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Hiro Pendragon

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Posts posted by Hiro Pendragon

  1. Amen!

    What would be ways to encourage mass adoption of this?

    1. Linden default AVs need to be shorter. Without this, it's a losing battle. Period.

    2. The editor for avatars should show what the person's height is as one edits. "Oh, hey, 7' tall? That's a little much. Lemme scale it down a bit..."

    3. Widespread ridicule of tall avatars. (Kidding. .... sort of...)

    • Like 2

    How does a spyware collect an email address if it's just used for SL and basically never touched? Answer: It can't.

    Recommend you speak to your legal team under the assumption your third party, foreign company does what so many companies do - sell email addresses under the table out the back door to make ends meat.

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