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RandyRiser Woodrunner

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Posts posted by RandyRiser Woodrunner

  1. I totally understand the taxing that has to happen. Her issue is that she asked for her lindens to be returned. She plans to keep the lindens inworld and not cash them out. SL has refused to return her money until she gives up personal information that she is not comfortable giving out. SL responded to her that they will let her choose if she wants to proceed with the "cash out" or keep the lindens in the game but only after she gives up her personal information. That just seems to me like they are forcing her to give personal info and violating her right to privacy! She has said that she has no problem abiding by the rules but it would have been nice to have been given the choice in advance before taking her money and refusing to return it.

  2. I have a friend that rarely cashes out her lindens for real life money. She recently did this and Linden Labs put her lindens on hold(ransom)--wanting her SS# and a copy of her drivers license. She is not comfortable giving out this info, so she asked for them to just return her lindens to spend inworld. The will not return her lindens and actually gave her a deadline to submit her personal info or they will keep her lindens. Is that legal? Has anyone else encountered this and if so what did you do?

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