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Kazuhiro Aridian

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Posts posted by Kazuhiro Aridian

  1. Thank you SO much! I've downloaded the rig you've kindly linked and I'll see if I can convince it to work for me. Woohoo!

    I've already tried the BVH exporter that is in that list, but SL tells me the root joint should be "hip." The rig I use (and have used for the past 5 years, but have never used for Maya animation before) has mPelvis as the root, so maybe it's just an issue of the rig itself being wrong for this particular application.

    I did try the .anim format as well earlier today and was unable to even get it to upload. It continually threw me a generic "server is having issues try again later" message, which didn't tell me enough to troubleshoot other than restarting my sim (it didn't help). 

    Glad you like my mesh :D I'll be sure to comment in the thread about whether it all worked out or not.

  2. Hey there, I just finished up a sea creature avatar build, got a test rig put together in Maya, and tried a few BVH exporter scripts and keep running across the same error: "unable to read animation file. Incorrect root joint name, use 'hip'"

    As far as I can tell from my investigation, animation and rigging use differently named joints in their rigs. On a whim I tried renaming all my joint names in the BVH file to the animation set of joints, with no success. I tried doing so within Maya as well. 

    I got this to work two other times with humanoid avatars in the past. Anyone know how to get this to work with a deformed rig? Here's the avatar I'm working on (WIP textures/colors):


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  3. I've had this problem a lot, and the above solution is a good one. However:

    A much easier way to get your objects to scale properly is just change the scale in the "upload options" tab of the mesh uploader window. I generally scale mine up 10x or more, as Maya's default scale in the viewport is very small compared to SL, so when SL tries to upload the file, it has to scale parts up to match with the .01 lower size limit. That's why things look so weird!

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