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Kooshmeister Quicksand

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Posts posted by Kooshmeister Quicksand

  1. Hello, I am seeking an experienced vehicle builder, preferably one who works with rotary-wing aircraft (i.e., helicopters) to build me specific-looking helicopters not currently offered on the SL Marketplace, which I find to be over-satured with aircraft based off of almost every single type of helicopter except the two I'm specifically seeking. I've asked many inworld helicopter builders and been told repeatedly no and to ask someone else, only to then have the referred builder tell me essentially the same thing. Lindens aren't really an object. I can get very nearly any amount (within reason) required to pay for a custom-built helicopter. The only problem is finding a decent builder/sculptor to do it for me.

    So if you build helicopters, please contact me inworld (Kooshmeister Quicksand) and be prepared to show me an example of your work. I thank you immensely in advance.

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