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Trinity Nizna

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  1. That was lame and a big lie lol... How dey crash you unless you wearin mesh.. please that just sounded dumb af... think you need update yo pc.. Not tring come off mean. But it truth. SL isn't perfect when people start realizing that maybe then they understand SHYT HAPPENS!
  2. Firestorm hasnt released their updated veiwer for fitted mesh yet.... [0:51:07] The next release of Firestorm will be out around March 9th – possibly a little before, possibly after. Some of what should be in it includes: that what is says on they info page here link.. (read it over) https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/feb-15th-firestorm-qa-video-and-transcript-next-release-and-news/
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