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Kobra Stein

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Everything posted by Kobra Stein

  1. I have here is snippet of the code from the notecard Channel = 75 and here is the two sections I am using it in string Channelinit(){ // reset configuration values to default Channel = "90"; if(llGetInventoryType(configurationNotecardName) != INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { // notify owner of missing file llOwnerSay("Missing inventory notecard: " + configurationNotecardName); // don't do anything else return; } // initialize to start reading from first line (which is 0) line = 0; notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(configurationNotecardName, line);}processConfiguration(string data){ // if we are at the end of the file if(data == EOF) { // notify the owner llOwnerSay("We are done reading the configuration"); // notify what was read llOwnerSay("The Channel is: " + Channel); // do not do anything else return; } // if we are not working with a blank line if(data != "") { // if the line does not begin with a comment if(llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) { // find first equal sign integer i = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); // if line contains equal sign if(i != -1) { // get name of name/value pair string name = llGetSubString(data, 0, i - 1); // get value of name/value pair string value = llGetSubString(data, i + 1, -1); // trim name list temp = llParseString2List(name, [" "], []); name = llDumpList2String(temp, " "); // make name lowercase (case insensitive) name = llToLower(name); // trim value temp = llParseString2List(value, [" "], []); value = llDumpList2String(temp, " "); // name if(name == "Channel") Channel = value; // unknown name else llOwnerSay("Unknown configuration value: " + name + " on line " + (string)line); } // line does not contain equal sign else { llOwnerSay("Configuration could not be read on line " + (string)line); } } } // read the next line notecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(configurationNotecardName, ++line);} state_entry() { init(); llListen(Channel, "",llDetectedKey(0), ""); }
  2. ok I do not want to post the script I need help with on here it is basically a notecard configured device that you can talk to on a channel defined in the notecard but I am having trouble getting the channel set via the notecard to the listen I inclued this link to a simple notecard config which I used as my start of point Note Card Configuration (please note I set the link to open in a new link) if you think you can help please feel free to contact me in Second Life via IM I am willing to pay L$ if you are able to help me solve this and get it to a final working order
  3. my Card is a Nvidia Geforce GT520 1gb which has not long been out on the market as far as I known my SL 3rd party viewer says that it does not meet the minimum specs for Second life even thoought I can run it in Ultra with full graphics settings is it possible to update the compatible graphics cards list to inclued this I known you do not do Support for 3rd party viewers but this is an issue that needs addressing
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