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Bonny Greenwood

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Posts posted by Bonny Greenwood

  1. Hi all. I have some pretty good scripts that provide sound on attach but I can't for the life of me figure out how to deactivate the loop and make it play only once. Is this possible and can someone assist me please? Thanks!

  2. 54 minutes ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

    Sadly, yes. Please don't leave, we need people like you here :) 

    Thank you. I'm not leaving. I'm simply choosing my battles. I'll be around for the next go. I've said my piece here and have nothing else to share nor do I care to contend with condescending keyboard warriors... so I shall be moving along to the next topic of interest. Thank you for your support. :)

    • Like 4
  3. 41 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Yes we do.

    PBR and the new tooling are part of a much bigger platform shift. A full industry standard workflow that meets the needs of unity and unreal developers. PBR is step one. GLTF & extensions is step two (in beta testing now) and that all but kills in world building. SL is changing in some very big ways and we're only just seeing the surface scratches so far.

    There is no option to opt out, no way to side step

    Thinking about running away to opensim? They've got PBR too.



    No, actually, I don't. I can choose to leave. We always have choices. Anyway... I'm done with this thread. We will see how this PBR pans out won't we. I think though... the callous attitudes I've encountered here tell me a lot about some of the people that comment here... Not everyone can afford the required updates to their computers that will allow them to experience these updates smoothly but compassion for these people seem to be very lacking. SL has people from all over the world with many different backgrounds and economic capabilities. SL has always been more than a gaming platform. It's been a community full of diversity and inspiration. It's disappointing to read some of the comments from my fellow SLers. But this is a social forum so I suppose I should expect to encounter the typical opinionated keyboard warriors here. Best wishes.

    • Like 7
  4. Just now, Luna Bliss said:

    How much compassion should we have for people who blame others for their own problems?  There comes a time when you need to say "time to grow up and accept responsibility".  Do you want me to pat your head while you sit in pain and believe there's nothing you can do to help yourself?

    Sweetie.... I'm done.... have a good day... my time is wasted on people like you. Cheers!

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  5. 38 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Anyone who is a "seasoned creator" would have been paying attention to the meta levels of LL (the forum and other interested groups) where this has been discussed for months. So I certainly wouldn't blame LL for my own lack of participation and accuse them of springing this on us out of the blue.

    One also has to consider that a lot of these bugs don't surface until they're out in the wild, and so we are (to a degree) guinea pigs. Likely no developers get it perfect right off the bat. Expect bugs and you'll be happier.

    Lacking funds/staff for extensive testing could also play into it.

    If anybody leaves it's their choice because they were dumb enough to expect perfection  right off the bat and also never kept track of PBR discussions that have been going on for months! Personally, I'll be glad to see such whiners hit the road.  Adios!

    I do have compassion for those who are confused and trying to make this work. The forum has been helpful to those needing to tweak their settings since PBR went life on Firestorm.

    But instead of insisting LL spoon feed people one could attend one of the numerous classes addressing these issues (I keep posting the classes, and they can be discovered through a bit of research) instead of complaining on the forum.

    I don't see this.... compassion... you speak of... but ok. Noted... Luna Bliss.

    • Like 6
  6. 3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    All the seasoned creators I know are not leaving.  Even if some do I figure it's okay in the balance as we are losing far more residents and newcomers via looking like a virtual world from last century.

    I can't say I would agree at all. I think that you lose a lot of potential with that kind of outlook. SL could be a little more patient and give some time for others to prepare. Firestorm only just became PBR capable and that's the viewer most people I know even use. It's too soon to expect the whole of SL to push over and be ready for this, especially when there's clearly many bugs yet to be worked out. You have PBR now... so there's no reason those of you who enjoy it, can't just enjoy it without expecting the rest who aren't ready to conform right away. You have the technology at your fingertips now... why should SL have to lose anyone along the way? 

  7. 1 hour ago, BriannaLovey said:

    OpenSim doesn't have Havok, no. Physics seemed a bit better than they have been previously though. Just more pirated stuff. The reality though is that most users don't care about intellectual property, and most don't care about the difference in physics.

    I've had friends encouraging me to move to other sims as well.. I've declined so far but if this situation in SL doesn't improve, I may consider looking into it. And if I leave, I take a big chunk of SL with me... I've contributed a LOT here. That's just an example of why it's so important that SL not try to alienate their users. You never know who you might lose in the process. We all make this virtual world what it is. Linden Labs provides the platform but we users do the rest really. Attracting new users is great but not if you're losing seasoned users who have years of experience and skills they contribute to SL.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    It forces LL to clamp down on TPV access to the grid.

    PBR is LL's baby. We don't get the choice to reject it.

    We also don't have to accept it. LL stand to lose its members rather than improve the population decline. That's not just their problem. Everyone suffers since we we have a thriving in-world economy.

  9. 55 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    If you want, we can probably help. If you have a strong enough PC it should not be a problem and there is likely a fix to your problems.

    You will be forced onto a PBR viewer if you wish to use the official viewer or Firestorm though, LL have a shared experience policy and the world will become quite unusable without one in a while. You can continue to use older Firestorm for a while yet but the time will come.

    Your experience is not the norm though, clearly there is a problem and it's likely fixable.



    Who's we and what do you suggest will help? 

  10. I reinstalled my previous viewer tonight after several days of trialing the PBR update and couldn't be happier to be back on the older viewer. I hated the new viewer. I could not go anywhere that had any kind of crowd without insane lag and decreased framerates. Textures wouldn't load correctly or at all in some cases. I never got a decent framerate even when I was somewhere low intensity. I'm used to being able to run 5 or 6 viewers simultaneously with few issues on mid level graphics... so it's not like I don't have a good PC. None of the shiny and reflections made this viewer worth me losing the speed and functionality I am accustomed to having with previous viewer. If Linden Labs does force us into this without better alternatives, I am afraid there will be many of us who will lose interest and leave. I've heard arguments from people on FB forums telling others they should just update and stop whining... That would be great if people could just afford to. Second Life has always been a platform that most anyone could participate in, given they adjusted their graphics to suit their computer's needs. This PBR forces us to have strong machines that can roll with it in order to maintain the same level of functionality we get before PBR was introduced. I truly hope we're not forced onto the PBR viewer and are able to maintain our use of SL through a maintained version of the older one. If LL isn't careful, they could very well push away more people than they stand to attract through this update and that could crash the SL economy and run off vital users who make major contributions to our virtual community. It might not seem important to some when users choose to leave, but you never know what skills and valuable assets they take with them when they go. Second Life depends on its users to create the world we live in. I hope that a better solution can be found that appeases all.

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  11. MG-PandoriaBanner657x394.jpg

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