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Karna Nirvana

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Posts posted by Karna Nirvana

  1. Thank you all for responding.  


    Some of you even went the extra mile to check out the griefing incident yourself, and filed abuse reports.  It certainly seems to have helped.  This morning all the offending objects, and their sources of generation are gone.  Thank you.

    Nearly 72 hours since first reported, but in the end -- appears problem has been resolved (fingers crossed)

  2. No he didn't come to tell anything, but to observe.


    If I am to guess, Storm posted here for tickels. :-)


    Words -- endowed, full-endowed -- you are merely assuming that he mentioned and meant them in physical sense.  More than likely, my guess is they are well-placed puns.

  3. 1 week?  Seriously?

    So, linden support for sales is near instantaneous, but support for satisfaction, action on misuse/etc. is not.

    I am sure there is an easily crowd-sourced way to ranking/rating abuses.  It cannot be simply that they are lagging in AR request handling.  If they are -- then the backlog will keep increasing with time.

    Only thing I can infer is, they just wait out a period to see if the trouble goes away on its own?  or if more people complain about the same?

  4. I was hoping to draw out on people's experience in these matters.  Especially trying to identify how long it does take for an Abuse Report to be acted upon (since I have never filed one before); and if LL had any mechanisms to prioritize and handle abuse cases.

    Now it is only hoping that something does happen within 72 hours.

  5. Interestingly, the objects are temp, and being produced by two objects placed on adjacent parcel owned by someone else.  They are littering the entire sim and by way of the permissions settings -- they are able to enter Abandoned Land, as well as execute the scripts.  

    Anyone nearby gets assaulted by the objects being produced.


    Sadly -- the obects are mod/copy/transfer -- so, this is likely going to be a problem for many others down the road.

  6. Rather sad way to live, but more importantly -- the slowness with which LL seems to respond (if it does!), would only encourage more to abuse.  This will increase the abuse report, slow down the process further and more of the normal people will get tired and leave.

    One way to reduce the abuse is for LL to act more promptly.  That would, IMO, make people think a few more times before abusing resources, permissions, rights...

    Just a thought:

    What if LL actually reported aggregate statistics on a regular basis (weekly, daily, ...). Something like:

    # of Abuse Reports, # investigated, time to investigation start, time to resolution.

  7. Did that too, and it was started with that in itself.  In hope that I could get them to act.


    Unfortunate that the time lag between AR and action -- would only allow individuals to commit abuse, and torment other avatars for the duration.  If the objects are then not found by the time LL does send someone to take care of it -- does the individual get to repeat the pattern and behavior at another time?

  8. Glad to hear confirmation for need to file Abuse Report.  That we weren't over-reacting.


    It was done, by me and few other avatars who also thought the abuse report should be filed.


    That was Sunday AM.

    What is the reasonable amount of time one should expect for action in such case?  

    If forum members would share their experience regarding similar incidents, it would be great.

  9. Here's the question for forum members.


    Someone, somehow rezzes numerous scripted objects on an abandoned land (owner is now Governor Linden).


    These objects are:

    a) Assault avatars with physical "tentacles"

    b) Visually displeasing

    c) Cause incredible lag for those on adjacent parcels


    Would you consider this abuse, and thus worthy of an Abuse Report?

    If Yes,

    What would be a reasonable expectation for by when you would expect LL to take action and remove these objects from LL owned parcel?


    Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Loom%20Weaver/168/82/61

    Visual: Is this AR worthy?

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