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Fabz Bing

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Posts posted by Fabz Bing

  1. normally when you put the prim of box's with the same name into the mb they get a number behind them so its technicly a different name each one isnt it?

    yeah with food i'm just gonna do mega blocks with like 1000 items for 350l$ or somthing... and only have like 5 at a time (i have way to many in my inv.) 

    and when they sell remove them and relist them...


    also will probally do box's of 100 scrolls now because i have a fair few 10 scroll box's then when i have about 10-20 listings i'll do 250 scrolls / 500 / 750 / 1000 and so on :P (i tend to get about 300 scrolls aday :P

  2. Hello, I play krafties inworld and i'm sell the scrolls you get from the game in box's of 10. the scrolls are no copy no mod items...

    I have these for sale on the marketplace but they have the same name could they get marked as spam because there is so many? 

    Its not like i am spamming the same item these are 1 use items that are dropped by killing krafties and are all different items because they are 1 use...


    please let me know if this can get marked as spam ?




  3. Hello all , 

    I'm not 100% sure if I'm posting this in the right spot but hey here it is ;)


    Well I am looking for popular sims or just sims with space to spare .

    thing is I am looking for locations to put up my Vendor what is a 50% cut for the owner of the land.

    I sell Tshirts and Wings all unique and custom made. Also I can make Tshirts for you for a small fee. 

    (if you are looking for only one soort of Tshirt e.g. goth, metal, pop, colorfull,dark, and so on... just contact me in game

    and i'll look into getting a custom vendor setup for your sim )

    My tshirts sell for about 100L$ each so and 50% of it will be going to the land owner . 

    also all my shirts are full mesh and copy/mod/notrans

    all I'm looking for is a land willing to give up 3 prims to setup the board. (3 prims for 50L$ per sale sounds like a good deal! ) 

    Let me know via IM ingame


    Fabz Bing

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