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Loly Sirnah

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Posts posted by Loly Sirnah

  1. On 1/10/2014 at 11:44 AM, Coby Foden said:

    Please note that you cannot upload JPEG2000 files to Second Life (even though it internally stores them as such). And Second Life does not support 16-bits per channel images.

    http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Uploading-assets/ta-p/700165 says:

    "Supported image formats"

    "Second Life supports TGA (32-bit supports alpha channel), PNG (24-bit supports alpha channel), and BMP. When you upload an image, the Viewer internally converts it to JPG2000 for optimized future transmission. For best quality, try to avoid uploading JPGs; their already-compressed quality degrades further because of the double conversion."

    So for best results in uploading use either TGA or PNG files (8-bits per channel).

    It is possible to upload also JPG files (not JPEG2000), but as said it is not good use lossy file format in uploading.


    Thanks Coby, I always learn the most out of your answers, even if usually too late (after I finished a file with a mistake.. ;) )

    I wonder if working in 32 bit format in photoshop, and then save it as 24 bit png (I need to keep transparency, so no tga, right?) will give better results on heavy detailed designs?

    And if you can give me advice on the right settings for a big, heavy detailed texture, with text in it, to be used on a near monitor size prim attached to center hud (I'm trying to design a newsletter for our group, but no matter what I try the image get a bit blurred and the text is not clear.


  2. Hi, I have a sim with a club. I posted some events on the event page but the land mark sending people to point 0.0.100 on the sim and not to it's correct location. I tried to edit it again - didn't work, then I tried to delete one of the events and submit it again but now it's telling me I can't because this is a duplicate of an existing event (I waited more then 24 hours to see if it will re set and its still not allowing me to do it)

    will appreciate a fast replay.. We have many events coming in the next days.

    Thank you

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