ensure you have read and understood the notes below regarding this.

    The system consists of (a) the receiver (b) speakers and (c) stand/s.  The speakers and stands are simple basic prims and have no purpose except to look good.  The receiver contains the working parts of the system which are the script and the station notecard as well as a copy of these instructions and a location for the store.  The script sets the streaming audio URL for the parcel the receiver is on and it cannot be viewed, modified or copied.  The station notecard contains the station list and can be freely modified. 

    Place the receiver in the land parcel that you want to use it with.

    In most circumstances the receiver must be owned by the owner of the parcel.  For use on group owned land the receiver must be deeded to the group and group members must have the group tag activated to be able to use it.  For use in apartments or on shared group land the officers must deem the user qualified to change the url on behalf of the group.

    If the receiver is deeded to a group the channels notecard cannot be edited until ownership is returned to an individual.  That individual can then edit the notecard before returning ownership to its previous settings.

    To select a channel:
    Touch the player to activate the menu, select 'tuner' and then select the station you would like to listen to.  To display more stations select one of the 'page' buttons (not available in free or basic player).

    You can also control the player using chat commands.

    In general chat enter /97 followed by a space and the button name of the station you want to listen to.  Eg: The button name for DI.fm's Lounge channel is di_lounge and for Sky FM's Best of the 80's channel it is sky_80s . To select either of those channels you would enter the following in chat: /97 di_lounge or /97 sky_80s .  To view a list of all channels enter /97 list .

    From version 1.2.3 you can also display the current station in floating text above the receiver.  To display the floating text enter /97 texton.  To hide the floating text enter /97 textoff.

    To view & modify available channels:
    With the 'full' version of the player the station notecard can be modified by the user without restrictions. To see the notecard right-click on the receiver and select 'Open' from the pie menu.  This will open the 'Object Contents' window.  You can now see the contents of the receiver which are the script, the channels notecard, the instructions notecard and a location.

    If you double left-click on the channels notecard it will open in a new window.  You can now see all the channels that the receiver can use.  Each line of the channels notecard refers to one station.  Each line consists of three parts seperated by commas.  First is the stream URL, second is the description and third is the button name.

    To add a new channel simply create a new line, enter the stream address, a description you understand and a button name, each seperated by commas.  You need to watch out for spaces on either side of the commas and to not use a button name that has already been used.  The button name is limited to twelve charachters.

    To delete a channel just delete the line and to change a button name just overtype it.

    Once finished save the notecard and then close the channels and Object Contents windows.  You then need to reset the script by selecting the device (right-click on it to open the pie menu) and then go to the 'Tools' menu (at the top of the Second Life window between 'World' and 'Help') and selecting 'Reset Scripts in Selection' for it to update.

    * where applicable

    If you ruin your notecard don't panic, new notecards are available from the dispenser in store.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  5. There have been some recent LSL scripting changes regarding the llHTTPRequest command and my old script now gives errors.  The fixed script is as follows.

    // BAS PmP
    // last modified 22 July 2017
    // previous minor revision 28 february 2016
    // previous major revision 17 May 2010
    // if instructions are renamed make change in this script also!!
    string version = "165A"; // Version number of this item
    string gName = "channels"; // name of the notecard that holds the channel list
    integer gLine = 0; // current line number, set to 0 so it starts at the beginning
    key gQueryID; // id used to identify dataserver queries
    list GenreElementList = [];
    integer populating_list = TRUE;
    string nPlaying = "Unknown";
    integer FloatText = TRUE;
    integer ShowURL = FALSE;
    // start 1.5 extras
    list trackpulllist = [];
    float gap = 5.0;
    float counter = 0.0;
    // string nPlayingURL = "http://";
    string nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
    string TrackElementHold = "";
    integer nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
    // end 1.5 extras
    // start 1.6 extras
    key gkOwner;
    key serverID = "d48e17c5-e8f6-1588-b57f-9d28423de917@lsl.secondlife.com";
    integer InstalledTextures = 0;
    // end 1.6 extras
    key menuitem; // id used to get menu selection
    list MainMenu = ["tuner", "options", "off"];
    list OptionsMenu = ["instructions", "texton", "textoff", "show url", "playing", "list", "reset", "update", "main menu"];
    string tuner_dialog = "\nBAS Parcel Music Player\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n\nMake a selection or press 'ignore' to close this dialog box.";
    string chatline = "------------------------------------------------------";
    list first_menu;
    list second_menu;
    list third_menu;
    list fourth_menu;
    list fifth_menu;
    list sixth_menu;
    list seventh_menu;
    list eigth_menu;
    list ninth_menu;
    string lastpage = "Page 9";
        // when device is first rezzed it will reset the script
        on_rez(integer start_param)
            llSay(0, "Player installed. Setting defaults.");
            llSay(0, "Defaults set.");
        // when script is started or restarted it will display some details about the device,
        // tell it to read the data file, start the listen and set the text on the device
            llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
            llSay(978, "reset");
            llSay(0, "\n\n" +chatline+ "\nBAS PMP (Parcel Music Player) " +version+ "\nScript written by Cookie Bertone\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n" +chatline+ "\n\nLoading channels.\nPlease wait for 'Ready'.\n\n");
            gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request first line
            llListen(87, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for request on channel 87
            llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version, <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            llSetTimerEvent(gap); // Activate the timer listener every X seconds
        // when the device is touched it will display the main menu
        touch_start(integer touchNumber)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            integer index = llListFindList(GenreElementList, [message]);
            if (index != -1)
                llSay(0, "Found "+message+" in channel list. Setting channel.");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, index);
            else if (message=="list")
                llSay(0, "Listing possible genres:");
                integer x;
                integer length=llGetListLength(GenreElementList);
                for (x=0; x<length; x++)
            else if (message=="playing")
                llSay(0, "Now playing: "+nPlaying);
            else if (message=="texton")
                FloatText = TRUE;
                nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;
                llSetText("Now playing: "+nPlaying+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="textoff")
                FloatText = FALSE;
                nPlayingSHOW = FALSE;
                llSetText(" ", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="show url")
                ShowURL = TRUE;
            else if (message=="XXpictureXX")
                integer InstalledTextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
                if (InstalledTextures == 1)
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0);
                    llSay (0,"Texture found: " +TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures > 1)
                    float RandTexture = llFrand(InstalledTextures);
                    integer TextureChoice = (integer)RandTexture;
                    string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, TextureChoice);
                    llSay (0,"Choosing a random texture: "+TextureName);
                    if (name != "")
                        llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);
                if (InstalledTextures < 1)
                    llSay(0,"There are no textures installed.");
            else if (message=="instructions")
                llGiveInventory(id, "radio instructions (16)");
            else if (message=="reset")
                llSay(0, "Resetting.");
            else if (message=="options")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, OptionsMenu, 87);
            else if (message=="update")
                llOwnerSay("Contacting update server.");
                llEmail(serverID,"Update Request",llGetObjectName() + ":" + version + "|" + (string)llGetOwner());
            else if (message=="off")
                llSay(0, "System Off");
                llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "red");
                //next two lines new for v1.5, these reset variables to stop it displaying track names when switched off
                nPlayingURL = "NOT_SET";
                TrackElementHold = "";
                if (FloatText = TRUE)
                    llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version+ " OFF", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
            else if (message=="tuner")
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 80)
                    llSay(0, "Only the first 80 channels will be displayed in the menu.");
                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 12)
                    // remember that a list starts at 0, not 1
                    // all the menus except the first one are set here so the following if statements can change them if necessary
                    second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 3"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                    third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 4"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                    fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 5"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                    fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 6"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                    sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 7"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                    seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 8"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                    eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 9"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                    ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                    // this bit sets which page will be the last so no empty menus are displayed
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 81)
                        ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);
                        lastpage = "Page 9";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 72)
                        eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);
                        lastpage = "Page 8";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 63)
                        seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);
                        lastpage = "Page 7";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 54)
                        sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);
                        lastpage = "Page 6";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 45)
                        fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);
                        lastpage = "Page 5";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 36)
                        fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);
                        lastpage = "Page 4";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 27)
                        third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);
                        lastpage = "Page 3";
                    if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 18)
                        second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);
                        lastpage = "Page 2";
                    // the first menu is set here 'after' the last page has been defined (above) then the first dialog is displayed
                    first_menu = [lastpage, "main menu", "Page 2"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 0, 8);
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
                    // if there are less than 12 items in the menu it displays this dialog that doesn't need the page buttons
                    llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, GenreElementList, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 1")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 2")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, second_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 3")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, third_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 4")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fourth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 5")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fifth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 6")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, sixth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 7")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, seventh_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 8")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, eigth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="Page 9")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, ninth_menu, 87);
            else if(message=="main menu")
                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 87);
                llSay(0, "Sorry. I couldn't find a station or command with the ID: "+message);
    // timer section is new for version 1.5
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],"");
            //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n",[],"");
            if (nPlayingURL != "NOT_SET")
            llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html", [HTTP_USER_AGENT, "BAS_"+version+" (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");
    // http_response section is new for version 1.5    
        http_response(key trackid, integer status, list metadata, string trackbody)
            list TrackPullList = llParseString2List(trackbody,[","],[]); // takes the http result and turns it into a list
            string TrackElement = llList2String(TrackPullList,6); // takes the sixth item out of the http result list
            TrackElement = llDeleteSubString(TrackElement, -14, -1); // strips off the html junk text at the end
            if (nPlayingSHOW == TRUE)
                if (TrackElementHold != TrackElement)
                    llSay(0, "Now playing: " + TrackElement + "."); // displays the result 
                    TrackElementHold = TrackElement;
        dataserver(key query_id, string data)
            if (populating_list == TRUE) // first pass through is to build up a list of Genre Names
                if (data != EOF)
                    list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]);
                    string GenreElement = llList2String(StationList,2);
                    GenreElementList = GenreElementList + [llList2String(StationList,2)];
                    ++gLine; // increase line count by 1
                    gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request next line
                    populating_list = FALSE;
                    llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
                    llSay(0, "\n\nReady.\nTouch player to begin...\n\n");
                list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // converts the line taken into a list
                string URLElement = llList2String(StationList,0); // grab the URL
                llSetLinkColor(2, <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>, ALL_SIDES);
                llSay(978, "blue");
                string StationElement = llList2String(StationList,1);
                if (ShowURL == TRUE)
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+". ("+URLElement+"\n)");
                    llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+".\n");
                if (FloatText == TRUE)
                    //llSay(0,"DIAGNOSTIC: FloatText is true");
                    llSetText("Now playing: "+StationElement+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);
                nPlaying = StationElement; // this holds the station name for use in other sections
                nPlayingURL = URLElement; // this holds the station URL for use in other sections


    • Like 3
  6. 15 hours ago, Oz Linden said:

    That looks right ... what is the value of nPlayingURL ? Do you get an error message?


    Oops, silly me for not posting that information.

    But, this morning I go back to check and change the script and it is working fine.  Weird.  So yes it did look right because it was.  I cannot explain it as I even restarted my viewer and replaced the item to make sure it was reset last night.

    So, thank you all for your help.  :-)

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry to post this but I took a long break from SL and my skills with LSL seem to have vanished.

    My own script had the following command with the nPlayingURL being the stream URL.

    llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n",[],"");

    I thought that the following would work as it was very close to Fox's code, but it doesn't.  If somebody could point me in the right direction I would be super grateful.

    llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL + "/7.html", [HTTP_USER_AGENT, "BAS_PMP (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");


  8. If anybody is still looking for this I decided to reopen my store in SL and start working on an updated version.  The latest code is below.  This works as it should but it is still a work in progress.

    // BAS PmP// last modified 28 February 2016// previous major revision 17 May 2010// if instructions are renamed make change in this script also!!string version = "1.64c"; // Version number of this itemstring gName = "channels"; // name of the notecard that holds the channel listinteger gLine = 0; // current line number, set to 0 so it starts at the beginningkey gQueryID; // id used to identify dataserver querieslist GenreElementList = [];integer populating_list = TRUE;string nPlaying = "Unknown";integer FloatText = TRUE;integer ShowURL = FALSE;// start 1.5 extraslist trackpulllist = [];float gap = 5.0;float counter = 0.0;string nPlayingURL = "http://";string'>http://";string TrackElementHold = "";integer nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;// end 1.5 extras// start 1.6 extraskey gkOwner;key serverID = "d48e17c5-e8f6-1588-b57f-9d28423de917@lsl.secondlife.com";integer InstalledTextures = 0;// end 1.6 extraskey menuitem; // id used to get menu selectionlist MainMenu = ["tuner", "options", "off"];list OptionsMenu = ["instructions", "texton", "textoff", "show url", "playing", "list", "reset", "update", "main menu"];string tuner_dialog = "\nBAS Parcel Music Player\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n\nMake a selection or press 'ignore' to close this dialog box.";string chatline = "------------------------------------------------------";list first_menu;list second_menu;list third_menu;list fourth_menu;list fifth_menu;list sixth_menu;list seventh_menu;list eigth_menu;list ninth_menu;string lastpage = "Page 9";default{    // when device is first rezzed it will reset the script    on_rez(integer start_param)    {        llSay(0, "Player installed. Setting defaults.");        llResetScript();        llSay(0, "Defaults set.");    }        // when script is started or restarted it will display some details about the device,    // tell it to read the data file, start the listen and set the text on the device    state_entry()    {        llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);        llSay(978, "reset");        llSay(0, "\n\n" +chatline+ "\nBAS PMP (Parcel Music Player) " +version+ "\nScript written by Cookie Bertone\nBertone Audio Systems, Bilogorac (23, 196, 68)\n" +chatline+ "\n\nLoading channels.\nPlease wait for 'Ready'.\n\n");        llSetParcelMusicURL("");        gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request first line        llListen(97, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for request on channel 97        llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version, <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);        llSetTimerEvent(gap); // Activate the timer listener every X seconds    }        // when the device is touched it will display the main menu    touch_start(integer touchNumber)    {        llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 97);    }      listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        integer index = llListFindList(GenreElementList, [message]);        if (index != -1)        {            llSay(0, "Found "+message+" in channel list. Setting channel.");            llSetLinkColor(2, <0.0, 0.9, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);            gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, index);        }        else if (message=="list")        {            llSay(0, "Listing possible genres:");            integer x;            integer length=llGetListLength(GenreElementList);            for (x=0; x<length; x++)            {                llSay(0,llList2String(GenreElementList,x));            }        }        else if (message=="playing")        {            llSay(0, "Now playing: "+nPlaying);        }        else if (message=="texton")        {            FloatText = TRUE;            nPlayingSHOW = TRUE;            llSetText("Now playing: "+nPlaying+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);        }        else if (message=="textoff")        {            FloatText = FALSE;            nPlayingSHOW = FALSE;            llSetText(" ", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);        }        else if (message=="show url")        {            ShowURL = TRUE;        }        else if (message=="XXpictureXX")        {            integer InstalledTextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);            if (InstalledTextures == 1)            {                string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0);                llSay (0,"Texture found: " +TextureName);                if (name != "")                    llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);            }            if (InstalledTextures > 1)            {                float RandTexture = llFrand(InstalledTextures);                integer TextureChoice = (integer)RandTexture;                string TextureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, TextureChoice);                llSay (0,"Choosing a random texture: "+TextureName);                if (name != "")                    llSetTexture(TextureName, 5);            }            if (InstalledTextures < 1)            {                llSay(0,"There are no textures installed.");            }        }        else if (message=="instructions")        {            llGiveInventory(id, "radio instructions (16)");        }        else if (message=="reset")        {            llSay(0, "Resetting.");            llResetScript();        }        else if (message=="options")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, OptionsMenu, 97);        }        else if (message=="update")        {            llOwnerSay("Contacting update server.");            llEmail(serverID,"Update Request",llGetObjectName() + ":" + version + "|" + (string)llGetOwner());        }        else if (message=="off")        {            llSay(0, "System Off");            llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);            llSay(978, "red");            llSetParcelMusicURL("");            //next two lines new for v1.5, these reset variables to stop it displaying track names when switched off            nPlayingURL = "http://";            TrackElementHold = "";            if (FloatText = TRUE)            {                llSetText("Bertone Audio System " +version+ " OFF", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);            }        }        else if (message=="tuner")        {            if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 80)            {                llSay(0, "Only the first 80 channels will be displayed in the menu.");            }            if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) > 12)            {                // remember that a list starts at 0, not 1                // all the menus except the first one are set here so the following if statements can change them if necessary                second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 3"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);                third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 4"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);                fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 5"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);                fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 6"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);                sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 7"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);                seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 8"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);                eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 9"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);                ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);                // this bit sets which page will be the last so no empty menus are displayed                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 81)                {                    ninth_menu = ["Page 8", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 72, 80);                    lastpage = "Page 9";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 72)                {                    eigth_menu = ["Page 7", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 63, 71);                    lastpage = "Page 8";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 63)                {                    seventh_menu = ["Page 6", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 54, 62);                    lastpage = "Page 7";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 54)                {                    sixth_menu = ["Page 5", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 45, 53);                    lastpage = "Page 6";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 45)                {                    fifth_menu = ["Page 4", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 36, 44);                    lastpage = "Page 5";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 36)                {                    fourth_menu = ["Page 3", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 27, 35);                    lastpage = "Page 4";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 27)                {                    third_menu = ["Page 2", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 18, 26);                    lastpage = "Page 3";                }                if(llGetListLength(GenreElementList) < 18)                {                    second_menu = ["Page 1", "main menu", "Page 1"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 9, 17);                    lastpage = "Page 2";                }                // the first menu is set here 'after' the last page has been defined (above) then the first dialog is displayed                first_menu = [lastpage, "main menu", "Page 2"] + llList2List(GenreElementList, 0, 8);                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 97);            }            else            {                // if there are less than 12 items in the menu it displays this dialog that doesn't need the page buttons                llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, GenreElementList, 97);            }        }        else if(message=="Page 1")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, first_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 2")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, second_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 3")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, third_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 4")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fourth_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 5")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, fifth_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 6")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, sixth_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 7")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, seventh_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 8")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, eigth_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="Page 9")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, ninth_menu, 97);        }        else if(message=="main menu")        {            llDialog(id, tuner_dialog, MainMenu, 97);        }        else        {            llSay(0, "Sorry. I couldn't find a station or command with the ID: "+message);        }    }// timer section is new for version 1.5    timer()    {        //llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],"");        llHTTPRequest(nPlayingURL+"/7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n",[],"");            }   // http_response section is new for version 1.5                http_response(key trackid, integer status, list metadata, string trackbody)    {        list TrackPullList = llParseString2List(trackbody,[","],[]); // takes the http result and turns it into a list        string TrackElement = llList2String(TrackPullList,6); // takes the sixth item out of the http result list                TrackElement = llDeleteSubString(TrackElement, -14, -1); // strips off the html junk text at the end        if (nPlayingSHOW == TRUE)        {            if (TrackElementHold != TrackElement)            {                 llSay(0, "Now playing: " + TrackElement + "."); // displays the result                 TrackElementHold = TrackElement;            }        }    }    dataserver(key query_id, string data)    {        if (populating_list == TRUE) // first pass through is to build up a list of Genre Names        {            if (data != EOF)            {                list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]);                string GenreElement = llList2String(StationList,2);                GenreElementList = GenreElementList + [llList2String(StationList,2)];                ++gLine; // increase line count by 1                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // request next line            }            else            {                populating_list = FALSE;                llSetLinkColor(2, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);                llSay(0, "\n\nReady.\nTouch player to begin...\n\n");            }        }        else        {            list StationList = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // converts the line taken into a list            string URLElement = llList2String(StationList,0); // grab the URL            llSetParcelMusicURL(URLElement);            llSetLinkColor(2, <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>, ALL_SIDES);            llSay(978, "blue");            string StationElement = llList2String(StationList,1);            if (ShowURL == TRUE)            {                llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+". ("+URLElement+"\n)");            }            else            {                llSay(0, "\n\nNow playing: "+StationElement+".\n");            }            if (FloatText == TRUE)            {                //llSay(0,"DIAGNOSTIC: FloatText is true");                llSetText("Now playing: "+StationElement+".", <0.0,1.0,1.0>, .5);            }            nPlaying = StationElement; // this holds the station name for use in other sections            nPlayingURL = URLElement; // this holds the station URL for use in other sections        }     }}

    And the latest channels notecard.

    http://ice1.somafm.com/groovesalad-128-mp3,Groove Salad ~ Soma FM,Groove Salad, ~ A nicely chilled plate of ambient downtempo beats and grooveshttp://ice1.somafm.com/dronezone-128-mp3,Drone Zone ~ Soma FM,Drone Zone, ~ Served best chilled and safe with most medications. Atmospheric textures with minimal beatshttp://ice1.somafm.com/indiepop-128-mp3,Indie Pop Rocks ~ Soma FM,Indie Pop, ~ New and classic favorite indie pop trackshttp://ice1.somafm.com/lush-128-mp3,Lush ~ Soma FM,Lush, ~ Sensuous and mellow vocals with an electronic influencehttp://ice1.somafm.com/secretagent-128-mp3,Secret Agent ~ Soma FM,Secret Agent, ~ The soundtrack for your stylish mysterious dangerous life. For Spies and PIs too!http://ice1.somafm.com/spacestation-128-mp3,Space Station Soma ~ Soma FM,Space Station Soma, ~ Tune in turn on space out. Spaced-out ambient and mid-tempo electronicahttp://ice1.somafm.com/u80s-128-mp3,Underground 80s ~ Soma FM,Underground 80s, ~ Early 80s UK Synthpop and a bit of New Wavehttp://ice1.somafm.com/deepspaceone-128-mp3,Deep Spare One ~ Soma FM,Deep Space One, ~ Deep ambient electronic experimental and space music. For inner and outer space explorationhttp://ice1.somafm.com/beatblender-128-mp3,Beat Blender ~ Soma FM,Beat Blender, ~ A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chillhttp://ice1.somafm.com/suburbsofgoa-128-mp3,Suburbs of Goa ~ Soma FM,Suburbs of Goa, ~ Desi-influenced Asian world beats and beyondhttp://ice1.somafm.com/bootliquor-128-mp3,Boot Liquor ~ Soma FM,Boot Liquor, ~ Americana Roots music for Cowhands Cowpokes and Cowtippershttp://ice1.somafm.com/sonicuniverse-128-mp3,Sonic Universe ~ Soma FM,Sonic Universe, ~ Transcending the world of jazz with eclectic avant-garde takes on traditionhttp://ice1.somafm.com/poptron-128-mp3,PopTron ~ Soma FM,PopTron, ~ Electropop and indie dance rock with sparkle and pophttp://ice1.somafm.com/folkfwd-128-mp3,Folk Forward ~ Soma FM,Folk Forward, ~ Indie Folk, Alt-folk and the occasional folk classicshttp://ice1.somafm.com/defcon-128-mp3,DEF CON Radio ~ Soma FM,DEF CON Radio, ~ Music for Hacking. The DEF CON Year-Round Channelhttp://ice1.somafm.com/seventies-128-mp3,Left Coast 70s ~ Soma FM,Left Coaast 70s, ~ Mellow album rock from the Seventies. Yacht friendlyhttp://ice1.somafm.com/bagel-128-mp3,BAGeL Radio ~ Soma FM,BAGeL Radio, ~ What alternative rock radio should sound likehttp://ice1.somafm.com/thetrip-128-mp3,The Trip ~ Soma FM,The Trip, ~ Progressive house / trance. Tip top tuneshttp://ice1.somafm.com/fluid-128-mp3,Fluid ~ Soma FM,Fluid, ~ Drown in the electronic sound of instrumental hiphop future soul and liquid traphttp://ice1.somafm.com/thistle-128-mp3,Thistle Radio ~ Soma FM,Thistle Radio, ~ Exploring music from Celtic roots and brancheshttp://ice1.somafm.com/illstreet-128-mp3,Illinois Street Lounge ~ Soma FM,Illinois Street Lounge, ~ Classic bachelor pad playful exotica and vintage music of tomorrowhttp://ice1.somafm.com/7soul-128-mp3,Seven Inch Soul ~ Soma FM,Seven Inch Soul, ~ Vintage soul tracks from the original 45 RPM vinylhttp://ice1.somafm.com/cliqhop-128-mp3,cliqhop idm ~ Soma FM,cliqhop idm, ~ Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Musichttp://ice1.somafm.com/digitalis-128-mp3,Digitalis ~ Soma FM,Digitalis, Digitally affected analog rock to calm the agitated hearthttp://ice1.somafm.com/missioncontrol-128-mp3,Mission Control ~ Soma FM,Mission Control, ~ Celebrating NASA and Space Explorers everywherehttp://ice1.somafm.com/dubstep-128-mp3,Dub Step Beyond ~ Soma FM,Dub Step Beyond, ~ Dubstep Dub and Deep Bass. May damage speakers at high volumehttp://ice1.somafm.com/doomed-128-mp3,Doomed ~ Soma FM,Doomed, ~ Dark industrial/ambient music for tortured soulshttp://ice1.somafm.com/brfm-128-mp3,Black Rock FM ~ Soma FM,Black Rock FM, ~ From the Playa to the world, back for the 2015 Burning Man festivalhttp://ice1.somafm.com/covers-128-mp3,Covers ~ Soma FM,Covers, ~ Just covers. Songs you know by artists you don't. We've got you coveredhttp://ice1.somafm.com/sf1033-128-mp3,SF 10-33 ~ Soma FM,SF 10-33, ~ Ambient music mixed with the sounds of San Francisco public safety radio traffichttp://ice1.somafm.com/earwaves-128-mp3,Earwaves ~ Soma FM,Earwaves, ~ Spanning the history of electronic and experimental music from the early pioneers to the latest innovatorshttp://ice1.somafm.com/metal-128-mp3,Metal Detector ~ Soma FM,Metal Detector, ~ From black to doom / prog to sludge / thrash to post / stoner to crossover / punk to industrial
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  9. Wow, people are still looking at my old script?  :womansurprised:

    I've been away from SL for quite some time but I popped back a couple of weeks ago and for some reason decided to check out the forums today.

    I'll try to get back in-world over the coming week (or two) and give my code a once over to see if it is still working as I intended and get it back out there for people to make use of.

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