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Suisei Dryke

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Posts posted by Suisei Dryke

  1. Well, I've had the same happen to me.  A green dot following me on map.


    For those answering that it's own dot, remember you don't appear as a green dot on your own mini map, but as a yellow dot with a white dot inside.  Not even on a regular map you appear as a green dot (on regular map you appear also as a yellow dot, but with an avatar icon inside).


    It drives me nuts when there's someone "hiding" on my dot on map.  I usually move or fly away from my landing point to an empty area, take note of the actual position, tp out and back to the first landing position and there's always someone "suddenly" on that empty spot I just left.  Then I proceed to notify them that hiding on my dot does bothers me.  They usually leave after being discovered.


    I'm not sure how can this be done, but I guess there's a feature that allows you to "follow" a certain av.  I guess there are some benefits, like not being spotted on map although they do appear on my radar.  But most of the times, due to other people in the area, I can't just pinpoint them by radar but by tping away and coming back.


    To me is a bother, I don't want to be dragged into any hiding game, nor I like to be used like a shield.


    I was actually looking for answers to this when I came upon this post.  Hope it helps.

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