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Steve Noland

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Posts posted by Steve Noland

  1. Good job people. This is a very good and honorable victory. The battle is not over though. zFire continues to try and get his product in line with LL's TOS and MAY mean he is still collecting our IP/username info and if even just he has access to alt information in this way, its intolerable. Other systems may also still emloy such practices.

    Really good job people.

    I feel there will still be a need for groups like Green Zone Users to continue to educate people as to privacy concerns as these products that track us are not likely to just go away and alt detection is popular with many SL residents. So lets not just call this a win and move on to other things. Stay vigillant use all TOS compliant methods to ensure our privacy is not at risk and know that with some work, patience and diligence we can keep SL privacy safe.

    Ok again, really great job folks.

    Now had zFire been fully transparent in his efforts to stop one of the biggest issues that LL has always been failing at (copybotting) much of this could of been avoided and instead of a villain zFire could have been closer to a hero. He would of had much advice about how his system was flawed and many would offer suggestions and other help to make his system not such a fail and violation of privacy that it was. I mention this because...

    Copybotting is still a major issue in SL and still needs to be addressed. Perhaps this community (greenies) and others can work together and look for real solutions to this issue and find some of the same success we are finding in fighting for our privacy. I personally dont have any skills to lend to this (that I know of) but would still show all support I can (afford to with respects to time and funds) to any group opperating with full transparency that seeks a real solution to fighting this great evil.

    So how about it? Good job people on fighting for privacy but what more can we do now?

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