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Mark Busch

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Posts posted by Mark Busch

  1. Hi there, maybe I'm missing something, but in all the years I'm working in SL I never found a way to show all scripts in an object, and open one of them to edit. I always have to select the right prim first. Any idea why this option, which seems quite logical for developers to have, is not here yet? Or is there some way of doing that with me not knowing.

    Is there a feature request on the Jira about this? I can't seem to find one, but I would THINK that I'm not the only one who is thinking: why on earth are we not able to list all the scripts in an object so it's easy to find and edit a certain scripts.

    Any comments on this?

  2. I'm pretty sure that the MAV_BLOCK missing has other causes as well. In a project i'm working on, mesh is generated, and if there are multiple materials/colors, they never share the same vertices, they are always different pieces of mesh. So for me, that can't be problem, but sometimes I get the error anyway.

    Also in the only jira entry about this error (as was mentioned earlier here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7823) the error does not seem related to materials sharing vertices, but rather there might be something wrong in the physics calculator.

    So I'm not saying that the problem you've described is not a cause, but there is certainly also another cause as far as I can tell.

  3. I fully support this idea. For big games it is indeed problematic if you make a mistake ONE time and someone has the script (or the permission system of SL messes up), then no matter how good your security, it's fully compremised. There needs to be SOME way of making sure only scripts that were last compiled by one person, or a group of person, is allowed to communicate with the game system. Checking the creator (as creator is defined now) is still a bit problematic. If someone finds an item with a modifyable script, the creater will remain the same for the item, even if the script is modifyed by another person.

    So the best idea is to use the key of the person who last compiled (saved) the script for any security related system, not the creater of the object.

  4. Hi im struggling to work on a HUD that i will allow a funtction only after it has heard 5 passwords.

    I'm not a great Scripter and i think it has something to do with changing an integer meaning, but i cant get my head round it so as a last resort ive come bac to the forum for assistance.

    Basically i have 5 objects that say a password, and the HUd needs to hear all 5 passwords before it will open up a new function. Is this possible and how?

    Thank you



  5. If people 'control' an object, then either

    -they are wearing it
    -they are sitting on it and it is an vehicle (it can look like they are inside the object because a script can define the sit position
    -they are sitting on it (or not) and movement is script based without using a vehicle (less smooth)


    for the rez script, llRezObject does rez an object, ofcourse you have to place something in the inventory of the object. In the rezzed object you can indeed place a script as MagicMert showed

    As for the collissions: try putting  llVolumeDetect(TRUE); in the state_entry of an object. This will make it phantom but it will detect collisions. Use collision events to detect them.


  6. I'm selling the well-known full SIM Navora. For more then 5 years, the SIM was home to DarkLife, the oldest and one of the few real working SecondLife Role Playing Games.

    The price is 1000 USD.

    If you would be interested in buying the game as well, we could talk about that too, but for now I just offer the SIM ownership.

    Please IM me or send a notecard!

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