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Markus Nirpaw

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Posts posted by Markus Nirpaw

  1. Hey, I just wanted to share this quick fix I came across, I haven't seen it easily found anywhere.

    I'm using 3ds max 2015, and was trying to upload a rigged mesh to SL and couldn't get it to upload with the rigging.

    Long story short, I had a good bone set up (downloaded from the site), andI dug into the file and saw the export was only including 17 of the bones, when SL needs to have 21 (I believe).

    I went back into the skinning weight table and saw that 4 of the bones didn't actually have any weights assigned to any vertexes, so I went 17+4? hmmmm, and forced one vertex to have (very small) values for the then not used bones, and re-exported the file, and uploaded. (there is probably a "correct" way to do this, but I don't know it)

    Voila! It works now.

    I supposed MAX is trying to do some some efficiency thing by not including those bones in the file, but SL cant deal with it or something.

    I hope this helps some people with using 3ds Max~!


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