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Cubey Terra

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Posts posted by Cubey Terra

  1. (I'm sorry for the necropost, but I since this thread is closest to answering my question, I thought it would be better to respond to it than start a new thread.)

    I've tested the script above, but it doesn't return the correct values for pitch and roll. There seems to be something missing here.

    Here are some examples after putting this script into a cube:

    * Rotating the cube to <0,0,0>.
          Pitch: 1.570796
          Roll: 1.570796

    * Rotating cube to <0,-20,0> ( or <0, 337.5, 0>)
         Pitch: 1.178097
         Roll: 1.570796

    * Rotating cube to <-20,-20,0> ( or <337.5, 337.5, 0>
        Pitch: 1.209432
        Roll: 1.963495

    So my question is (and I apologize for my lack of math skills): What are those numbers? Are they correct? If so, how do I use this to get pitch and roll values in degrees?

    Thanks very much in advance from this confused aircraft maker!





  2. This is a very helpful response, Drongle. Thanks.

    I was using Edge Split from the Edge menu, and of course that wasn't what I wanted. I don't yet know about "modifiers", so I'll look into what those are and how to use them.  I saw the "Apply Modifiers" option in the Collada export, but didn't know what it was. Now I know!

    The Autosmooth feature works wonderfully in Blender for most edges, but as you said, those sharp edges don't seem to make it into SL.

    OK. Time to read up on what modifiers are. 

  3. I hope this question hasn't been asked before, but I can't find it in the forum.

    When I mark an edge in Blender as "sharp", I then uploaded it into SL and the edge isn't sharp anymore. Do I have to actually split the edge (duplicating the vertices) to achieve a sharp edge? I don't really want to do this for various reasons. Hoping there's an easier way to achieve sharp edges.

  4. Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone. While it's sad to close down Abbotts Aerodrome and sell, I can still look back at seven and a half years of great memories and smile. We had great times there. Building competitions, exhibitions, dogfights, building classes, skydiving contests, and general fun in the sky. Now we can look forward to the next stage for Abbotts. Though I won't be involved, I'm confident that the new owner, Cheshyr Pontchartrain, will revitalize Abbotts as something extraordinary. His tentative new name for it is "Abbotts Spaceport". Thanks everyone who visited Abbotts Aerodrome -- supporters, contributors, and customers. It was a great time. Now let's enjoy the next phase of Abbotts' existence!

  5. To "enjoy this privilege", you simply acquire or build a vehicle that can pilot itself. Some are available in the marketplace, for example, usuall described as "autopiloting", "A.I.", "automated tours", etc, but that would vary by maker. If you are actually serious about implementing this, the rule of thumb is to be respectful of sim resources and limit the numbers of vehicles to a small number, unlike the notorious "scourgemobiles".

    My aircraft don't fly around and pick up people and take them back to my land, as you imply. In fact, you're unlikely to ever see them outside of Abbotts. They are temp-on-rez and vanish on their own unless someone boards them when they take off FROM ABBOTTS. As well, they do not advertise in any way, and since you seem to be considering trying that, I would strongly advise against it.

    So, to sum up, ANY resident can set up automated flights, but try to be respectful. Don't advertise; don't over-use sim resources. If you set them up, do it as a service to SL, and not for self-promotion, as you seem to want.

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