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Mayli Nirpaw

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Posts posted by Mayli Nirpaw

  1. Ok I tried checking for gestures before i wrote the question the first time. I checked again as a result of the 2 responses i got. Darren's search advice turned up some gestures i had not found, thank you. However, none of those were the offending gestures. I vaguely think i remember at some point in some viewer or viewer set up process seeing a choice to make your av respond to words said. I have searched everywhere and not found a control for that.  I also remember once long ago, about 2 yrs ago boxing up some gestures. But now i cant find the boxes. I would not think that gestures i boxed could still be active. I am at a loss on this. it is driving me nuts. Is there anything else i can try?

    I am talking about your head shaking no any time no occurs in a word, such as know, now knowledge. Also you laugh like and idiot for the word laugh of lol is typed. This is when i type in local chat.. I turned the typing ani back on.. but still happening. I have deactivated nearly every gesture. The ones left are those for weapons, bow or curtsey. This is really bugging me because i dont see others making these movements when they chat and use the same words.

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