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Azziej Enzo

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Posts posted by Azziej Enzo

  1. Thank you both for your reply.

    i didn't know the money event was only triggered after payment. just like the (integer)PayAmount conversion from string on one line, thought it meant it converted it for the event in which it is contained.

    I got it to work indeed by putting llSetPayPrice into the dataserver event and puttin the (integer) conversion in the same line. It also updates correctly when changed in the notecard.

    Thank you both again so much!!...


  2. Heya everybody,

    I am trying to figure out why i can't put notecard read prices into a llSetPayPrice function.

    For some reason it did work once, i saw the numbers that i gave up in the notecard and after i payed it to test it out, the prices dissapeared and shows again an empty pay box. Whatever i try it just does not want to recognise the variables.

    Here is what i got, help would be greatly appreciated. (Script is truncated to show only that which might be causing the problem)

    Note: The script compiles succesfully and works, except for the llSetPayPrice part.


    Thank in advance! :)



    money(key id, integer amount)
    // This line is not showing the PayAmount as declared.
     llSetPayPrice(PAY_DEFAULT, [PayAmount1,PayAmount2,PayAmount3,PayAmount4]);
     // Debug line, shows all four PayAmount's so they are set. am i correct??
     llSetText(PayAmount1 + PayAmount2 + PayAmount3 + PayAmount4,<1,1,1>,1)




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