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Manifold Destiny

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Posts posted by Manifold Destiny

  1. I’ve been working with ChatGPT in and near SL for a few months.  In terms of generating code, when you specify all the things it needs to get the code right (like no variable declarations in FOR loops!) it starts to forget the specs you originally give it.  I’ve also had some “arguments” with it about preprocessor statements and discussions about made-up-functions.  It could be improved 100% with some additional training.

    I’ve made some bots which are workable, but EXPENSIVE.  You get charged by the word it inputs/outputs.  There needs to be a better usage model to make it feasible..

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  2. I'm missing a number of items and scripts I've developed from my inventory.  I just noticed it (and not sure how far back it goes)    I tried clearing the cache, renaming the inventory file, and letting it recreate after logging into an empty sim, but all the work is still gone.  They're not in the trash or lost & found.  Any suggestions on what else I can do?   For me, the permissions were all copy/transfer/modify.

  3. Don't switch to Windows 11! (yet)

    I'm having all sorts of issues running SL using my firestorm viewer, such as:

    1. There's a keyboard delay/mouse delay that can get as bad as a sec or two between button clicks.  Really terrible for combat (the solution is uninstalling ALL your video drivers and reinstalling standard windows video drivers)

    2. The menu bars on top and toolbar buttons won't both stay on the screen.  Sometimes, you can't get either.  You have to keep minimizing and maximizing the screen for the top bars to reappear.  It's a mess.

    3. The Windows menu autohide only works sometime - so it blocks the bottom SL toolbar buttons.

    UGH, what a pain...

  4. Is anybody interested in creating an open-source gaming (RP/Fight) meter?  The meter itself would be free but $ could be made with things like aftermarket weapons, consumables, shields, artsy meters, etc.

    We could base it on experience keys - assuming the performance is reasonable.

    There are a number of meter systems on the market now.  The system I have in mind would be very customizable, have the ability to use some kind of XP, races, classes, skills based on races/classes and the amount of acquired XP.

    I think we could add a lot of stability by taking id PD and there'd be a lot more room for creativity.  Of course, there would have to be close scrutiny on code q/c to block access to $ and other shady practices.

    Maybe this is something those involved with OC development would be interested in as well...



  5. I'm looking for somebody with a server set up for moving data to/from SL.  I don't have a LOT of data, but would like to be able to create some persistent information.  There should be some LSL callable functions like:


    • store(key,field,data) - to move the data from SL into the server
    • load(key,field,data) - to move the data from the server into SL
    • delete(key,field,data) - remove the info
    • check(key,field,data) - checks to see if the info exists

    To get at the data.  Does anybody already have somthing like this set up and willing to share some space (as long as it's not a lot :)


  6. According to the docs:

    The llHTTPRequest User Agent string is not recognised by some web servers as it does not contain "Mozilla", which would identify it as a web browser instead of, for example, a Shoutcast or an RSS client. A workaround is to append " HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: LSL Script (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n" or similar to the URL string, which will kludge the HTTP request to look like it originates from a web browser.

    The url I need to use looks like:  http://www.here.com/yyy.php?p1=aaa&p2=bbb

    Can somebody show me how the kludge would look to add the Mozilla identity to the URL?

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