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Chatelaine Derryth

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Posts posted by Chatelaine Derryth

  1. From my perspective, NFTs are trying to do in the real world what Second Life has already been doing for a long time: taking the idea of selling something virtual and non-reproducible or a one-time event, and selling it to an investor or one-time owner. Yes, I saw the play, Oedipus, in SL 10 years ago. My NFT to prove it is on my profile feed. I can't transfer this experience. I could send you the program. I "rent" land in 4 virtual places as investment into virtual art and an immersive one-time user experience. I spend real money on things my avatar "wears," and may be deleted by Linden Labs or simply cease to exist next week. How is this not already an NFT?

    There are loads of ways to capitalize SL, by creating things only people with money can have. But that is not why SL was started, or what Philip Rosedale had in mind, when he set it up so that every item was supposed to have at least ONE open permission, and so that people around you can see when you are building and help you, and you can create wonderful things in-world as shared experiences.

    It is this aspect of SL that in my mind is in danger of being lost.

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  2. About 10 years ago, I was missing New Orleans. I visited a couple of sims around at the time, but when I found the Swamp Hostel in Bourbon Street NOLA sim, I knew I was home. I roleplay (still do) a Timelord who has her homebase during this time in New Orleans. One night, I noticed I had a new neighbor at the Hostel. A musician, and his sex piano kept giving off local chat spam. Figures, I thought. I messaged him and was still online when he came on to fix it. We chatted, and I found out that he was a real-life banjo player who also loved New Orleans. Two years later, we visited together in Real Life, the real NOLA, and later, got married.

    I live in Germany now, so I don't get to the RL NOLA anymore. But I still live in our beautiful SL NOLA, and I still make beautiful music with my now RL husband, whom I met in our wonderful SL NOLA.

    Thanks so much to Sandrine and the memory of her partner, Amanda, who established the bones and skin of such a magical place. And thanks to all the great people and their memories, who have added the gristle and fat to the place, and those residents like me, who maybe contribute a few tattoos.

    Very few places welcome all people, all costumes, and all lifestyles, as easily as the real-life New Orleans. And this Second Life one has found a way to do that too. Secrets and details to be discovered in and around the buildings and sets, clubs with live music, good conversation, poker, and alligators.  Restaurants and shops to pick up free NOLA foods and beads -- a police station and firestation to call or work at, when things go wrong. Bayou Diesel, a fellow resident, offers realistic hotspots around the sim, and rocker Clairede Dirval owns a club here, where she sometimes does surprise concerts.

    We welcome new folks and visitors who love New Orleans and a laid-back lifestyle. My door is always open, in the Swamp Hostel, with the Krewe of the Lily doormat outside.  Y'all come!

    Gabor And Chat against wall at swamp 2.png

    Gabor and Chat practice busking 21 4.png

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