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Nyles Nestler

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Posts posted by Nyles Nestler

  1. Glad to see I'm not alone in my impression of FB.


    I used to be semi-active but have recently ripped the app from my phone and have been loggin in desktop-style about once a month, just so some of my friends won't think I'm dead.


    My reasoning falls in line with most of what has been mentioned in the previous posts, and in addition:


    The one "opt-in" feature that uses your devices microphone to listen to you / your environment, ostensibly to record a few seconds of any music you may be playing on your radio / home sound system, then run it against their database, in order to identify the song so that you can share it without having to explicitly provide the title of the song yourself.

    Wow - how did I live all these years without that! I think I'll pass...




    I few months ago, I set up a capturing proxy that sits between my web browser and the internet, then logged into SL.

    In the upper left hand corner, right next to the address bar, an icon indicates "This site collects no personal info". But upon logging in, I find that my avatar name and UUID are passed to a domain called "adroll.com"

    I know what is commonly collected with cookies and session tokens etc, and understand the whole paradigm but especially in light of the fact that so many people here practically live their life as their avatar, this is getting a bit much.

    Note too that if you read the page source, you'll never find the code responsible of that HTTP request, as it's loaded into your bowser via an external JS file from a repository.

    I'm sure that's the tip of the iceberg, as a lot of the data passed is encrypted or base64 encoded....

  2. I live in the US and whenever these "terrorist" acts are committed here and abroad, our media always tells us that these acts are being perpetrated by those who belong to a "radical Islam" ideology, one that basically has it in for any and all "infidels", i.e., all people who do not follow a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam.

    While these groups of people that subscribe to such a view certainly do exist, the media seems to always leave out a few key reasons why these folks and even other, less "radicalized" factions might be kind of ticked off at the US and it's allies:

    1. The US govt and it's allies invaded Iraq under false pretenses and as a result, severely destabilized the region, bringing rise to these groups and just generally fomented resentment - can you blame these people for being annoyed?

    2. The US govt gives the State of Israel around 6 billion dollars per year, along with assorted war-toyz, often free of charge or majorly discounted, effectively aiding and abetting Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine. US media invariably reports that the Israeli military is "defending itself", while failing to acknowledge the fact that they are an invading occupier, in violation of international law.

    To be clear here, I don't condone these acts of violence, and the recent violence in Nice was abhorrent but desperate people who feel that their kind is being systematically "cleansed" from the earth are likely to resort to desperate measures.

    Between all this, and the current political climate in the US, especially the Presidential race, with all it's never before seen hatred and bigotry, I am profoundly disappointed, shocked, saddened and quite frankly, scared out of my wits.

  3. Can't believe I read this whole thread...


    If indeed LL is in on these bans, why would they need to resort to IP banning, which is, as previoulsy mentioned, ineffective as any kind of real identifier.

    Remember - if you're using any approved viewer, it's running as an executable on your machine and can identify *your machine* quite trivaly, by a combination of your MAC address, and any number of UUIDs / serial #s, like motherboard, chassis, HD volume #....


    Why wasn't any of this mentioned?

  4. This SL privacy thing is so similar to all the whining I constantly encounter from participants in privately run internet forums who protest that their free speech "rights" are being infringed upon. What a joke - one has zero rights on such a forum and LL has no obligation to provide privacy in SL.


    And to say that you object to the NSA reading your correspondences but that you don't mid if LL does......there's not enough face-palm emoticons in existence to begin to convey how silly that is.



  5. I don't understand - so you'd be able to type in commands in an in-world  terminal that get executed on your local machine.


    Anyone can already do a (as you already wrote) netstat and get a list of connected machines - or are you saying that this will enable some folks who don't have an actual command line available on their local machine to do this?

    I'm very apple-ignorant - don't macs have a terminal by default?

  6. Hi All,


    I know lots of us are using non-LL viewers like Firestorm, Singularity etc... but they don't have any forums on their websites. Is there anywhere online where folks are talking about these? Is there an area on this forum where it is appropriate to discuss them?





  7. Hi Perrie,

    You asked:

    Are you just choosing to mute/block the object when you get the message?

     That last sentence in the first paragraph of my first post is:

    Of course blocking the object would do no good, as it's not where the invite is coming from.

     Also -  I have toggled the mute / block on the offending bot's profile, to no effect.

    So it would appear that group invitations from scripted agents can't be blocked.

    The angel on my shoulder is whispering, "Pick your battles..."

    The devil on my shoulder is saying, "C'mon....it's been a while since you've indulged yourself with a rage-fest of righteous indignation!"



  8. Bump time!

    Here's what's happening to me:


    Each time I TP into a certain SIM, I am confronted with a group invite by a bot. Blocking the bot has no effect - I still receive them. The bot is nowhere in the vicinity, but receives instructions from a script running in an object very near the TP area. I was able to glean this information from the owner of the bot, who is pleading ignorance. Of course blocking the object would do no good, as it's not where the invite is coming from.

    I have refrained from using a confrontational tone with the bots owner so far, letting him know in a friendly way that he should use a database to keep track of AVs that have already been invited, etc. But I don't think he has any intention of doing anything about the situation.

    I would like to know how I can actually block the bot's invitations rather than start filing ARs on a daily basis.

    So has anyone here found out anything?

    Thanks in advance!


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