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Tweetie Birdbrain

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Posts posted by Tweetie Birdbrain

  1. LL requested I delete an unassociated item, so clicked on Delete.  However, only the picture of the item was deleted.  Now I have a "No Image Available" picture showing under the name of an outdated product not found in my Marketplace inventory.  When I click on it, I end up on the Marketplace home page.

    How can I delete this item?

  2. I rent at Kamba and at a private sim, and I agree totally that a private sim is more predictible; however, the Mainland has a charm of its own....newbies. I'd rather have a newbie accidentily walk into my house than deal with a cranky neighbor with privacy issues.


  3. Thanks for the support, Lindal, but since I've been in this same location for 4 1/2 years and my neighbors are brand new to the area, I feel an obligation to fight for my rights. Atm, the banline is down. Maybe we can all exist in peace....here's hoping :)

  4. I want to thank you both for taking time to answer my question; however, your answers are not what I was hoping to hear. The banline I'm referring to is 70m high, and I was hoping that there was a new limit to banlines. From my point of view, I think they should be banned. They may keep out a few unwanted avatars, but anger and alienate all others who have the misfortune to come across one. Just ask my customers :(

  5. Is there an altitude limit to banlines?  If there is a limit, I will notify my customers, who buy my hot air balloons, to fly above the limit.  If a hot air balloon touches a banline, it auto deletes, and the occupants of the balloon find themselves at the bottom of the sea or crash. 

    To test the banlines, go to my store in Kamba and fly a demo balloon.  There's no shortage of banlines there.

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