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Charltina Christensen

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Posts posted by Charltina Christensen

  1. Greetings everyone. I think the reason we are not all leaping into motion is there are several factors here that are unclear in the wording and presentation. 1. There is a meeting today on a sim, but they should have lead with the meeting is Friday being held at whatever time and the url link hyper links to get us there. Secondly, many of us that have been here the entire 11 years have a long memory and often our past experiences block our future choices before they are realized.  Finally, the wording makes it sound as though this is mainly effecting the Second life Viewer not the Firestorm Viewer and we already know the Firestorm viewer for most of us designers and builders is an overall better project. So are we needed to just come and state that, or are they thinking of taking this beta idea which 88 percent of the time, every time the Lindens have had a beta idea of their own it has not been anything we merchants have asked for wanted or desired. So I hope I find out the time and the location and  that I am able to make the meeting without crashing. I think for future meetings it would be best to also do a simultaneous Live feed, of streaming because truly we all know that there are more than 100 persons that want to know the direction Second Life is going in and Linden Labs in the future. A sim can only hold 100 of us, so already to me it says they do not truly want all of us to participate in this process. Better thinking requires a wider scope of presentation to include as many as possible at the ground level to understand and dialogue together.People truly appreciate when we are being thought of as intelligent, thought provoked human beings. Just some food for thought.

    Everyone have a blessd and amazing day.

    Charltina Christensen

    P.S. If  anyone can post a url hyperlink of where the meeting shall be exactly thanks.

  2. My Charltina's Black Beauty Bring it Outfit was flagged, I need better clarification so it doesn't happen again.. It would really help if there were more specifics of the concern  This is my 1st time being cited and unlisted. Do we meet at all in SL now to find out these guidelines and get some communication dialogue going on these issue.If so please let me know,

    Have an amazing weekend,

    Charltina Christensen

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