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Buckaroo Mu

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  1. Same here.. Server version rolled back, but sim state is still screwed. Is this coming in a second roll? Mainland, Honeoye region.
  2. Wait wait wait - why is this showing up on the RSS feed if it was posted two years ago?
  3. You should still be able to add more memory, even on a laptop. Go to newegg.com, and use the memory finder tool. Put in your make & model, and it will tell you what's available, how much it'll take, etc. That will be a big boost not just to SL, but to pretty much everything you run. As far as Symantec, it depends what version of Symantec you're running. There should be a way in the Real-Time Virus Scanning section to tell it to ignore, exclude, etc a folder - add your cache folder to the list of exceptions.
  4. Ah - and checking the fora, it seems that recent ATI drivers are giving everyone fits. Roll back to 11.7 or earlier.
  5. If you're running a Virus Scanner, make sure you exclude the Second Life Cache folder from scanning. If you aren't, why the hell not? MS Security Essentials is free and low-impact. The way SL (and any SL-based viewer) caches textures (and inventory, etc) is incredibly inefficient. If you have a Virus Scanner hitting that folder, it will slow down everything horribly. It's also possible that viewer updates just need more oomph. I see you have 2GB of memory - that's going to cause an awful lot of swapping. Upgrading your system to 4GB or more will make a grand difference, especially if you install a 64-bit OS. 2GB is about the very minimum I would expect to use in SL. Since this is a new installation, part of your problem could be the OS expanding the swap space. When your system is first installed, it will dedicate a bit of space to swap - and if it decides it needs more, it will slowly grow. Growing that swap slows the system down. An older system would have already grown the swap to the max it would likely need. You can tell the system to allocate lots extra in the System control panel, by turning off "Let Windows manage" and entering a value at least twice your memory - or in your case, I would say 6GB. The memory update would be the cheapest upgrade for you, and would make an enormous difference. Less cheap, but even more impressive, would be a graphics card update - the X1200 is fairly old; a new nvidia 4x0GTX series card would make you feel like a new avatar. Good luck!
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