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Chippie Waffle

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Everything posted by Chippie Waffle

  1. I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the more technical terms here. What is DD? What you're saying is, that you believe the issue I'm experiencing is an issue with some of the coding involved in the communication between the Marketplace web site and the Magic Boxes, correct? I've added more detail above to the issue that I'm seeing with my Marketplace store. Just wondering if you believe that the problem I'm describing sounds typical to you of a problem caused more by coding or by sim issues? Hoping that your more technical knowledge will help me pinpoint exactly how to 'get at' this problem so I can get my store running right again! Thanks for your help!
  2. Thanks everyone for your responses! I sat down and took a little more time to look through the transactions, and wracked my memory to see if I could remember having done anything different with the one particular Magic Box. The strange thing is, that some of the items in the Magic Box seem to be delivering just fine, but other items are not. The ones that do not deliver, HAVE delivered in the past, but now recently are not. The other issue seems to be that these people are NOT being refunded when delivery is failing! So now I have this giant task of tracking them all down and trying to repay them! Oy ve!!!!! What in good lord's name is going on here???? Aren't they supposed to automatically have their money returned to them when the item doesn't deliver? One last question: If I move my Magic Boxes to another sim, do I need to delete the items in my store and re-enter them? I really can't imagine that this is anything other than a sim issue (only because I haven't DONE anything to my boxes other than to put items into them). Thanks again everyone for your input!
  3. Hi everyone, I hope I'm posting this in the right spot. If this isn't in the correct place, let me know and I'll happy to move it to wherever else you tell me it should be :) Just wondering if anyone else is getting a LOT more "Delivery Partially Failed" as part of their Magic Box's transaction history lately? It used to be that I'd see that message every once in a while, but within the last two weeks or so, I'd say the number of failed deliveries with the indication that the product hasn't been delivered has literally doubled. I really don't need me looking like I'm running a shoddy online business -- I kind of find it hard to believe that THAT many people are attempting to make purchases without enough Lindens (one of the reasons perhaps that a transaction wouldn't go through?). **EDIT TO ADD: To save anyone the trouble asking, I have double checked to make sure that the items that people are attempting to buy ARE in fact in the Magic Box. Also, I AM noticing that it is the same items that continue to have trouble being delivered, yet I haven't had any issues with them until recently. The box hasn't been changed other than to have some items added to it occasionally. The items that people seem to have trouble purchasing on the Marketplace were previously delivered without problems! Very confused. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas of what might be going on? Thanks!
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