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Ravenis Black

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Posts posted by Ravenis Black

  1. Hey there, I'm Ravenis Black. I've been a builder in SL since my first day in 2005. Nearly a decade ago. I have done plenty of projects from simple prim objects to entire sim designs.

    I currently work in mesh and prim, I can do both for whatever project you have planned. I don't currently run a store or side business in world due to my last long break. So my entire SL time can be dedicated to your project.

    Various projects I have worked on are: Gor sims, roleplay sims, personal land & houses, event regions, dance clubs, stores of various types. I have designed these projects in a variety of themes... Fantasy, sci-fi, modern day, historical, surreal. I used to build massive castles and even participated in a number of SLB projects.

    If you need a versatile builder, a business friend/consultant, region designer, helper, teacher, instructor or more. Just contact me.


    I'll accept L$ for payment, possibly other forms. Also willing to consider trade for long term land usage.

  2. Hey, I'm Ravenis Black

    I'm a long time SL citizen, since 2005. I have found myself in situations from one friend to many, then back down to none after taking an hiatus. I'd love to meet anyone honestly and fill that gap of nooooooooo frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeends on SL.


    I have run a number of businesses... Clothing, photography, real-estate (sim rentals), landscaping, sim design, building, custom homes, creating roleplay sims, mesh, and so on. I've done it all... And I enjoy it all. Looking for someone that is like me or wants to be, or simply enjoys listening to me babble about these sorts of things or watching/participating in building


    I love to have fun, dance, sing, build, raise hell and do/explore whatever is new in SL. I'm open to anything, even roleplaying if theres an interest for me.


    In RL I'm in my 20's, musician, sarcastic, rocker, artist, fun, caring guy with a creative soul. I build arcades, I play on Steam. I'm a bit nerdy, and I know how to have fun. Want to know more, just message me.

  3. My SL birthday passed again recently. 04/08/2005!! I've been around WAY too long! I've dabbled in a bit of everything. Managed multiple rental sims. Designed many private RP sims and residential land. I build, sculpt, script, design everything I create from the ground up on my own. You need a jack of all trades? I can help. You need someone specific for the job, I can help there too. I took a break from SL for awhile and I'm back to hit it hard.

    Just message me about your project or what you want done and lets get started. You can state your price or ask mine! Ravenis Black in game OR Ravenis.Black@gmail.com

    Also entertaining ideas for business partner relationships to create great things. Being a sim designer I've worked in all styles of building from fantasy to sci-fi. I used to make my entire monthly RL income with sim rentals, designs, landscaping and buildings.


    In the real world I do web design, graphics, invent, create, and aspire. I have a long list of qualifications but I think the important info here is SL experience.

    Heres one of my "speed builds". 


  4. Hey, just a short and sweet ad for my services as a builder. I'm mostly a private builder but I do great work for RP sims and much more. I've done tiny work all the way up to multi-sim projects. I have done work on countless sim projects and for a number of roleplay communities.


    I can work in all styles; Fantasy, Sc-Fi, Steampunk, Natural, Beach, and much more. I have a few examples on Flicker, click the link below to see. :)


    Thanks for reading! IM me in world, Ravenis Black.


  5. I'll keep it simple. I've been building since the day I logged into SL.

    * I'm great at keeping projects low-prim and very neat.

    * I won't charge you an arm and a leg for something that is truly simple.

    * I am very competative and talented.

    * I am professional and mature, with a young and creative mind!

    * I work GREAT with OCD/Perfectionist clients!


    You need something done? I'm the man to do it.

    Besides, I'm a nice guy, who doesn't want to hire somebody that can both get the job done, and share a few laughs with.

  6. Tried any viewer, tried uninstalling and deleting all files.


    But the weird part, there's multiple computers in the house and the furthest any of them gets to opening SL is "Detecting Hardware" then closes. Tried different viewers, etc. Nothing works, and even if it does happen to start, it won't again the next time. The only computer in the house that runs SL right now is a mac *Rolls eyes*.


    What's going on?

  7. Just as the description says, seasoned Jack-Of-All-Trades available for hire. I build, I texture, I manage, anything you need.

    I've designed around 21 entire sims for private owners from terrain to structure. All styles of building, everything is nearly completely original.

    If you need someone from the old days, but with a young business mind to help you in your business with anything, just message me with details on here or in game and lets work something out.

    I've done it all from owning clubs, malls, sims, rental properties, stores, and so much more! I also spent my early years as an official instructor teaching others how to participate in all that Second Life has to offer.

  8. Just as the description says, seasoned Jack-Of-All-Trades available for hire. I build, I texture, I manage, anything you need.

    I've designed around 21 entire sims for private owners from terrain to structure. All styles of building, everything is nearly completely original.

    If you need someone from the old days, but with a young business mind to help you in your business with anything, just message me with details on here or in game and lets work something out.

    I've done it all from owning clubs, malls, sims, rental properties, stores, and so much more! I also spent my early years as an official instructor teaching others how to participate in all that Second Life has to offer.

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