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Butch Daddy

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Posts posted by Butch Daddy

  1. 5 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    LL might have to clarify that representing sexual activity with a child is a ban-able offense even if the child is not an avatar.

    Reading is fundamental. 


    • Visual depictions of a child or child avatar engaging in sexually explicit or sexually suggestive acts.

    It is quite literally, the first line in the new policy list. 

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  2. Unfortunately, Florida has those weird gambling/gaming laws.  They allow some stuff, because of the Indians and the old dog racing, but they do not allow other stuff.

    "contests of skill" are one of the things they ban.  The other stuff is regulated pretty hard.  The state gov seemed to be pretty pissed when the dog racing ban was voted on by a state wide ballot.  


    849.14 Unlawful to bet on result of trial or contest of skill, etc

    849.14 Unlawful to bet on result of trial or contest of skill, etc.—Whoever stakes, bets, or wagers any money or other thing of value upon the result of any trial or contest of skill, speed or power or endurance of human or beast, or whoever receives in any manner whatsoever any money or other thing of value staked, bet, or wagered, or offered for the purpose of being staked, bet, or wagered, by or for any other person upon any such result, or whoever knowingly becomes the custodian or depositary of any money or other thing of value so staked, bet, or wagered upon any such result, or whoever aids, or assists, or abets, or influences in any manner in any of such acts all of which are hereby forbidden, commits a felony of the third degree, 

    • Like 1
  3. One thing for sure, with this new search, you can REALLY see how badly some sellers junk up their keywords with garbage making searching for stuff painful at best. 

    When someone is selling a dog and they have these keywords, no wonder everything is going to hell and relevance is complete trash. 

    animal,gift,free,dog,cat,bird,bully,toy,snake,pig,horse,companion,follows,animated,bento,jinx,jian,phoenix,pup,wander,animesh,giraffe,deer,unicorn,parot,bull,fox,bear,poodle,bb,monkey,rezz room,wolf


    • Like 1
  4. On 2/1/2023 at 9:58 AM, TheDarkhand said:

    Federal changes in regulation added more checks for money laundering in 2022, this was brought on by the  Biden Administration with the hire 87,000 new IRS agents, the current red tape needed to provide digital trade payments for international and national vendors has many new added levels. Not that SL is part of a problem, but overall any business like the 3rd party that handles payouts for SL  are under all new regulation, if your in the USA you might want to speak to a CPA if your taking over 500 a month out of SL, you need to pay tax on it with the new regulation slipped into the last round of budget request for the FED.


    The IRS didn't hire 87,000 new IRS Agents.  

    The funds in the act were allocated to help with general agency costs along with hiring more people over the next 10 years.  "More people" also included the 5,000 new customer service representatives that were recently hired as of the end of 2022.

    That dopey number of 87,000 "agents" came from a report in 2021 stating that more funding could allow the agency to hire 87,000 employees (not just agents) by 2031 and that an estimated 52,000 IRS employees may retire over the next 6 years as they reach retirement age. 

    For those who might fail at maths, that is a net gain of 35,000 employees over the next 6-10 years across the ENTIRE country in all jobs in the agency.  

    None of which probably has anything to do with how long it takes a PCR to process from SL to your PayPal or Skill account. 

    • Like 5
  5. It sounds like they are looking for an option for how the original premium accounts used to be before all of the Linden homes stuff. 

    When I first started, Premium got you 512sm on Mainland plus your stipend. You had to buy the parcel, but the monthly tier was included in your premium account fee.  

    There were a bunch of mainland regions that had split parcels up into 512sm for newbies that were reasonably priced where you could buy a parcel to get your feet wet. 

    I kept my little 512 for the longest time before selling it and renting land on a private estate. The 512 was large enough to have a small house, a few things to decorate, and a place to set my home landing point. 

    I could see them picking a half price premium that gets the 512 tier included but no access to the Linden Homes, maybe half the stipend too, a few extra group slots, etc.  

    • Like 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Apart from the massive advantage LL have in customer reach, marketing, officialdom, rule bending and the rest.

    We can occupy and thrive in the spaces they don't operate or fail to hit the mark.

    We can not compete with LL when they get it right, even if we can do better.

    my point is, they didn't get it right. they got it easy, at least with the homes.

    the only people who can get the homes are those willing to pay linden labs for a premium account. 

    there is also stuff that is lacking on the homes that someone who can afford to own islands could spend time theming them out, offering them for users who are not premium along with better options like slightly larger parcels, with more prims, and better security control, and they would not lose.

    they would be offering something that linden labs CAN NOT and WILL NOT offer the users, the chance to own a decent home on a themed region without having a premium account. 

    if they were also able to offer the slightly larger parcels, more prims, and better security controls, then not only would those island owners have an offering for non premiums, who can not get a linden home, they may also be able to attract some of the premiums who want the better options that they complain that linden labs doesn't offer on the homes. 


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  7. I  dont get why some of the land owners didn't adapt when the linden homes got released. 

    the original homes were SO bad and so crowded that anything even remotely better could have skunked those 512 plots. 

    mainland is in a lot of places a horrible hotbed of neighbors from hell unless you own a very large chunk of land on the edge of a sim you are stuck with ugly buildings, rude people, and full bright garbage. 

    someone who owns their own full island could spend some time theming out the island with larger parcels than what linden labs offers, with themed houses and common areas along with the things that users want, like no instant bans from land at flight levels, but better controls for the land owners at ground level with spacing between parcels so that you and your neighbor are not all up in each others business. 

    heck, they could even set up limited/restricted commercial areas in the middle of the region, like a street with a bowling alley, or coffee shop, where users pay L$1 for a coffee, or L$5 for a game of bowling.  something that matches the theme they are trying for on the region. 

    linden homes are easy because someone else did all of the work at the start.  it makes it very easy to just walk in an get a house with little to no thought. but the homes are not the end all be all.  

    someone else could do that same initial work but offer better options, or better controls, or bigger parcels, or more prims for renters and they have a good chance of competing.

    years and years and years ago there was a landscape creator who had a couple of islands for their "store" and it felt like you were walking in a massive garden with paths and everything all professionally designed out, but most of the individual items were also for sale, so you could click on it and buy it, or there were other areas set up like a small area with multiple items laid out in rows, etc, like you would find in your local garden center, were you could buy items.  

    there are always going to be people who want the easy without thought, but just look around at all of the comments on the homes threads and there are a lot of people who think the homes are nice but want more, so where are the people who are willing to offer the better options?

    if a land business failed when the homes were released it was because they were not offering what people wanted, so the people went somewhere else.  the way to resolve that isn't to kill the competition to protect those whose business model isn't what people want, but to find a way to change so that the people come back because what is being offered is better than what was there before. 

    it seems to me that linden labs offered something that the users wanted that would encourage more users to get a premium account but the linden homes are free for premiums.

    there is nothing stopping anyone from offering the same or better options for those who are not premium.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    My generation (I am 56) were sent mail addressed to "Master" [First name Last name] by our older relatives, when young. I assume girls were addressed as "Mistress".

    I am not making this up.

    ETA: American.

    Master was used for young males. 

    Have you never watched The Toy with Richard Pryor?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Dima Plessis said:

    Do you have any idea how much time it will take for creators to go through all their gachas and change permissions, update ads, test, repackage, update vendors and MP, etc.? Even simple updated can be weeks of work when you have hundreds of items in your store. I am willing to bet a lot of gacha items will simply be pulled from the shelves because it's too time consuming to update thousands of individual items and potentially a few hundred packs of gachas like some stores have. Not to mention the impact on gacha events which have been running for years. The least LL could do is give creators and event organizers more time to make changes to comply with the new policy in time.

    It shouldn't take weeks. The items themselves do not have to be changed, in any way.  The creators of the gacha items will need to change out the vendor machines.  Instead of a machine that sells a random item from a set of items, the machine will need to sell a specific item so that the buyer gets the specific item they want to purchase instead of a random item from the set. 

    The creators don't even need to change the "Gacha Key" texture that they have already created for the set since the buyers will still get the same item from the same set itself, but instead of only having a chance at getting the item they want, they can directly buy the item they want. 

    Heck, if I created and sold Gacha items, I would offer each piece of the set for sale, along with the Rare item  then offer a discount or partial refund on the rare item to anyone who has already bought all of the other parts of the set so that they didn't have to just buy the rare version from the vendor machine. 

    If the set has 10 items + a Rare item, then set up a vendor machine with all 11 items in it, the buyer would scroll through the machine to the item they want then buy that 1 item.  If they buy all 10 items, then they could contact me with the proof of purchase of the 10 items, and I would offer them something like a 10 or 20 percent discount on the rare item. 

    If the buyer only wanted the rare item, then they could pay the extra for it. 

    Ya'll acting like Linden Labs told everyone that 3rd party viewers were being outlawed or something. 

    Yeah, it is extra work for the Gacha creators, it is ZERO extra work for the Gacha Resellers,  but it is not this OMG the sky is falling, gonna take MONTHS to change, panic that some people have worked themselves into. 


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  10. 23 hours ago, DemonicSage said:

    thank you jacob for the information that's what i have been waiting for. Def good information so i was right they did have a branch located in UK after all. and that their recent location in the US was actually not their main base of operations. this shed some light on a few things. thanks for taking the time. 

    I want some of whatever it is that you are smoking. 

    Recent? Second Life just celebrated its 16th Birthday. Which means it was created in 2003.   2019 - 16 = 2003

    Tilia appears to have been created around 2 years ago.   2019 - 2017 = 2

    This means that Second Life / Linden Labs has been in existence in the US for at least 14 years before Tilia was created.  

    Even Google Maps Street view shows that they have had the same office location in San Francisco as far back as 2009 and probably before that too. A location that has existed for at least 10 years is in no way more recent than a branch location created around 2 years ago. 

    So there is no way, in any stretch of the imagination, that the US location is "recent" compared to any branch they have in the UK.  The only way you could come to that conclusion is if you are smoking something. 

    So, I say again, share it, because I definitely want some of whatever it is you are smoking. :)

    • Thanks 1
  11. 10 hours ago, DemonicSage said:

    "If you had done the research you claim, you'd know that LL has been using Tilia FOR YEARS. "

    (Show me legit proof then )

    Some Updates to The Terms of Service

    Entry posted by Linden Lab · July 11, 2017

    We have added references to our wholly-owned subsidiaries, Tilia Inc. and Tilia Branch UK Ltd., which will be handling payment services on our behalf under certain circumstances.



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  12. 20 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Wow.. 4 items in two months... Open the MP.. Search "mesh" sort newest, tick all the perm boxes.. Over 90 just on the first page, copybotted.. Please tell me which is the bigger issue. 4 items over 2 months or hundreds a day.. The copybotters get banned and they just pull up an alt and start over the next day. They need to add a way for merchants to file DMCAs on a store, not just an item. 

    The problem with filing a DMCA against the entire store, or person, and not the item, is that the creator has to legally claim ownership of the item itself.  This is in the copyright laws. 

    However, I do not recall seeing anything in the law that says a DMCA must be filed for each item, individually, against the same seller.  So if a user is selling 5 items from the same creator, that creator can include all 5 items in one DMCA. 

    It would behoove creators to go through the sellers entire store to see if any more of their items are being sold by the user, and then include all items in the single DMCA so that Linden could ensure that all items are removed at once. 

    We all wish more could be done to make the process easier, and faster.  Instead of complaining about how the law doesn't make that easy, perhaps there could be discussions about what creators can do to help protect their content?

    I am thinking mostly about watermarks, or other indicators that can be hidden in templates that are not normally visible, but can be exposed. 

    If you create and sell templates that can only be used in Second Life, like creating full perm clothing that others can edit and add to themselves, putting a transparent watermark on one of the clothing layers with your SL ID number that could be exposed if needed, would pretty much ensure that any resells of the templates would contain the watermark with your user ID number on it.  

    Similar to when police used to tell people to etch their SSN or DL number on items in case they are stolen, the police can identify the proper owner. 

    Then if you have to file a DMCA, you can provide Linden with the information on where you hid the mark and how they can see it on the item, for additional proof that you are in fact the original creator.  

    After all, not many people are going to put another users ID number on their own creations. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

    I don’t understand.  How would you open in a graphics program?  Are you talking about mesh or sculpts?

    Sorry.  By templates I mean those items that are created and designed to be used in a graphics program for creating clothing, etc., like in Gimp or Photoshop. 

  14. 1 minute ago, QuestionMarkk said:

    Of course it's your right. But doing so you are full aware there is no way to control it. 

    As a creator I have full control over who can and cannot sell content based on my template.  I am not sure why you seem to think that creators don't have control.  If I see someone selling my creations and I know they didn't pay for it, I file a DMCA. 

    Can we control someone passing a template to another user, no, but we can control who is allowed to sell those meshes, or use those meshes to create items.  

    You seem to believe that putting restrictions on templates will stop the problem, but it wont.  Templates that are meant to be used in a graphics program can be altered and exported, making them full perm for the person who has them, regardless of what permissions you put on the template in the first place. 

    Sure, I can make a template no transfer, and the person who buys it cannot just resell it as is, but as soon as they open it in a graphics program, they can make a single minor change, export it, and bam, resell effectively the exact same template that I created. 

    If you make a template No Copy, then the user has 1 copy of the item in Second Life, but it does not affect how many times they can open the template in a graphics program, make changes, and then export and save the item with a minor change. 

    You are effectively talking about security by obscurity. 

    The only thing people won't be able to do is directly resell the template without doing any adjusting to it.

    So why should I make it harder on my own customers just to try to slow down the few who choose to violate the law in the first place.  It won't stop them and will only annoy both myself and my customers. 



  15. 7 minutes ago, QuestionMarkk said:

    Yes, I realize that. But meshes that have never been full perm templates are relatively easy to recognize. And there, in 99,9% of cases, everything is clear, who is the original creator and who is the thief. If creators and decent costumers will support each other and inform each other about any type of abuse/thievery then there is a change for having some control over it. With full perm templates there is almost no way to have any control, because they don't even need to copybot these meshes, they may just send them between each other and nobody (apart from the creator of the templates) will even know if they stole them or not. Means nobody will come to you and say 'hey! this guy stole your mesh', and for you to locate them all, is impossible. 

    Also having full perm templates out there only gives the thieves their favorite excuse, no matter what they steal it's always: "I bought it as full perm mesh". 

    Sorry, no. 

    You do not get to tell creators how they can do business just because there are abuses by some people.  If I want to create and sell templates full perm for others to use, then that is my right. 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, QuestionMarkk said:

    I see what your point is. Everybody would want the Linden Lab. to deal with this issue better, in more efficient way, but what can we do? Us talking here won't change a thing. It's the company that needs to realize that it's the creators who keep the SL going and if they won't protect the creators, it will all fall apart. It's very sad to watch, even just few days ago I found a new store with stolen content, two of the creators did send DMCA, these objects are being removed, but as you say, it's endless fight and it should not be like that. But at the same time, talking like 'nobody would bother to report because it's too much work' can be seen only as encouragement for such people (if any of them are reading this forum). It's not true. I always inform orginal content creators if I see someone else selling their stolen products, it's been few times already, I first compare these items to make sure they have the same weights etc, then when I'm 100% sure it's not a template, I write the original creator, and I think, only once, the original creator decided not to do a thing.   


    Even if Linden Lab streamlined the process more, or hired dozens more people to address the reports, it is not up to them to protect the creator.  As others have pointed out, who is right and who is wrong?

    If 3 people buy a template and only change the colors, the templates would match each others stuff. So which one would be the real creator?  Do you really want a company trying to decide who is the rightful creator or not?  

    If you read up on DMCA it is all legal stuff and the rightful, legal, creator has to file the DMCA.  Linden Lab does not have the right to do that.  Which means as soon as they start policing the content and taking down items and suspending or deleting accounts, they will violate the law and could end up being sued or having the whole system shut down. 

    If I create something and then privately sell or offer it to another user to use for their own creations, Linden has no right to say that the other person cannot use what I created just because that persons stuff matches mine.  

    Until the law is changed, the entire onus is on the creator to defend and protect what they created, and no way, no how, should Linden be involved in that process other than to respond to valid reports from the creator themselves. 



    • Like 2
  17. Maybe there should be a Reporting Party Event set up.  Get as many people together and just spend 15 or 30 minutes flagging as much stuff on the marketplace as possible in that time to see if maybe linden will get the hint that more needs to be done?

  18. Right. which is why I am asking if they shouldn't just remove all of those lower categories.  This way people wont get in trouble when it seems that more than 75% of the sellers don't even bother to put their items into the correct ones!


  19. 4 hours ago, Christin73 said:

    Unfortunantly some "demos" on MP you have to pay for. I have seen some up to 10L for just the demo. 

    Any demo that costs more than 1L you should avoid.  The seller is just scamming at that point trying to get money from people they know most likely wont buy the full item. 

  20. Should Linden remove all of the lower categories on the marketplace?

    It seems that since so many sellers cannot be bothered, or are too lazy,  to put their items in the correct categories that Linden should just get rid of all of them except the main ones, like Home and Garden, Vehicles, Apparel, Animals, etc.

    If you look at the Marketplace and set your options to see 96 items, sorted newest first, I bet you will find that close to 80 of the items have some issue with them. Wrong category, not set to moderate or adult, or keyword spam. 80 out of 96, on average, means that there is either something wrong with the way the marketplace is set up, or the sellers are just lazy twits.

    So honestly, what is the point, if the sellers just don't seem to give a damn about making sure that their items comply with the rules, why not just remove some of the "rules" in the first place?

    If all of those hundreds of categories were removed and only the main ones were left, the sellers would have to be spot on in order to sell their stuff because no one would be able to find anything without good and proper keywords and they would pretty much only have themselves to blame when their stuff doesn't sell.


  21. You should be able to submit a case to LL and ask them nicely if they can help you by pulling up the order number for you.  Let them know you are trying to locate the order number itself and would like help.  Provide them with the sellers name and the item name.  They should be able to get that information for you.

  22. Unless you are the person who created the item,or you are an authorized reseller who buys the items direcetly from the person who created the items, then yes, the items are used. 

    You got the item, you do not want it, you are re-selling it.  Gatcha items are no different from other No copy, Transfer items that are being sold and they should be placed either in the right category, or the used items category. 

    If you do not want to buy them, then don't, but demanding that they be segregated from the rest of the items that are being sold is just wrong.

    If you see an item that isn't correct, like wrong category, wrong advertised permissions, nudity, drugs, whatever, you should report it to Linden.

    If you are not willling to help clean up the marketplace, then stop whining about it on the forums.

  23. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Jacob Cagney wrote:

    Artorius Constantine wrote:


    That said, when I log in the "Recently Purchased" list is usually full of Trademarked and Copyrighted items. They (LL) really need to police the Marketplace better.

    If you log in and see copyrighted or trademarked items then the creators of said items are being lazy by not reporting the items.  It is not up to LL to police the marketplace, or anywhere else for that matter, for copyrighted content.

    LL most definitely should police the MP for Copyright protected goods. They take a cut of each and every sale, therefore they are profiting from the sale of illegal goods.

    If you really believe this, then you have ZERO knowledge about the law.

    I highly suggest you get yourself educated before you continue to reply about stuff you clearly no nothing about.

    The only person/entity responsible for protecting copyrighted materials is the copyright owner. 




  24. Artorius Constantine wrote:


    That said, when I log in the "Recently Purchased" list is usually full of Trademarked and Copyrighted items. They (LL) really need to police the Marketplace better.

    If you log in and see copyrighted or trademarked items then the creators of said items are being lazy by not reporting the items.  It is not up to LL to police the marketplace, or anywhere else for that matter, for copyrighted content.

    If I give someone permissions to use my creations in their builds, I do not want some desk jockey that makes minimum wage trying to decide who is or isn't allowed to use my stuff in their builds.

    US Federal Law says that the copyright owner, or the copyright owners legally authorized agent, are the only ones who can make a claim of copyright infringment.  That means ME and ME alone can say whether or not I allow someone else to use my stuff.

    So hands off my rights.

    If someone even remotely thinks that an item might be stolen, or sold against another persons copyright, then the person who buys the item is the ultimate bad guy here, since they are willingly buying something that they think it stolen.

    If you see an item that is full perm and it is being sold for 10 lindens and you buy it, then YOU are the one who is in the wrong for buying it, not Linden Lab for not removing the item.

    People need to man the heck up and start taking personal responsiblity for what they do, and stop trying to blame others. 

    If people would stop buying stuff they think might be stolen, or has something hinky with it, then the yahoos who steal and resell stuff wouldn't have a market.

    But hey, everyone wants a cheap deal, even if it means they are buying stolen stuff. 

    Until they one day get a message that the stuff they are selling is using stolen textures and they themselves get nailed with a takedown notice.

    Stop being so damn cheap, people.


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