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Maringo Serrati

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  1. My GPU was working with the previous HD (last week even!). I tested temperature of the GPU and others with SpeedFan. Everything was fine. Even when I tried overclocking it, everything became hotter than when I started Second Life and my computer survived everything. I clean the case inside once a month and this weekend I cleaned it again while I was there anyways to install the new SSD. I opened up the case yesterday again to check every cord, even the ones I didn't touch while installing the SSD. I also tried other heavy graphic applications and tried to force the maximum out of them. I played Civilization V on maximum settings online (everything went slow, but not a single crash); I tried several stuff within a huge 3DMax project (the program didn't liked it, it crashed, but the compuiter stayed alive), With SpeedFan I can also monitor the PSU, nothing odd there. I just finished putting the old HD back in the computer, and I gonna check in a few if SL still works from that one. Just to rule out the other hardware.
  2. So I tried Cool Viewer. First I didn't do anything with the preferences and logged in. I crashed within a minute after I saw myself in world. So this is a first: I actually saw my avatar. Then I set all the graphics to the lowest possible and logged in. Then I stood there about a minute before the whole computer crashed again. I'm still clueless...
  3. I already tried that. First only the bar at low, later on I turned off everything possible. Even in other tabs like the OpenGL Vertex Buffer (I remember from long ago that it would give problems too) Thanks for the thought.
  4. I am pretty sure I have the latest drivers. The Nvidia GeForce Experience program says it's up-to-date. I installed the new Windows on a new SSD, nothing had been on it before it. So nothing could be overwritten too. I gonna try the Cool Viewer and will let you all know how that goes.
  5. Found and tried that earlier this day, without result. This and the previous things I said I did, I've been doing it to the SL viewer, Firestorm and Singularity.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I already completly removed everything that had something to do with SL: all the viewers, the folders beneath AppData and I cleaned the registry. I also tried the compatibility mode to Windows XP. They all didn't help a thing..
  7. The CPU can handle 64bit, I checked it before changing to a 64bit OS. Else I wouldn't be able to run Windows either.
  8. It didn't work.. With my account the viewers are freezing at "Loading World" now. With my wife her account it still freezes at "downloading clothing"
  9. This weekend I installed a new SSD with Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit in my computer. I installed all my drivers and several common programs I used to have on my previous installment of Windows (Which was Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit). Among them I installed Firestorm. But when I log in, it freezes my whole computer at "downloading clothing" each time. I tried the same with the SL viewer and the Singularity viewer but all had the same result. I also tried Radegast, and there I can log in without a problem. My wife tried the same and also got the same result in all those four viewers. I searched the internet to similar problems but couldn't find much, but did try the following: - I made a clean install of the viewers today, without result. - Before logging in, I cleared the cache, changed my graphics to low and my cache size to max. Still no result. - I logged in to Radegast, removed everything I worn, logged out, opened Firestorm, logged in and it did work. So I let my inventory repopulate, put some simple clothes on with almost no scripts and logged out to let my wife have a go at this. She did all the same things but it froze the computer again completely. Then I tried myself and noted that the one tuime I could log in was just a bit of luck, because I crashed at the same point when logging in. My computer specs: GPU: GeForce 8500GT (With an up-to-date driver) CPU: Pentium Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.50GHz Memory: 4GB Does anyone had a similar problem or know a solution I can try? I'm at the end of my knowledge about this. The only thing changed in the computer is the physical drive and the type of Windows 7.
  10. This weekend I installed a new SSD with Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit in my computer. I installed all my drivers and several common programs I used to have on my previous installment of Windows (Which was Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit). Among them I installed Firestorm. But when I log in, it freezes my whole computer at "downloading clothing" each time. I tried the same with the SL viewer and the Singularity viewer but all had the same result. I also tried Radegast, and there I can log in without a problem. My wife tried the same and also got the same result in all those four viewers. I searched the internet to similar problems but couldn't find much, but did try the following: - I made a clean install of the viewers today, without result. - Before logging in, I cleared the cache, changed my graphics to low and my cache size to max. Still no result. - I logged in to Radegast, removed everything I worn, logged out, opened Firestorm, logged in and it did work. So I let my inventory repopulate, put some simple clothes on with almost no scripts and logged out to let my wife have a go at this. She did all the same things but it froze the computer again completely. Then I tried myself and noted that the one tuime I could log in was just a bit of luck, because I crashed at the same point when logging in. My computer specs: GPU: GeForce 8500GT (With an up-to-date driver) CPU: Pentium Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.50GHz Memory: 4GB Does anyone had a similar problem or know a solution I can try? I'm at the end of my knowledge about this. The only thing changed in the computer is the physical drive and the type of Windows 7.
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