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Kyra Ishtari

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Posts posted by Kyra Ishtari

  1. I could not agree more.  We need more easily accessible updating for store landmarks and for updates to products as well as the ability to ban users from purchasing from us.  I have seen users with childish vendettas going against other sellers and purposely buying only to leave inaccurate poor ratings.  This should be preventable with a blocking ability.  I also think that we should be able to store certain things on our listing templates like our terms of service, licensing agreements and such for full perm sellers and other instructional information that some of us use on ALL of our listings.    Multiple photo uploads would be great too!

    There are so many ways that marketplace listings could be streamlined to make them work better for everyone.  I am 1000% behind the idea for a gacha resellers category as well, even with subcategories would be great.  And building and creating tools should be limited to full perm items.  I can't tell you how many times I've been looking for something full perm and found something in that full perm mesh category only to get it and discover that it was no trans.  This is EXTREMELY frustrating.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I can no longer access skilled gaming sims though I am in a state unaffected by the new rules.  I have current and correct billing information on file as well as correct address information, yet I continually get a message that I have some content errors. 


    [09:33] Second Life: The region you're trying to visit contains unknown content, but your current preferences are set to exclude unknown content.


    I have called their support line and got NO help.  I"m SO frustrated I just don't know what to do.

  3. Elijah,

    I understand and completely agree with your point in asking this, but the problem is a complex one.  I, too, am from a generation where being expected to say "please" and "thank you" and calling people sir or ma'am was the norm, not the polite exception.  However, that time has come and gone and the world is an ever changing place and with those changes, the moral compass that many people once guided their lives with is becoming a distant memory. And honestly, while it may seem like it, SL is not localized to one nation or even English speaking ones.  And, with that cultural diversity comes and even more expansive set of manners and social graces or lack there of.

    Many cultures outside of English speaking ones, I have noticed, don't care about how they treat other players nor if they wait their turn or do anything that we would consider common courtesy.  It drives me up the wall, to be perfectly honest.  My mute list is longer than my arm and seems to grow at an alarming rate!

    And let's face it, we're the polite relics from an age gone by, watching a new generation of people who don't hold themselves accountable for hurting others or plowing them over to do or say whatever rude or thoughtless thing they want.  Distressing, I know, but it is, unfortunately, the state of the world today.

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