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jimjim Loon

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Posts posted by jimjim Loon

  1. hi

    i have mannaged to make a simple animation using poser

    but two things have happened

    1/ the eye/mouth nd finger movments do not happen when the bvh file is used in world

    2/ the actual arm movments are not accuratly reproduced in world

    i was expecting there to be a small amount  of inaccuracy but not as much as what i seeing


    anyone got any idears



  2. hi

    i film sl and then i do it i hide all the tool bars


    now what is happening with the new update is

    when i fly the "stop fly" button pops up at the bottom of the screen well quite a way really up from the botttom


    there i some other instance where this happens aswell but i cant remember it now


    i would really like to be able to hide these buttons


    is there any way



  3. hi i just tryed the camtasia recorder  v7 to record sl

    what i want to know is why when i press record is secondlife controles getting messed up by the recorder ,,,,


    the secondlife  left right arrows make the avatar turn in slow motion and when i go into mouse look the mouse is uncontrolable


    does anyone know anything about this




  4. ok i just looked at task manager why i did not before i do not know


    and sl seems to be using both cores equaly,,,,,

    but i soppose that is not to say that sl would use 4 cores equaly ??


    does anyone have a 4 core cpu and can they see sl using 4 cores or 2 cores ,,,



  5. thanks guys


    what it is   i need to upgrade just the cpu because it is maxing out my e6750 running at 2.66ghz

    so i was going to upgrade the cpu to a q6600 quad running at 2.44 ghz

    the q6600 is a much faster chip i just want to make sure it will help sl


    my ram is at max couse i on xp but it aint causing a problem as yet

    my graphics card is fine couse it a nvida 8800gts




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