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Loli Nori

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Posts posted by Loli Nori

  1. I love using Firestorm's feature of using local textures which update anytime the local file is saved, it's saved me tons of time and lindens in testing textures before uploading the final version. 

    I'm hoping to do something similar with BOM body layers, but because the texture is local to my computer and doesn't exist in-world, it never actually bakes onto the body.  Also, for whatever reason, BOM body layers are distorted for me in the preview when editing a new tattoo, etc layer, but the head textures show fine for some reason so I actually am able to preview them with local textures.

    Is there any way to test BOM body layers using local textures so that I can adjust things without reuploading and updating the tattoo layer 1000x?

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  2. Hello everyone, I'm sure this has been answered but I searched and really couldn't find what I'm hoping for... so I apologize in advance if it's a redundant question!

    I'm looking for a good way to create seamless textures for the SL av by painting directly onto the model and then exporting the textures.  I'm trying to create tattoos that go seamlessly from upper body to lower body, wrap around the arms, etc.

    I have Photoshop CS6 Extended and imported the default SL av model with Robin Wood templates into Photoshop and began painting on the model but the painting isn't wrapping correctly around the legs, waist, arms, etc... it gets weirdly warped.  After a while the more I paint the blurrier and more distorted the textures get, too.  This is really frustrating and I can't do any fine details on the textures because they turn out blurry.  I'm a super noob when it comes to all of this so I don't know if I'm missing a setting or doing something wrong...

    Here is an example image of me just painting a squiggle on the 3D avatar in Photoshop, and even just that simple fat line got distorted... y3jtfpS.jpg

    Could anyone offer some tips please?  I'm also willing to try out some other programs if Photoshop isn't ideal for this type of thing.  


  3. Hello everyone. I recently returned to SL after being gone for many years.  There are a lot of changes in both SL and the viewer and I'm having some difficulty getting things to look good.  I have SL running on ultra settings but the lighting on my character, her face in particular, is very ugly and jagged, not smooth at all.   She looks horrible :(  I still have an old avatar but she didn't used to look like this years ago...


    Here is a picture to show what I mean.  See all the ugly jagged shadows on her face (cheeks especially)?  I would expect SL to look better than this running on ultra settings.  Is there a way to fix it?  Thanks :)



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