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Caer Balogh

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Posts posted by Caer Balogh

  1. You can just cast it to float and test for 0.

    You can also be a little more robust by splitting the string into a list instead of using a fixed offset, that way you can tolerate multiple spaces. I'd probably do something like this:

    list words = llParseString2List( msg, [ " " ], [] ); // that's a space between the quotes
    if( llToLower( llList2String( words, 0 ) == "timer" )
    float seconds = (float)llList2String( words, 1 ); // get the second part as string and cast to float, llList2Float will always return 0 here.

    if( seconds > 0.0 && seconds < whatever_your_max_time_is )
    // it's a good time, use it
    // otherwise ignore it, the time was not a number or was too high or low

    That'll ignore "time kitty", "time -2.4" and work for "time 1", "        time                 2.5     ", and so on.

  2. Hi Charlar,

    I'm having the same problem as others are, 10/10 on the tutorial and it says I'm enabled for uploads, but then it never actually enables uploads for me and keeps saying I need to complete the tutorial.

    Could you please fix my account?

    Thank you,


  3. SL prim building techniques will continue to be just as useful after mesh is introduced as they have ever been, though mesh will allow you to do some things that have never been possible before. For example, you can make a mesh bend with your avatar's joints.

    You can make 3D models for mesh yourself using a 3D modeling program, or buy them from others. Mesh will make more existing 3D models usable in-world, and it is more capable and has fewer limitations than sculpties do. I also find that more 3D modeling techniques are usable for making meshes than for making sculpties.

    I'm not sure it's practical to improve in-world prim tools to the point that where can make complex models without making in-world building as hard to learn as 3D modeling programs are. Basic building using prims has always been a great way for people with no modeling experience to begin making things, and many of us who started that way have gone on to learn more advanced modeling.

    Look at SL as a good excuse to spend your time learning blender or the other 3D software of your choice. Like all worthwhile things, it takes time and effort. Mesh support makes the effort you put into learning 3D modeling more useful.


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