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Soren Landfall

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Posts posted by Soren Landfall

  1. That makes sense, and yeah i suppose it would be a better option to pursue my own work rather than someone else's anyway.  In the time I would be spending on small sales figures, I could be getting a lot more done with possibly double the sales figures by that time.


    My parents are long time merchants in Sl and they told me that things COULD be done, but the honest question would be "is it even worth it?"

  2. I used to work hand in hadn with a creator here in SL for a while.  The initial deal was that he would make the models and I would rig them and he would sell them at a 50% cut.  Because my real life has been nothing short of hectic, I wasn't able to rig inbstandard sizes within a reasonable time frame, so we agreed to work with specific shapes until then and eventually release standard sized versions in the future. 


    We originally staretd this because it was something we wanted to do, it was fun and we got paid for it.  but as time rolled by, the friendliness turned into a cold cut business practice.  everything about the work, was now tedious, nothing was the same.  Even though I was the Co-owner, I was being harrassed like a low level worker.  he hired on a new rigger and told me it was to help fill in the spots that I cannot due to real life and iwas alright with that, until he posted a Trademarked avatar on the store.


    In the beginning, I made it quite clear that i do not play around when it comes to copyrights/trademarks.  It was basic principle to me.  When I reminded him of this, he told me not to worry about it since I didn't work on it.    A week later, I was pretty much fired and replaced by this new rigger even though I was told this would not happen.  Just this morning I found that everything I have worked on was taken down and all that stands is the trademarked avatar I mentioned before.  I fear that everything i worked on will be "re-worked" and reposted under this new Rigger's name. 


    So that leads to my questions:  Since I was the Co-Owner with 50% claim on everything I worked on, would this even be considered okay on a legal standpoint?  if he does what I fear, what could I do to save my months of hard work? 


    ((UPDATE:  My stuff wasn't really taken down, the marketplace decided to derp and show only the trademarked avatar.  now everything is back up.  But my question does stand!  I would like to hear your advice on this now hypothetical dilema))


  3. I used to work hand in hadn with a creator here in SL for a while.  The initial deal was that he would make the models and I would rig them and he would sell them at a 50% cut.  Because my real life has been nothing short of hectic, I wasn't able to rig inbstandard sizes within a reasonable time frame, so we agreed to work with specific shapes until then and eventually release standard sized versions in the future. 


    We originally staretd this because it was something we wanted to do, it was fun and we got paid for it.  but as time rolled by, the friendliness turned into a cold cut business practice.  everything about the work, was now tedious, nothing was the same.  Even though I was the Co-owner, I was being harrassed like a low level worker.  he hired on a new rigger and told me it was to help fill in the spots that I cannot due to real life and iwas alright with that, until he posted a Trademarked avatar on the store.


    In the beginning, I made it quite clear that i do not play around when it comes to copyrights/trademarks.  It was basic principle to me.  When I reminded him of this, he told me not to worry about it since I didn't work on it.    A week later, I was pretty much fired and replaced by this new rigger even though I was told this would not happen.  Just this morning I found that everything I have worked on was taken down and all that stands is the trademarked avatar I mentioned before.  I fear that everything i worked on will be "re-worked" and reposted under this new Rigger's name. 


    So that leads to my questions:  Since I was the Co-Owner with 50% claim on everything I worked on, would this even be considered okay on a legal standpoint?  if he does what I fear, what could I do to save my months of hard work? 


    ((UPDATE:  My stuff wasn't really taken down, the marketplace decided to derp and show only the trademarked avatar.  now everything is back up.  But my question does stand!  I would like to hear your advice on this now hypothetical dilema))


  4. Dude, that's pretty harsh to say over an idea.  I get that you're entitled to your own opinion, but someone expressed the desire to make something new, something that's practically non existent in this game only to have you shoot it down because it's not a blasted breedable!  Has it occured to you that because you're not the target demographic doesn't mean that no one is?  If you don't want a TCG in SL, fine, don't buy it, but don't stoop to insulting someone's idea because it's not something you're interested in.  That's just shameful.


    I for one would hate to see more breedables and would greet a concept like this one with open arms, simply because it's a new concept.  Breedables were cool to me when they first became popular, but now it's a concept being bled out by anyone with a scripter and a sculpter.


    As for this idea, like any game, both physical and digital, it's best to start with pen and paper.  Figure out the theme of your game, what should the cards represent, what are the rules for each type of card, how would a game play out.  test this idea with folks you know and see if they find it interesting, then all you need to do form there is determine how to implement it in SL in a way that would be appealing for those who do buy it.  Implementation in SL will be the trickiest part as the guy I replied to said(Sorry, your avatar name blends with the picture too well), it has never been done before; so you and whomever works with you would have to figure out HOW to make it work.  That means distribution, marketting, game flow, valuing the cards, promotion, and every other little bit of detail that would be invested in it.


    The easiest part of every project is the idea, but once you start turning that wheel, you'll have to be prepared to face the challenges behind creating it!  So If you do undertake this issue(and don't let ignorant comments like the one above discourage you), you can probably be the pioneer of SL TCG.  That in itself, sounds pretty cool!

  5. Well I think I solved the issue -_-;  


    Apparently the rig keeps changing my Eye depth.  Maybe it's serverside lag that causes this issue.  Hopefully, i don't have to make a habit out of changing my shape back.

  6. Actually, I did do that, and reuploaded a few times.  The only thing is, Eyes didn't show up in the upload at all.  Whenever I've accidently forgotten to check that, everything else is included from my mesh objects to the avatar I use for rigging.  Seeing that it didn't show up in the uplaod tells me that it's not the model itself.  


    I've also noticed that removing the outfit fixes nothing, and that my head still suffers from the eye pop.  I'll experiment around adn see if I can figure it out.



  7. So Me and some buddies have gotten together to make some outfits for SL using rigged mesh recently and I just finished rigging one outfit in particular that I'm very proud of.  The only issue is that when i wear the outfit, my eyes suddenly bug out of my skull!  I've tried deformer fixes and tried changing my mesh shape some, but to no avail.  Has anyone encountered this issue or have any knoweldge on how to fix this?

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