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Warh Claven

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Posts posted by Warh Claven

  1. 9 hours ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    FWIW, I wouldn't use Singularity as it hasn't been updated in a long time, and uses a compromised version of CEF.

    Anyway -- If you know the router's login details, you can normally reboot it via the web console. That's what needs to happen first.

    If problems persist - when your roommate moved out, did you switch providers or was the contract just transferred to another name?

    I think the password is saved in my pc, but Ive never used a 'web console' for a router. Dont think that's something i have on my PC. Are you saying that needs to be done rather than just unplugging it for a few minutes?

    It's the same provider, xfinity. Same plan, same router. :/


    I know everyone hates singularity, but they do update it. It's just a long time between updates. It's irrelevant though because i had the same problem on SLV and radegast


    hello! I need some help! ❤️

    My roommate moved out and switched internet service over to another roommate's name... now all of a sudden I can't log in to SL... all other net functions are working but not SL.
    I tried radagast, Singularity and the normal SLV. I can get logged in for a minute but not long enough to load everything in.

    Router is in their bedroom. waiting for them to reset it in the morning but if that doesn't work does anyone know what I can do?

    EDIT: I'm running off a random wifi from across the street and it's working.. I have to be in the garage to get signal though, not ideal

    average connection speed:
    866/866 (Mbps)

    Singularity Viewer info:
    Grid: Second Life

    Built with MSVC version 1925

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz (1800 MHz)
    Memory: 8068 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19044)
    Graphics Card Vendor: Intel
    Graphics Card: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
    Windows Graphics Driver Version: 27.20.0100.9664
    OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 - Build
    RLV Version: RLV v2.8.0 / RLVa v1.4.10a

    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.61.0 OpenSSL/1.1.0g zlib/1.2.11 WinIDN
    J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2
    Audio Driver Version: (none)
    Dullahan: 1.3.201911222103 / CEF: 78.3.7+gea7ef34+chromium-78.0.3904.108 / Chrome: 78
    LibVLC: 3.0.8


  3. news: miscommunication with a friend made me think the glitch was there when I wore nothing (language barrier lol)

    it went away when I detached everything. However my friend who also uses Genus head had the same issue when she switched on bom.

    we tried the same method and it didn't work for her, she's having to use non bom.  It goes away when she removes the genus head.
    I'm using EvoX now for this reason.

  4.  hello, my hair is being alpha'd over with Advanced Lighting Model on. I don't see it when I use Singularity but everyone on SLV and firestorm are seeing my hair glitched out. basically I look bald aside from a few random strands. Even without hair you can see this "aura" around the head that alphas some background elements and almost looks like a halo. I have tried removing ALL items. Plz don't ask me to remove something because i removed ALL removable objects and bom layers, this did not fix it. It is not the mesh head. I tried with and without mesh, it doesn't matter.

    I have seen people with a similar issue say that switching the brow shape fixed it, but I have no way to check if it's fixed. (someone checked for me and this did not fix anything, still need help!)

    fucked hair.png

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  5. Hi there, I recently started a premium account and while the Linden Homes are very nice they're not quite my style.

    I want to buy a parcel somewhere and I'm wondering: If I buy land on the land marketplace auction, will I need to pay an additional fee or just the premium membership fee?

    If so, is there anywhere I can buy land that won't have an additional monthly fee?

  6. when it got to VFS it would just stop there and give me that error message.

    I tried manually clearing out my cache and now when it reaches "initializing textures" windows tells me that Second Life has stopped working and must be closed.

    what should I do in this instance?

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