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Ryoko Tedeschi

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Everything posted by Ryoko Tedeschi

  1. i've tried like ten times to have my email unsubscribed from their constant spam-mail about 'exchange4l deals' or whatever... this website is a spammy craphole. i wish i had never signed up with it in the first place. does anyone else have this problem?
  2. This is really frustrating because I'm unable to pay out and get my money because every time I try to add my Paypal to my billing info it gives this error: At this time, we are unable to process your request. Please return to Linden Research, Inc. and try another option. I want my money... and third party payouts take way too much out in fees. By the time I'd get the money it would be half gone. That isn't acceptable to me.
  3. 3 years is NOT old SL is the problem here..... my computer runs other games just fine.
  4. its a laptop. i cant upgrade the hardware. and im not buying a new one. SL ran perfect before the reformat. i will try an earlier version of the ati driver.
  5. i reformatted my harddrive yesterday and instantly had a ton of problems trying to get SL to run. before the reformat SL worked fine - i was using the firestorm viewer (an old version that they appear to not have for download anymore. this was long before mesh became a thing.) my FPS when i had all my settings the lowest they could go was pretty good. cant give you an actual number because i dont know what it was - but my avatar movement rendered perfectly smooth. but now i cant get SL to run like it did before i reformatted. my FPS is crap and my avatar's movements are choppy even when im in a completely empty sim wearing a blank avatar and settings all down as low as they can go. ive tried tinkering my graphics card settings for best performance and that hasn't helped. i downloaded the most recent drivers, didnt help. ive got every single update thru windows update. i went thru the device manager and checked to see if anything needed updating - under AMD it said it needed an update which didnt make sense since i had just updated from the website itself - but i did it anyway - then SL wouldnt open again. went back and redownloaded from the website itself and SL would open again. but still no change in fps. I checked task manager - closed any open or background programs - ran the system at barebones & at full thru msconfig. no change. uninstalled (being sure to delete all leftover appdata and reg keys) and reinstalled many times & restarted computer every time. no change. ive tried the regular viewer, phoenix, firestorm, and singularity. none of them made a difference. i dont have any idea what could be missing from my original setup before i reformatted (other than not being able to use the exact same viewer i had before) cause there was a 3 year buildup of stuff. and i dont know what was and wasnt up to date since i didnt do windows updates regularly or at all. exported text file with my specs pulled from system info: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42684546/specs.txt edit: I just tried something. I went to cyclops (empty LL sim) and shrunk my SL window to about 500x500 px. my avatar movement became smooth. smooth like it used to be at full screen.... that leads me to believe something is heinously wrong with my graphics drivers. but i've gone to the website and downloaded their thing to update them.... at least i think i did. i dont know what's wrong.
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