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Treat Portal

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Posts posted by Treat Portal

  1. I've suffered from that as well as parts of my arms only being half rendered etc and found that i can successfully rebake by toggling the "open GL vertex buffer objects" box in preferences/graphics/hardware (of SL V3), ie, if its on - turn it off and rebake successfully, if its off - i turn it on and can successfully rebake. wierd but it works for me all the time now.



    I've suffered from that as well as parts of my arms only being half rendered etc and found that i can successfully rebake by toggling the "open GL vertex buffer objects" box in preferences/graphics/hardware (of SL V3), ie, if its on - turn it off and rebake successfully, if its off - i turn it on and can successfully rebake. wierd but it works for me all the time now.


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