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Kerhop Seattle

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Posts posted by Kerhop Seattle

  1. I mostly use the in-world Search tab on the rare occasion that I go shopping for something, the only time I really use Marketplace is if I want to find/purchase something while my avatar is attending a class or seminar where it's not practical to teleport to the in-world store. It may sound odd but as far as search terms used, I tend to think like a shop owner (i.e. "if I were selling bubble textures what keywords would I be targetting?") and then search on a variant of whatever comes to mind.  I guess the reason is because I run a shop of my own selling business marketing gadgets. :matte-motes-grin:

  2. I like the idea of a round room store design, but am curious about having several floors for visitors to explore. Historically when I've observed avatar traffic (using gadgets that I also sell, shameless plug) I've found that a very limited number will go up/down ramps or teleport to other floors. Perhaps it's a signage issue where they need incentive to check out the other areas.

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