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Naoki Ninetails

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Posts posted by Naoki Ninetails

  1. I don't have the reason why, but this has been plaguing me too. I worry a lot of fights must be going down over this! 😧 A misunderstanding is so easy when the chat fails like this. I had people trying to send me TPs, IMs, everything, failed after we had all just separated at a different sim. Relogging didn't help. It seemed to be a set problem with those specific people, which was misleading at first.

    Anyway, what fixed it for me finally (after having friends patient enough to assure me it wasn't me losing my mind) was TPing directly to the people who were trying to contact me via LM where I could be standing right in front of them and SL couldn't try to tell them I wasn't actually here! Instantly I received ALL of their messages at once and they were bombarded with online notifications.


    So. I have no idea WTF is going on, but you are not crazy.

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