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Cory Toll

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Everything posted by Cory Toll

  1. My understanding is that most people really don't care. unless you're getting into an actual relationshiop, people don't really care either way. Even when talking about sexual relationships, some people have the mindset of not wanting to know and only care about the gender of your avatar. Others will want to know. I think the only time it matters to most is when you enter a relationship. You can always mention in your profile that you're a guy in RL. From what I've seen, a lot of guys with female avatars will just make their avatars transgender while being fully male in real life. Though, there seem to be a lot of girls playing that way as well. So basically, just do whatever you want, lol. After about 8 years in SL, I've seen just about every type of avatar there is to see and i think most others have as well. That's really the essence of SL, be who you want to be. Don't let other people's judgement alter your choices. I like to wear a mask on my avatar for example. i don't wear one in RL, but I can be a masked guy in SL
  2. Hello, me and some friends run a freebie place and just about everyday I get reports from players abotu these people spamming bites. it's been happening for years and years and years. Our ban list is nearing the cap (both the region ban list and the land ban list). I beleive there are some products out there for individual avatars to block these spam messages, but what I want something that blocks it entirely. Being a freebie place, we get mostly new comers who don't know whats going on. So while I can't stop all the spammers, I'd at least like to stop these horrible bloodlines peopel from bothering anyone. I'm hoping there's some kind of item I can rez taht blocks their scripts from working. Obliviously, the standard "Don't Allow Scripts" land option doesn't work at all. So yeah, if such a thing exists, i'm hoping someone who has first hand experience with it can talk about how well it works.
  3. Alright. They refunded me the lindens and responded to my ticket. Whew, I can continue trusting LL again. Thanks Dakota Linden.
  4. I like most of these. What I don't like is the deactivation. Instead, I think it'd be much better to just have the store/owner marked as inactive. This way great items will stay available but people can at least be aware that the person is inactive and be aware that they aren't going to get in contact with them. I'd also love to see a filter type search. Somethign where I can search multiple categories at once. Having an option to search for things that are and are not mesh is something I've wanted ever since mesh was introduced. It's super annoying to search for specific clothing styles or whatever only to have a ton of mesh items pushed to the front when I don't want to look at them. I'd also like to keep certain settings like showing 96 items at a time instead of having it revert to 12 everytime I come back. On the merchant side of things, I'l like to see them add BBC or at least let us use colored text, bold, etc etc in listings. I know they'd never do html, but personalizing listings is pretty imortant.
  5. I would assume if my lindens stay inside SL I wouldn't have to pay any taxes. I always thought that Linden Labs paying taxes would be enough since it's all their stuff and the money they send out to people is something other than "payment" since most of us don't actually work for them. They take fee's and such from us in multiple places. I'm not personally on the up and up about tax stuff so I don't know what I'm talking about. But I don't see why the government would have to dip their hands into our money if they've already taken some from LL as a bussiness that's holding our virtual businesses in which we have to pay land fees among other fees with the marketplace SL now owns and withdraw fees which may or may not cover the taxes that LL has to pay. Maybe it would be more cut and dry if SL were an actual 3D internet that no one owned and people could actually own their servers and be hosts and all that jazz. I understand taxing bitcoin, or at least the concern that they think they should tax it along with those other currency. crypto currency or whatever.
  6. Thanks. That's good to hear. I'm definately not going to bother with it ever again. If I actually do get my money back, I'll probably use it and then select don't renew right afterwards. It'll probably be a very long time before I trust it again even if they do give me my money back.
  7. I've already submitted a support ticket (which hasn't gotten any response yet. on day 5 now). I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue and got it resolved. I got 3 front page enhancements for 3 of my products (1 for each of them) and on my transaction history, I got charged 8 times for it instead 3, so they took away way too many lindens. I checked the status of my listings and sure enough I only have 30 days for the 3 items I enhanced. So instead of taking away 8,697L (3 times 2,899L) They take away 23,129L which is absurd. I'm just hoping I can get my money back (the 5 extra charges). I've been in this game for 7 years now and I've never had this kind of issue before where LL took too much money from me. So I have no idea if they will even bother helping me out. So I'm just wondering if anyone else had this issue, reported it, and then got it resolved. 14,495L (5 times 2899L) is way too much money to just go away into thin air like that. It also makes me wonder if they've made this error before and I just didn't notice. But I wont speculate just yet.
  8. Looks like all I needed to do was use a different viewer. I switched to a popular third party viewer (firestorm) and even when set to ultra, I no longer have major or noticable FPS loss/lag issues. I really wish the official viewer had whatever this thing has. After the Emerald fiasco, I'd always been extremely paranoid about third party viewers. Anyway, if anyone else is having the same issue I was having, maybe a trusted 3rd party viewer is the answer?
  9. Wow, sorry I upset you with my post, Freya Mokusei I used Time Warner cable. The same internet provider I've been using for the last decade+ including when SL ran really well with no lag with the conditions I listed. As far as I'm aware though, fram rate lag isn't connection related which is why I didn't list it. As for everyone else, thanks for the replies, I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I know a few friends who can play SL like normal with no reduced frame rate and they have PCs about the same range as mine. The only thing I can guess is that our specific gfx cards aren't optimized for SL? I don't have enough knowledge to say though. I mean, everything render well, with other people come by, the framerate has a hissy fit.
  10. UPDATE: Earlier to day, I switched to a 3rd party viewer adn that seemed to resolve my lag issue completely. Thank you everyone for your input (even those of you who were upset with me for some reason). I'm not sure why the official viewer caused me to have major FPS drops when around other people even at the lowest graphic settings though. As I've mentioned, it started happening about a year or less ago and my hardware and connection haven't changed but the viewer has, so I assume that it's ultimately the viewer. Maybe it's not compatible with my specific graphics card and the 3rd party viewer I switched to is? No idea. Thanks again for the help and input everyone. I hope the official viewer becomes more stable in future. I'm not really here to complain about the lag or ask LL to fix it, I'm just wondering if anyone else has extreme lag and if they had any luck reducing it. I'm not talking about connection issues or rubberband lag, but rather the kind that makes SL go at 0.3 frames per second to 1 frame per second. I've been in SL for nearly 7 years now and have the best PC I've ever had. It was built (by me with parts from new egg) for gaming in 2012. When I'm not near anyone in SL the game runs extrememly smooth. I set the setting on ultra and have a grand time looking at the cool and realistic shading effects and such. However, if I'm near 4 or 5+ people and they're on the my screen, it's super laggy. If I'm in a store that uses an ungodly amount of mesh with a few people, it's super laggy as well. The short version of my specs are GeForce GTX 570 gfx crad, 8gb ram, i5 intel. I wasthinking about getting 8gb more ram for a total of 16, but I'm not sure if that would help anything. I can already run skyrim at high setting with HD textures installed and graphics enhances and such with no problems among many other games. But SL takes a big toll (no pun intended) on my computer. Even at the very lowest of settings I lag. what's weird is if I turn my camera away from people or mesh objects, I stop lagging, but if they come into view again, it's lag-city. So I'm pretty mcuh asking, if you don't lag like crazy around other people and other people's mesh items, what are your PC specs that allows you to not lag this much? Or maybe it's some kind of magical SL setting that's hidden somewhere? Or maybe you're using a 3rd party viewer that's more stable than the current SL. Maybe it has something to do with my specific graphics card? It's been like this for me for about a year now. I havent seen anyone else complain about this. People either say they just lag all the time people or not or they dont mention anything else at all.
  11. UPDATE: Earlier to day, I switched to a 3rd party viewer adn that seemed to resolve my lag issue completely. Thank you everyone for your input (even those of you who were upset with me for some reason). I'm not sure why the official viewer caused me to have major FPS drops when around other people even at the lowest graphic settings though. As I've mentioned, it started happening about a year or less ago and my hardware and connection haven't changed but the viewer has, so I assume that it's ultimately the viewer. Maybe it's not compatible with my specific graphics card and the 3rd party viewer I switched to is? No idea. Thanks again for the help and input everyone. I hope the official viewer becomes more stable in future. I'm not really here to complain about the lag or ask LL to fix it, I'm just wondering if anyone else has extreme lag and if they had any luck reducing it. I'm not talking about connection issues or rubberband lag, but rather the kind that makes SL go at 0.3 frames per second to 1 frame per second. I've been in SL for nearly 7 years now and have the best PC I've ever had. It was built (by me with parts from new egg) for gaming in 2012. When I'm not near anyone in SL the game runs extrememly smooth. I set the setting on ultra and have a grand time looking at the cool and realistic shading effects and such. However, if I'm near 4 or 5+ people and they're on the my screen, it's super laggy. If I'm in a store that uses an ungodly amount of mesh with a few people, it's super laggy as well. The short version of my specs are GeForce GTX 570 gfx crad, 8gb ram, i5 intel. I wasthinking about getting 8gb more ram for a total of 16, but I'm not sure if that would help anything. I can already run skyrim at high setting with HD textures installed and graphics enhances and such with no problems among many other games. But SL takes a big toll (no pun intended) on my computer. Even at the very lowest of settings I lag. what's weird is if I turn my camera away from people or mesh objects, I stop lagging, but if they come into view again, it's lag-city. So I'm pretty mcuh asking, if you don't lag like crazy around other people and other people's mesh items, what are your PC specs that allows you to not lag this much? Or maybe it's some kind of magical SL setting that's hidden somewhere? Or maybe you're using a 3rd party viewer that's more stable than the current SL. Maybe it has something to do with my specific graphics card? It's been like this for me for about a year now. I havent seen anyone else complain about this. People either say they just lag all the time people or not or they dont mention anything else at all.
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