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Lewis Nerd

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Posts posted by Lewis Nerd

  1. 4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Idea: You can make new friends! And, you'll find less unsavory activities in G-Rated regions.

    I propose we remove complaining from Second Life, in cases where the people complaining can just "go somewhere new", take their own advice, etc.

    Make Second Life Beautiful, remove a Grump today!

    You know, it's always strange how things are dismissed like this as if my point of view has no value, and by extension how people who don't follow the crowd but stand up for what they believe also have no value.

    You never realise how much power your words can have, and how much damage you can do to someone you don't know.  I hope you never find out just how much.

    • Haha 1
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  2. 4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The people are real -- we aren't NPCs inhabiting your "game."

    What we do, the connections we make, the interactions in which we engage, the experiences we have, and the memories we retain, are all "real."

    Or perhaps you'd like to upload a full and unexpurgated copy of all of your chat transcripts for us to peruse?

    After all, they're not "real," right?

    I can assure you that you wouldn't find much there of interest, mostly because I rarely see friends online to talk to now; most of my chat logs are either vendor spam, or configuration text responses from interactive items on my build. 

    That's one of the downsides of being a mature experienced player, most of the people you knew 'back in the day' are either dead now, or have been scared off of the game by griefers, idiots and those engaging in unsavoury activities.  There isn't much about socially any more for people like me.


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  3. 8 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    please don't hijack certain advices for your own goals, it makes people laugh ... the saying with the grandmother is nearly always only used for General Regions, néver for SL in total.

    I'm not sure what you think "my goals" are - simply a reminder of basic truths really. 

    Personally, I think the adult side of SL has done far more damage over the years than good; who knows how much better and busier it might be here if people hadn't been driven away by it.  I've managed 18 years in SL without needing to resort to 'adult content' to enjoy it.  

    Maybe it's just a cultural thing.

    • Haha 3
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  4. 1 hour ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

    This topic has brought up an unexpected question for me. I really enjoy checking out other people's home decor by camming into their houses. It gives me ideas for what to do with my own house and tells me about shops I might not have ever visited. Said houses are pretty much always empty and I don't care about looking at people.

    Am I a dirty, nasty, privacy-violating decor-inspo-stealing perv?

    No.  If you're specifically looking inside a home to spy on someone then that could be considered wrong, although I don't think it's against any particular rules otherwise the facility wouldn't exist.  It's very easy to check the mini map and make sure nobody is home.

    Most people don't bother with learning to be creative and just buy stuff off the marketplace for their 'digital home', so why wouldn't you want to buy the same from the marketplace for your home?  It's no different from going to Walmart or some other supermarket and buying exactly the same thing hundreds of thousands of others around the country have bought for their home.  I like creating stuff, but if I need something I'll always check marketplace first with keywords to see what's out there, and if I can buy it for L$50 instead of spending 2 hours making it, I'll gladly support others by purchasing it.

    Too many people seem to be utterly paranoid about 'online privacy' when no such thing exists.

  5. 13 hours ago, animats said:

    Some legacy technical features we could do without:

    • Classic "Glow". It usually looks awful. Glow in PBR is supposed to be a side effect of a bright light interacting with the environment, and eventually SL should have that.

    Nothing wrong with 'glow', if used in a small amount, as it can represent neon signs or other lighting that would have a glow of sorts.  Full on, yes, it can look bad.  But as for PBR ... can't see why everyone is getting so hyped up over it.  Haven't seen any sensible use of it yet.

  6. Ban lines and "security orbs", especially those that eject you to home with no warning, with absolutely no indication that someone is paranoid enough to set their land to 'private' in the first place.

    It's just a game.  There's nothing you can do in game that has any bearing on real life.  Therefore there's no need to aggressively ban anyone from flying around and looking for interesting builds.  If you've just got what looks like a Linden or marketplace home, it has zero interest to me, but given that you can use camera controls to "look inside" areas you are excluded from, the whole concept of 'security' is a joke anyway.

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  7. 24 minutes ago, K9Mark said:

    Try relogging or even TPing round a few different regions and then back again. They probably are still there, but your viewer can't see them for some reason. I've noticed a few bits and pieces missing at some of my locations, but I can TP an alt in and they will be there in his viewer, and if I TP about and try again later, they are still there.

    I've relogged several times.  I've tp'd to various regions, and used several alts - same problem.  The "about land" tab shows about 200 prims "missing"; I had about 400 to go and now there's about 600 free.  Large chunks of my railway are missing, and normally the train follows the track but the track parts have simply disappeared so the trains wander off aimlessly until they pick up another piece and go the wrong way, so I've had to disable them in case they disappear never to be seen again.

    I have submitted a support ticket for this as it is clearly something very wierd going on.  The random nature of the disappeared parts I think I'm fairly sure weren't anything I might have done accidently.

  8. 7 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

    In my experience, people who want to do everything in secrecy while having any kind of power over others are usually up to no good.

    That's not what I'm saying - nothing "up to no good" about wanting to stop someone harrassing you.

    You could use your same argument about' secrecy and power' over ban lines and security orbs.  There's every chance I'm just flying past your land and have no interest in what you are doing or what is inside your land, but when you get zero warning and teleported home without consent then surely that's an example of 'extreme control' far in excess of simply not wanting to have a specific individual(s) interacting with you?  Yet most seem to take that as a 'basic right' in-game.

    It seems like the only real choice I have is to stop using the forums - and I'm sure lots of people would be delighted to take that win.

    • Haha 2
  9. 19 hours ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:

    Now... all the way back to the OP complaint.

    I can see one reason for land tier to be "unfair" - it's not in LLs interest for people to scale up too high. Mega land barons have outsized influence. Better to keep users at a smaller scale and gets lots of individuals instead of a few power brokers. But this "scale" is way beyond even owning a couple of regions. That's a concern when you start putting multiple 0s on the end of how many regions you own. Still, making it harder to scale early on just helps to discourage the idea.

    Yes, sorry I probably wasn't as clear as I should have been that it's about how tiers work - land prices are, generally, down to market forces, location and desirability which in general I don't have an issue with (unless it's someone pricing neighbouring land extortionally, having built a 'griefer built' and hoping that you buy it at an inflated price to get rid of something that's within the rules but unsightly and annoying).

    Land barons serve a purpose, I guess - although mostly to new users who don't want to commit yet to paying a monthly fee) but what may or may not affect them doesn't bother me, only people like me whose creativity is stifled by what seems a bit of a nonsensical 'tier system'.  Yes, paying to upgrade a free alt may work out a cheaper option... but should it?

    • Like 1
  10. "Adult" or "not", of course.

    Body formats - "default" and "a long list of others".  I see little point in spending lots of real money on buying things on my digital persona; the way I play wouldn't change if I was a plywood box.

    Then of course the age old argument as to whether SL is a 'platform' or a 'game'.

    • Like 5
  11. 57 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I have a Mainland home and never see bots..(bit I don't usually go anywhere else, either).

    Yesterday, I installed a visitor counter on my land.  Today, I was surprised that I had 9 visitors that had been to my land ... one an alt that I was using to test something, and 8 called Bonnie something which apparently we aren't supposed to talk about.

  12. 18 hours ago, BJoyful said:

    Bellisseria provided a stunning example of extensive contiguous beauty and infrastructure some of the people who are ready to move up from the Bellisserian 'starter home' (according to its original purpose) are making those Mainland improvements. 

    Tbh this "Bellisseria" place sounds more like a HoC which is probably one of the worst things in America, which thankfully seems to have stayed there and not gone round the rest of the world.

    I guess 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' and Bellisseria is not something that appeals to me.  I have no issues with some basic restrictions particularly when parts of builds affect the neighbours but I do like the freedom of mainland.  But I've always been a considerate builder and whilst some may think using prims to build an attractive 'parcel outline' could be considered a bit of a waste, it's something I've always factored in and it seems to have been appreciated - and if a neighbour thinks it's too high, if they tell me, we work out a compromise.

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  13. 18 minutes ago, BJoyful said:

    I think you would be an excellent Resident to give this a try!  You have a lot of experience landscaping and decorating and perhaps the challenge of using Mainland terrain could be fun for you, or for others.   Maybe you could make a new Topic challenging others to show off builds built with (only?) Mainland default textures?  :) 

    Popular and well known residents are great to start trends and challenges.  I am neither any more, and am not sure I ever was one of those two.

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  14. 13 minutes ago, BJoyful said:

    Here's some interesting RL builds on hillsides to consider. 

    Perhaps something like these could work in SL?

    The problem is some of those are "built in" to the hill, and you can't excavate very much in SL.  I know you can terraform to a degree but I wonder how many of those would be possible?  Love to have a try... maybe Dr Evil's secret underground lair?

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