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Lua Aurelia

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Posts posted by Lua Aurelia

  1. I started in 2010 but don't have any pictures from that time.  My oldest picture is this one, in 2014:


    I had a weird weakness for Goth and Asian things back then.


    There have been many, many different reincarnations of my avatar in the last decade.  There have been too many to keep track of.  I have been most races, human, succubus, and elf, and several odd things as well.  It got to be too much, and moving into 2020 I overhauled my entire inventory and started over with a single look.






    It brings me joy.  :)




    • Like 6
  2. Hello.


    La Jolie Designs is looking for a scripter for Project Starlight, a unique restraint system for avatars to wear.   I already have the processes behind how it works thought of, the assets for prototypes already made and ready - I need someone to help make this project possible!  I would prefer a scripter who can make the scripts so that I can easily tweak them with different pose and prim names since Starlight will sell in a basic package with additional expansions to the system.


    ***I will provide all animations, prims/meshes, and menu layouts to be used in Starlight.  I only need YOU for the scripts.***


    What I'm looking for:

    1. Friendly and active!

    2. Very comfortable with speaking English

    3. Familiar with how "traditional" RLV cuffs/collars work in Second Life

       - (not 100% necessary, I can show you an example if need be).


    What I'm offering:

    1. A lump sum of L$ for each completed section of the project's scripts:

       - Menu system

       - Cuff system

       - r.OS system

       - Doma system

    2. A considerable % of sales for *ALL* LJD products containing your scripts

       - Project Starlight will sell as an initial basic package with various themes and include expansions that add more to the experience.  You will get a percentage of all sales of all basic packages and expansions.



    - - - - -

    Interested?  Contact Shinga Zahm, La Jolie Designs' manager if interested.  Notecard is preferable; IMs can get missed easily.




    Shinga Zahm

    La Jolie Designs Manager

  3. Hello, and thanks for reading.


    La Jolie Designs/DiGi is interested in hiring a scripter who is comfortable in working with RLV for our highly anticipated Project Starlight, a unique cuff and restraint system. I already have most of the assets for a prototype finished in-world and need a helping hand with getting everything put together.  :)


    Please contact Shinga Zahm in-world if interested.


    Expectations of the scripter:

    - Friendly with a good grasp of English.

    - Able to make a framework that I, a terrible scripter, can easily add on to: Starlight restraints will release as a basic pack and include paid expansions.

    - Be willing to make some cash! You will get a lump sum of L$ for assisting with Starlight as well as a % of L$ from all sales of Starlight products containing your scripts.

    - (optional) Basic understanding of how RLV cuffs/restraints in SL work.





    Shinga Zahm

    La Jolie Designs CEO

  4. - Stand around my skybox above my store

    - Procrastinate making stuff fo rmy store

    - Make stuff for my store

    - Bug my two friends who are usually online, from my skybox above my store

    - Contemplate going to other sims; decide standing around my skybox above my store is more productive



    I don't get out much.

  5. Perfect real world example: IGN.  That gaming site is so heavily bribed by companies that I refuse to take them seriously.


    They gave Mass Effect 3 a "perfect" score.  I mean, really?


    On Topic: Maybe my store is not big enough to worry about bloggers yet, but I don't mind people blogging about my stuff.  It's free publicity.  I have yet to understand why some merchants feel the need to approve of bloggers; people WILL blog about your stuff the way they want to.  That's part of the freedom of the internet.



    Shinga Z.

  6. Joining hunts is a great way to boost traffic. 


    First, join a hunt.  Sometimes they have a theme, sometimes they don't.  Then you make a prize, hide it in your store somewhere, and customers come by to find it.  It has worked tremendously for me and increasing my sales for only a few hours of work.



    Shinga Z.

  7. There is no "morning" or "evening" in Second Life since it is a globally-accessed world.  My friend in Singapore's morning is my evening (we exchange "good morning"/"good night" often).  That is one reason why the traffic rating flip-flops all over the place.


    I recommend looking at ways to boost your traffic, if it really is a concern.  My store isn't even listed on the search (too lazy to message landlord to enable it for me) and I make plenty of money with plenty of traffic.  Hunts, merciless self-advertising, and finding the right niche will help you out a lot with increasing the number of customers to your store.



    Shinga Z.

  8. "Slightly, as you're calling me out on something that I know. How is it not legal? I simply asked if someone could help me find a set of her outfit etc. and apparently I'm stealing, well goddamn! Sorry for asking for help, on the matter."

    You are stealing if you purchase something that infringes on the intellectual property (IP) of someone else's creation without their permission. 



    '"I realize people would breach copyright by remaking her, but I cannot see the issue with it."

    I'm not going to even start with how silly you're making yourself with that statement.  "I know this stove is hot and will burn my hand, but I'm going to stick my hand on it anyways."



    I explained this, simply because half the stuff in this game is ripped from something, then they said they may have permission. So why doesn't this apply to this scenario? I don't see why you guys are so stuck up about it, I asked for help on finding the outfits, not stealing them.'

    Have you looked at the Marketplace overall recently?  "Half the stuff" is quite a large exaggeration.  If you search the Marketplace for video game-themed stuff, guess what, you're going to find a TON of illegal stuff.  You find what you look for.  Your results are false because your data and methods are poorly implemented.



    "Not really, but I have dealt with Square-Enix before, they're actually really good in that department, in fact they encourage fanart/creations to be made."

    There is a HUGE (legal) difference between someone's fanart of something and creating/ripping models from a video game (which someone ELSE made) while claiming/selling it as your own design.  That is thievery, and there is no way to sugar-coat it into being "innocent" or "OK".  Square Enix, and similar companies, don't sue every person's rear who steals from them in this way mostly due to effort.  Why expend thousands of dollars on a greedy, lazy, good-for-nothing SL merchant who probably barely makes even $1,000 USD/yr from their "legitimate" business when they could be developing the next FF game?  The main issue about IP infringement on Second Life is moral.  And it is quite unfortunate, especially since there are several stores I wish to see burned down because of their rampant IP infringing.

    Second Life has a huge amount of original content creators.  These individuals, myself included, create things on our own without stealing from other IP.  Some of us even run businesses based off of our original designs.  A lot of us are very adamant on stopping IP infringement when we see it because we know we can be hurt by it too. 


    This entire topic is akin to walking into a police office and asking the cops to help you with a bank heist.


    I wish you all the luck with creating an outfit that resembles Lightning.  She's my second favorite FF character, and I dreamed of having an avatar like her once upon a time. I hope you do not resort to such a low that you "have" to steal from someone else to get what you want.


    Shinga Z.

  9. Hello.


    I'm trying to make a mannequin that I can manipulate in Blender that I can then upload into SL for my store's display.  I tried posing the SL avatar model that I use to build mesh with by manipulating its bones.  When I pose and then export it as a Collada file, it uploads with the default T-pose.


    Here's some images:


    What I need in SL:

    phan pose.png




    What I get when I upload:

    phan pose SL.png


    How would I get a mesh model to place in my store to have that pose?



    Shinga Zahm


  10. Thanks for the replies. 

    I am not sure if it is fitted mesh.  I linked the two objects (forearm and upper arm) to the skeleton in Blender.  I was not able to select individual bones, just the whole skeleton.


    I use Firestorm (current version according to FS's website) and have an ATI Radeon HD 6670 video card.  AFAIK, graphics driver is up to date.  I tried this on the main viewer that I downloaded today and it is doing the same thing.





  11. Hello.  I have an issue with a rigged mesh item I uploaded.  It appears fine to other users, but to myself part of the mesh is stretched all the way down to my feet.  Here are some pictures:


    What it's supposed to look like, a floating object over only my left arm:



    What it actually looks like (to me) in-world, shooting its lazer beams into the floor:



    Is this an issue with the rigging?  I tried to get Blender to rig the pieces to the bones in the left arm, but could only get it to rig to the origin.  What am I doing wrong with this?




  12. Hello.  I'm very new to making mesh products and am using Blender 2.70.  I've made a Fancy New Floor to use in Second Life, and it uploads fine, but my Fancy New Floor does not have the correct collision area...faces..thingies that it  needs.  Here's a picture:




    The white area is my Fancy New Floor.  I am standing on top of it and should be inside of that "groove" but am floating above it, as if the entire mesh model itself is just a simple, 6-sided box.  How can I fix this?





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