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Roxie Marten

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Everything posted by Roxie Marten

  1. Not as much as I used to be. I am in to more things in the real world. I learned to work in wood and I find that more fun than rezing cubes and I have also been taking sewing lessons. I hope to be taking sailing lessons, there is a tall sailing ship near me that is looking for volunteers this summer. The one thing I still support is Virtual Ability, it's a great place to go if your disabled. Great place to hang with people who know what it's like to be me.
  2. I goofed that should read "fetid" not feta
  3. I have to thank Second Life for my ability to do crossword puzzles. I saw feta the the other day for the first time outside of Second Life 😁
  4. Hey there old timer, just remember what Groucho Marx said "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member 😊
  5. We did meet, I remember your name, I swear the WA was the most fun. I heard a rumor that someone duplicated the old Welcome Center, I should hunt it down
  6. Thanks, it was quite the virtual wild west, it is the people. I have fond memories of those people who helped me along.
  7. I missed the start by 6 months, They wanted my credit card and I never heard of Linden Lab. I finally gave in and let them have it
  8. My rez day slipped by and reminded me I have been in Second Life for 19 years. I never thought I would last this long or Second Life would be still be around. I guess this makes me officially a dinosaur. Things have changed from avatars to buildings. When I first started I made extra money teaching building classes for the LIndens, I am not even sure if people know how to rez a cube anymore, don't get me wrong mesh is amazing. It blows my mind how the culture changed too, hanging with Philip Linden in the welcome area and helping the new people with giving them things to get started. Long before Market Place and buying money. I have to admit I still miss my Linden welfare check also known as the stipend. Second Life was a land of wonderment, always some new to see or do and then sharing it at the Linden sponsored show and tell events. I have to admit that sometimes Second Life can be a little too fluid. You hang out with someone for a couple of years and poof they are gone, often no idea what happened to them. I have met a lot of cool people who are now just a memory, I hope they are doing well. Second Life helped me in so many ways, it can much more than want people often see at the surface. Thanks for listening Look for the short green witch and say hi Roxie Marten (1st Roxie In SL and I love my legacy name, I wonder how many Martens still play)
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