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Dondiego Beaumont

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Posts posted by Dondiego Beaumont

  1. Whatever viewer i use.Firestorm or Second Life. As soon as i click the entry my computer crashes, not even logged in Second Life.. Virus check does not show anything.

    Have the latest driver GeForce 9800GT and never had this problem before. Did all clean installations.

    I have Windows 7 lot of memory. But how can the start of a program crash a computer?

    All controls stop then and i need to make a hard stop and after some tries get it back to work.

    On my laptop i can reach second life without problems ,only it is slower.

    Does anybody have or had this big problem?


  2. I even have a bigger problem which i do not understand. Not only Sl crashes at log in but the whole computer does.

    So SL is not accessable. Can reach it witrh my laptop but the desk comp refuses. It blocks everything and i need a hard stop en restart . Problem started with the latest Firestorm update. Grafic card is NVDIA Ge Force 9800GT with latest driver.


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