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Garrick Diesel

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Posts posted by Garrick Diesel

  1. Hi Bac,


    As I'm sure you are aware, ATI have not issued supported windows7 drivers for the X series graphics cards. However, the native windows 7 driver is sufficient to run SL on these cards without any problems.  If the "unsupported hardware" message bothers you, you can disable the hardware check on the client startup.


    Find the shortcut on your desktop and right-click it. Select Properties and add the following to the end of the text in the "target" field:


    this must fall outside the closing quotation mark (if any) e.g.  "c:\program files\secondlife\secondlife.exe" --noprobe


    I hope this helps you! You may also want to ensure you have the latest VISTA drivers for the card installed if this still fails.




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