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Korgi Lerwick

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Posts posted by Korgi Lerwick

  1. Hi Amore

    There's some basic info about SL photography on my website at: http://www.fotoscopesl.com/Support/SLPhotography.aspx

    Also a page on SL lighting: http://www.fotoscopesl.com/Support/SLLights.aspx

    These refer to technique of course... inspiration is a little harder...... visit great sims and look at great photos!!! THINK about what you want to do in advance. Try to visualise the pics you want to take.... then think about what you need to do to achieve that result. That means... location (backdrop), composition, lighting, angle of view, model(s), props etc etc etc. And then there's post-processing....... :)

    Good luck!

    Korgi Lerwick



  2. Most of the answers given have explained the business of aspect ratio pretty well. I'm assuming we're talking about snapshots that you've saved to your hard drive, edited and then uploaded into SL.

    The key thing to bear in mind is what you intend to do with your finished pic. There are 3 main scenarios:

    * a pic for one of the 3 tabs on your profile. There it's important that the aspect ratio or SHAPE of your pic matches the tab where you want to display it. That's been well covered already in this discussion.

    * a pic for an image viewer or photo frame where the dimensions are pre-decided. Again the trick is to match the shape of your pic to the shape of the viewer or frame.

    * a pic you plan to add to a modifiable prim or frame. There you can make your pics any shape you like so long as you modify the prim or frame to be the SAME shape! For example if I create a pic which has dimensions of, say 1600 x 1150 pixels then I would create a prim which has x and y dimensions of 1.6 m x 1.15 metres. Then I can resize the whole prim to its final size and the shape remains precisely correct. There's no quality loss whatsover and this works perfectly. (Of course SL will resize your uploaded image file to the nearest powers of 2 but this doesn't matter so long as the prim shape and the original image shape are identical!)

    This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of SL photography  and it's sad that so many pics which are good appear stretched or squashed.

    Good luck Myra!!!


    Korgi Lerwick





  3. Hi Precious

    I make and sell a couples posestand called the Fotoscope Duopose. It could be mine that you're using!!!! a few comments spring to mind!

    Unfortunately the notecard setup is pretty much unavoidable because there is no standard way for naming poses. As a result it's impossible for a script to know which pose belongs with which or which menu set they should belong to. I've spoken to several posemakers about a standard format for posenames so scripts could automate posestand setup but I have to say my suggestions haven't been met with any enthusiasm at all.

    Where positions are concerned again it's impossible for scripts to know how to place avatars together in any couples or group pose. Even if it were it would only be an approximation as avatar sizes can vary enormously!

    Some systems like the Intan dance system use preset notecards which contain the necessary data for the script to read. Unfortunately there are sooooo many couples poses out there used by photographers that this approach wouldn't really work for photographers.

    So with my stand it IS necessary to rip out the animaton files, drop them in the stand, edit a notecard and edit the positions. I hope the help I've provided in the stand makes this relatively straightforward. I also have a webpage which provides extra informationa about this at http://www.fotoscopesl.com/Support/DuoposeHelp.aspx. I hope too that editing positions is made much easier by having a single HUD button to click rather than endless menus!

    Lastly I'm ALWAYS happy to help those who are having problems setting things up. Give me a call inworld if you still need some help setting this up. That applies even if it isn't my posestand you're using :) Photography should be about learning and fun and taking geat pics... not getting immensely frustrated with stuf that just doesn't work!!!


    Korgi Lerwick




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