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Willow Ordinary

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Posts posted by Willow Ordinary

  1. Are you a music addict?  Want to work at a fun club with great music and lots of fun times?  We want to hear from you then!  The VooDoo shack isn't just your run of the mill club, we pride ourselves on giving our patrons a fun night in our venue.  As you tp in you'll find yourself in the middle of a Louisiana bayou, the mangroves swaying gently in the swamp air.   The music fills the air with the riffs of all things rock from blues to metal....before I spoil it too much, take the tp, check us out and pick up your application kit from the bar!  IM Willow Ordinary or Phedre Rae with any questions!

    We can't wait to rock out with you at The VooDoo Shack...Where music is ritual!

    **Looking for Hosts and DJs at this time**


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