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Amor Pinazzo

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Everything posted by Amor Pinazzo

  1. Club Bones is looking for DJ's. Create a notecard from the information below and send that filled to Dracka Lane, Stream: Your own Genre: Heavy metal, rock, hard rock, alternative, goth, classics... Hours: 24/7 - 1-2 hr gigs Payment: 100% Tips Club: Club Bones SLurl: "http://slurl.com/secondlife/Love%20Parade/190/47/24" ************* ☠SL Name: ☠Do you currently own or manage a club: Yes No ☠Why would you like to work at ☠Bones☠: ☠How long have you being DJ'ing in SL: ☠What DJ Software do you use: ☠Do you currently have a stream: Yes No ☠Hours Available - NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE IN SECOND LIFE TIME (SLT)
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