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Blazin Aubret

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Posts posted by Blazin Aubret

  1. hey everyone Smiley Happy

    I'm willing to buy it if anyone knows where to purchase it but I need an animation that overrides ao's. I am making a doll that I want to have the avatar hold in it's hand. It will look like I am holding the dolls hand and it is hanging off my hand if that makes sense? Here is a screenshot of an example so you see what I mean https://gyazo.com/ea3ad5fbc12f0a2f35a870b4885eb3a9

    I have tried a few but my AO ends up taking over. Any ideas on where I can get a full perm one or how to make one?


    Thanks so much in advance Smiley Happy

  2. No, it shouldn't be in the furries forum. I apologize..lemme go check if I can delete this post, I couldn't seem to find a topic it would fit :smileywink:

    Edit: Well being I've been up WAY too long either there is no option to delete it or it's right in front of my face and I dont see it which believe me, it SO possible right now :smileyindifferent: So again, sorry if I broke the rules I guess? Been working so hard on this project I never thought that it wouldn't be allowed =/

  3. Hi everyone :)

    I would just like to get the word out to everyone I can!

    I have begun a fundraiser for the animals that have been abandoned and/or injured in Japan called "Project FUR Japan".

    We will be donating all monies to an animal rescue group that is over in Japan right now searching for hurt animals and getting them the medical attention they need, hopefully to join them with their loving owners again!

    Please see our blog for more information on how YOU can help!

    I appreciate your time in reading this<3 Thanks so much again everyone.


    Blazin Aubret


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